Confusion about perl reference precedence - perl

I must simply ask what is the difference between the two here ?
${$rarray[1]} vs ${$rarray}[1]
I understand ${$rarray}[1] but I really cannot life of me understand ${$rarray[1]} ??

${$rarray[1]} is the second element of an array $rarray[1] being dereferenced into a scalar by ${ ... }.
${$rarray}[1] is the second element in the array #$rarray.
It can be easier to see if you add some whitespace:
${ $rarray[1] } # #rarray is defined somewhere
${ $rarray }[1] # $rarray is an array reference
As a way to visualize it, imagine this
my $aref = $rarray[1]; # copy array ref
print ${ $aref }; # dereference $aref


How can #? be used on a dereferenced array without first using #?

An array in perl is dereferenced like so,
my #array = #{$array_reference};
When trying to assign an array to a dereference without the '#', like,
my #array = {$array_reference};
Perl throws the error, 'Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at ./ line 22.' We can't assign it to an array variable becauase Perl is confused about the type.
So how can we perform...
my $lastindex = $#{$array_reference};
if Perl struggles to understand that '{$array_reference}' is an array type? It would make more sense to me if this looked like,
my $lastindex = $##{$array_reference};
(despite looking much uglier).
tl;dr: It's $#{$array_reference} to match the syntax of $#array.
{} is overloaded with many meanings and that's just how Perl is.
Sometimes {} creates an anonymous hash. That's what {$array_reference} is doing, trying to make a hash where the key is the stringification of $array_reference, something like "ARRAY(0x7fb21e803280)" and there is no value. Because you're trying to create a hash with a key and no value you get an "odd number of elements" warning.
Sometimes {...} is a block like sub { ... } or if(...) { ... }, or do {...} and so on.
Sometimes it's a bare block like { local $/; ... }.
Sometimes it's indicating the key of a hash like $hash{key} or $hash->{key}.
Preceeded with certain sigils {} makes dereferencing explicit. While you can write $#$array_reference or #$array_reference sometimes you want to dereference something that isn't a simple scalar. For example, if you had a function that returned an array reference you could get its size in one line with $#{ get_array_reference() }. It's $#{$array_reference} to match the syntax of $#array.
$#{...} dereferences an array and gets the index. #{...} dereferences an array. %{...} dereferences a hash. ${...} dereferences a scalar. *{...} dereferences a glob.
You might find the section on Variable Names and Sigils in Modern Perl helpful to see the pattern better.
It would make more sense to me if this looked like...
There's a lot of things like that. Perl has been around since 1987. A lot of these design decisions were made decades ago. The code for deciding what {} means is particularly complex. That there is a distinction between an array and an array reference at all is a bit odd.
is equivalent to
${ \#array }[$index]
#{ \#array }[#indexes]
#{ \#array }
$#{ \#array }
See the pattern? Wherever the NAME of an array isused, you can use a BLOCK that returns a reference to an array instead. That means you can use
${ $ref }[$index]
#{ $ref }[#indexes]
#{ $ref }
$#{ $ref }
This is illustrated in Perl Dereferencing Syntax.
Note that you can omit the curlies if the BLOCK contains nothing but a simple scalar.
There's also an "arrow" syntax which is considered clearer.
Perl is confused about the type
Perl struggles to understand that '{$array_reference}' is an array type
Well, it's not an array type. Perl doesn't "struggle"; you just have wrong expectations.
The general rule (as explained in perldoc perlreftut) is: You can always use a reference in curly braces in place of a variable name.
#array # a whole array
#{ $array_ref } # same thing with a reference
$array[$i] # an array element
${ $array_ref }[$i] # same thing with a reference
$#array # last index of an array
$#{ $array_ref } # same thing with a reference
On the other hand, what's going on with
my #array = {$array_reference};
is that you're using the syntax for a hash reference constructor, { LIST }. The warning occurs because the list in question is supposed to have an even number of elements (for keys and values):
my $hash_ref = {
key1 => 'value1',
key2 => 'value2',
What you wrote is treated as
my #array = ({
$array_reference => undef,
i.e. an array containing a single element, which is a reference to a hash containing a single key, which is a stringified reference (and whose value is undef).
The syntactic difference between a dereference and a hashref constructor is that a dereference starts with a sigil (such as $, #, or %) whereas a hashref constructor starts with just a bare {.
Technically speaking the { } in the dereference syntax form an actual block of code:
print ${
print "one\n"; # yeah, I just put a statement in the middle of an expression
print "two\n";
["three"] # the last expression in this block is implicitly returned
# (and dereferenced by the surrounding $ [0] construct outside)
}[0], "\n";
For (hopefully) obvious reasons, no one actually does this in real code.
The syntax is
my $lastindex = $#$array_reference;
which assigns to $lastindex the index of the last element of the anonymous array which reference is in the variable $array_reference.
The code
my #ary = { $ra }; # works but you get a warning
doesn't throw "an error" but rather a warning. In other words, you do get #ary with one element, a reference to an anonymous hash. However, a hash need have an even number of elements so you also get a warning that that isn't so.
Your last attempt dereferences the array with #{$array_reference} -- which returns a list, not an array variable. A "list" is a fleeting collection of scalars in memory (think of copying scalars on stack to go elsewhere); there is no notion of "index" for such a thing. For this reason a $##{$ra} isn't even parsed as intended and is a syntax error.
The syntax $#ary works only with a variable #ary, and then there is the $#$arrayref syntax. You can in general write $#{$arrayref} since the curlies allow for an arbitrary expression that evaluates to an array reference but there is no reason for that since you do have a variable with an array reference.
I'd agree readily that much of this syntax takes some getting-used-to, to put it that way.

perl: print a string from a hash that contains a reference to it

Sorry if this is a bad title.
I have the following hash:
my %map = (
'key1', 'hello',
'key2', \'there'
print Dumper(\%map);
$VAR1 = {
'key2' => \'there',
'key1' => 'hello'
I want to print out the value at 'key2'. Here's what I've tried:
print "$map{key2}" => SCALAR(0x2398b08)
print "$$map{key2}" =>
print "$map->{key2}" =>
my goal:
print [some magic thing] => there
I'm new to perl, so I'm not 100% clear yet on how references behave and how to dereference them. How do I get what I'm looking for?
$map{key2} returns the value of the desired element. The element is a reference to a string.[1] If you wish to print the string referenced by that reference, you need to dereference it.
say ${ $map{key2} };
Mini-Tutorial: Dereferencing Syntax
References quick reference
I doubt this is intentional! This surely indicates an error somewhere.
$map{key2} is a reference to a scalar value \'there', so you need to dereference it
Your $$map{key2} and $map->{key2} both treat $map as a reference to a hash, but it doesn't even exist so that is wrong
You must use braces to disambiguate the order of evaluation
${ $map{key2} }
is what you want. Or you can write it in two steps
my $val = $map{key2};
print $$val, "\n";
I like to add the following line to all my perl scripts:
use strict;
This will keep you out of trouble with the scope of your variables. It does require you to scope all your variables with at a minimum of "my".
The following will let you print the value (of the hash associated with "key2") directly,
without the intermediate step of copying it out to another variable first.
print ${$map{'key2'}}, "\n";

Why can't I assign a variable to a hash entry in Perl?

Sorry, I'm super rusty with Perl. See the following code:
foreach my $hash (keys %greylist)
$t = $greylist{$hash};
print $greylist{$hash}[4] . "\n";
print $t[4] . "\n";
Why does $t[4] evaluate to a blank string, yet $greylist{$hash}[4] which should be the same thing evaluates to an IP address?
$greylist{$hash} contains an array reference. When you do:
print $greylist{$hash}[4];
Perl automatically treats it as an array reference but when you do:
$t = $greylist{$hash};
print $t[4];
You're assigning the array reference to a scalar variable, $t, then attempting to access the 5th element of another variable, #t. use strict would give you an error in this scenario.
Use the arrow operator, ->, to dereference:
$t = $greylist{$hash};
print $t->[4];
perlreftut has a note about this:
If $aref holds a reference to an array, then $aref->[3] is the fourth element of the array. Don't confuse this with $aref[3] , which is the fourth element of a totally different array, one deceptively named #aref . $aref and #aref are unrelated the same way that $item and #item are.

Dereferencing in case of $_[0], $_[1] ..... so on

please see the below code:
$scalar = 10;
sub subroutine {
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$_[0]}; #note you need the {} brackets, or this doesn't work!
print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
In the code above you can see the comment written "note you need the {} brackets, or this doesn't work!" . Please explain the reason that why we cant use the same statement as:
my $subroutine_scalar = $$_[0];
i.e. without using the curly brackets.
Many people have already given correct answers here. I wanted to add an example I found illuminating. You can read the documentation in perldoc perlref for more information.
Your problem is one of ambiguity, you have two operations $$ and [0] working on the same identifier _, and the result depends on which operation is performed first. We can make it less ambiguous by using the support curly braces ${ ... }. $$_[0] could (for a human anyway) possibly mean:
${$$_}[0] -- dereference the scalar $_, then take its first element.
${$_[0]} -- take element 0 of the array #_ and dereference it.
As you can see, these two cases refer to completely different variables, #_ and $_.
Of course, for Perl it is not ambiguous, we simply get the first option, since dereferencing is performed before key lookup. We need the support curly braces to override this dereferencing, and that is why your example does not "work" without support braces.
You might consider a slightly less confusing functionality for your subroutine. Instead of trying to do two things at once (get the argument and dereference it), you can do it in two stages:
sub foo {
my $n = shift;
print $$n;
Here, we take the first argument off #_ with shift, and then dereference it. Clean and simple.
Most often, you will not be using references to scalar variables, however. And in those cases, you can make use of the arrow operator ->
my #array = (1,2,3);
sub foo {
my $aref = shift;
print $aref->[0];
I find using the arrow operator to be preferable to the $$ syntax.
${ $x }[0] grabs the value of element 0 in the array referenced by $x.
${ $x[0] } grabs the value of scalar referenced by the element 0 of the array #x.
>perl -E"$x=['def']; #x=\'abc'; say ${ $x }[0];"
>perl -E"$x=['def']; #x=\'abc'; say ${ $x[0] };"
$$x[0] is short for ${ $x }[0].
>perl -E"$x=['def']; #x=\'abc'; say $$x[0];"
my $subroutine_scalar = $$_[0];
is same as
my $subroutine_scalar = $_->[0]; # $_ is array reference
On the other hand,
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$_[0]};
dereferences scalar ref for first element of #_ array, and can be written as
my ($sref) = #_;
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$sref}; # or $$sref for short
Because $$_[0] means ${$_}[0].
Consider these two pieces of code which both print 10:
sub subroutine1 {
my $scalar = 10;
my $ref_scalar = \$scalar;
my #array = ($ref_scalar);
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$array[0]};
print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
sub subroutine2 {
my #array = (10);
my $ref_array = \#array;
my $subroutine_scalar = $$ref_array[0];
print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
In subroutine1, #array is an array containing the reference of $scalar. So the first step is to get the first element by $array[0], and then deference it.
While in subroutine2, #array is an array containing an scalar 10, and $ref_array is its reference. So the first step is to get the array by $ref_array, and then index the array.

consecutive operators and brackets

I'm just trying to learn a bit of Perl and have come across this:
foreach $element (#{$records})
do something;
To my newbie eyes, this reads:
"for each element in an array named #{$records}, do something"
but, since that seems an unlikely name for an array (with "#{$" altogether), I imagine it isn't that simple?
I've also come across "%$" used together.
I know % signifies a hash and $ signifies a scalar but don't know what they mean together.
Can anyone shed any light on these?
In Perl you can have a reference (a pointer) to a data structure:
# an array
my #array;
# a reference to an array
my $ref = \#array;
When you have a reference to be able to use the array you need to dereference it
#{ $ref }
If you need to access an element as in
you can do the same with a reference
The curly brackets {} are optional and you can also use
but I personally find them less readable.
The same applies to every other type (as %$ for a hash reference).
See man perlref for the details and man perlreftut for a tutorial.
The arrow operator -> can also be used to dereference an array or an hash
See man perlop for details
If you have a reference to an array or a hash, you would use a scalar to hold the reference:
my $href = \%hash;
my $aref = \#array;
When you want to de-reference these references, you would use the symbol appropriate for the reference type:
for my $element (#$aref) {
for my $key (keys %$href) {