Flutter printing invoice to usb printer in desktop app - flutter

I'm working on flutter desktop app and i need to print invoice to USB printer.
Currently i m using this plugin but not working, it only shows pdf view with loading indicator only. not loading the invoice view i created.
https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_usb_write. This is another plugin i've tried so far but when running the app is shows exception stated unable to find method implementation for detecting usb connected devices.
Please help me solving this issues or suggest me some another solution or plugin.

Flutter desktop has been launched as stable earlier this year. Perhaps you may want to try running a desktop build again using the latest Flutter version. Simply run flutter upgrade to update the Flutter version that you're running on. Currently, the printing plugin is one of the stable printer plugins on Flutter.
If the issue persists, please include the logs from the app. This should give indicators if the app is able to communicate with the printer or if there's any issues with the document that you're trying to print.


Flutter : agora rtc engine make the app crash in the another device

I want to add agora_rtc_engine plugin into my app , but I'm facing a problem with it . When i debugging the app on real device it is working and when i installing it on another device it doesn't work and show me that on the device screen
agora video call flutter keep stopping
I'm using the agora quick start example https://github.com/AgoraIO-Community/Agora-Flutter-Quickstart
can any one know the wrong with it ?
It happens to me when I rewrite code or copy lib. But when I download examples like this one https://github.com/AgoraIO-Community/Agora-Flutter-Quickstart everything works.
Temporary you can build your project on this one, just changing name and reinstalling it on your phone.

having trouble setting up flutter in vs code

I have trouble in setting flutter and running an app on a real device in vs code. I want to run my apps on physical device and I do not want to use emulators. Is it going to be possible?
Yes, this is very possible. In fact, many flutter developers use physical devices in order to test features like Maps,Camera, etc. I always recommend following a video tutorial to set up environments for development. But you should try the following:
First of all, I recommend the flutter docs https://flutter.dev/docs/development/tools/vs-code to set up vscode.
After this, all you need does not have anything to do with VSCode any longer. You should check https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/windows to connect a physical device.
Im not sure if you have already setup flutter on your machine to start with. If you haven't use this link how to install flutter
the next part is easy just install dart and flutter extensions in vscode.

How to update flutter app programmatically in Play/App store?

There is an upgrader (mostly for iOS) and in_app_update plugin (for android). I try to implement them both and had a difficulty to do so. I post and issues in both plugin but I got no response. So if anyone use this 2 plugin successfully please can you share step-by-step approach details.
Basically How to update flutter app programmatically in Google Play Store (Android) & App Store (iOS)?
I have also tried in_app_update 1.1.11 and upgrader 2.4.0.
For upgrader:
I also don't know how to use Appcast, so I use the iTune api to get my app version in the App Store then pop up the install dialog. However, the iTune api is so slow to update. Therefore I just use Firebase remote config to set the version once the app is published.
For in_app_update:
I also don't know how to use it. I have add the Play Core in app/build.gradle
implementation 'com.google.android.play:core:1.8.0'
Nothing pop up even I downloaded the old version from the Play Store and then publish a new version.
I found that in_app_update actually work just by following its example code. I don't have any update pop up before because my Android device is Mi 9, seems there is some bug in it. The update pop up can be seen in the release version of other brand of devices
Since I really want to use the Play Store in-app-update, so for android I did use the remote config... waiting for someone to have the guides

Building a Flutter application for mobile and desktop

Recently I've found out about Flutter being able to support desktop applications as well. I'm just curious how far this technology is and if any of you had success porting your mobile apps to the desktop. If so, what was the experience like? Are desktop-specific features like windows, mouse interaction, desktop notifications, etc. supported?
It was demonstrated at the Flutter Live event in December, but nothing official has been released that I'm aware of.
Flutter for Desktop was launched as alpha build at flutter interact 2019.
The official documentation is available at https://flutter.dev/desktop
The following video describes how to run your flutter app on a MacOS
You can watch the following video is you don't wanna read the docs
(Skip to 0:48 seconds, as slight noise occurs for few seconds)
A simple app is created using android studio and we can easily see the options available to port the code to all platforms. For example, if you create a default app using android studio, the mouse event will help you to tap on a button and increase the count.
Regarding the experience, it feels good to write a single code and port/deploy on any platform. Using VSCode or android studio, both are helpful.

I cannot see my app when I debug my project on smartface free

I have installed the free version of smartface and just created a training project. When I build it my app install on virtual android device but I cannot see it. I just see the smartface adverts.
What can I do to solve this problem? Should I get it lisenced?
I didn't get your problem exactly, can you please share a screenshot?
And maybe you can check the link below for more information about Android virtual device usage :
By the way, you should create the virtual device using google api.
The screen that you mentioned is just shown at the beginning of the app for some seconds. Then you can see your application page and use it. You should reinstall it on a real android device.