Quarkus: "no tenant identifier specified" in callback - callback

I try to add multi-tenancy support for my Quarkus app, following Quarkus hibernate-orm doc (see last section).
I have my CustomTenantResolver class and configure in application.properties, with multiple data sources, but no named persistent unit, see below:
# Default data source
# ----- Tenant 'master' (default) ---------------
# ----- Tenant 'test' ---------------------------
Everything works fine for Web Services APIs functions - based on incoming web service calls, I can extract and supply tenant identifier for DB access.
Problem is, my app also needs to use callback method to listen on messages coming from Apache Pulsar queue. When a message comes in and triggers this callback, any DB access in this method will give this exception:
SessionFactory configured for multi-tenancy, but no tenant identifier specified: org.hibernate.HibernateException: SessionFactory configured for multi-tenancy, but no tenant identifier specified
at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractSharedSessionContract.<init>(AbstractSharedSessionContract.java:172)
at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractSessionImpl.<init>(AbstractSessionImpl.java:29)
at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.<init>(SessionImpl.java:221)
at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl$SessionBuilderImpl.openSession(SessionFactoryImpl.java:1282)
at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(SessionFactoryImpl.java:472)
at io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.runtime.session.TransactionScopedSession.acquireSession(TransactionScopedSession.java:86)
at io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.runtime.session.TransactionScopedSession.persist(TransactionScopedSession.java:138)
at io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.runtime.session.ForwardingSession.persist(ForwardingSession.java:53)
... (snipped)
Apparently my CustomTenantResolver class was not called during this listener callback as the callback is another fresh thread, hence no tenant id is supplied.
Do I miss anything? How about the scheduler in Quarkus - how does it support multi-tenancy in scheduled jobs?
Thanks for helps.

I had a similar issue when pulling messages from JMS. The cause of the issue is that io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.runtime.tenant.HibernateCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver ( which implements CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver and as the doc says Maps from the Quarkus {#link TenantResolver} to the Hibernate {#link CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver} model ) expects a request context to be active before calling our implementation of TenantResolver, as shown here:
// Make sure that we're in a request
if (!Arc.container().requestContext().isActive()) {
return null;
TenantResolver resolver = tenantResolver(persistenceUnitName);
String tenantId = resolver.resolveTenantId();
I solved it on my app by, first, enabling the request context on the JMS consumer:
and, second, using a ThreadLocal to "pass" the current tenant id to the TenantResolver that will be called later by Hibernate ( through the HibernateCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver instance):
On my TenantResolver ( the class that implements TenantResolver ) I resolve the tenant from either an injected JsonWebToken jwt when it comes from a WebRequest, or using the ThreadLocal when consuming from JMS:
if ( CurrentTenantLocal.getCurrentTenantId() != null ) {
return CurrentTenantLocal.getCurrentTenantId();
Note that I haven't done an exhaustive search of the possible side effects of activating the request context... but I have no problems so far.


Setting Scenario Endpoints

I am having problems setting an endpoint URI in a scenario for the Citrus Simulator. Here is how I am trying to build my scenario:
public void run(ScenarioDesigner scenario) {
.payload("<ns2:LOVRequest xmlns:ns2=\"http://www.sikorsoftware.com/lov/schemas\"><ns2:id>123456</ns2:id></ns2:LOVRequest>");
.payload("<LOVResponse xmlns=\"http://www.sikorsoftware.com/lov/schemas\">" +
"Hi there!" +
But I keep getting this message when I try to send a soap message:
o.s.ws.server.EndpointNotFound : No endpoint mapping found
for [SaajSoapMessage
What am I doing wrong. Should I be setting up my endpoints a different way?
The endpoint is always a reference to a Citrus Spring bean component, in particular the component id that is used to add the component to the Spring application context.
In addition to that the scenario endpoint is automatically referenced when using the scenario designer instance. So in case you want to receive the scenario triggering message you do not need any endpoint reference.
When your scenario is not called this is because of some other issue in your setup. Maybe the incoming request does not map to your scenario definition.

spring cloud programmatic metadata generation

Is there anyway that I can generate some metadata to add to the service when it registers.
We are moving from Eureka to Consul and I need to add a UUID value to the registered metadata when a service starts. So that later I can get this metadata value when I retrieve the service instances by name.
Some background: We were using this excellent front end UI from https://github.com/VanRoy/spring-cloud-dashboard. It is set to use the Eureka model for services in which you have an Application with a name. Each application will have multiple instances each with an instance id.
So with the eureka model there is a 2 level service description whereas the spring cloud model is a flat one where n instances each of which have a service id.
The flat model won't work with the UI that I referenced above since there is no distinction between application name and instance id which is the spring model these are the same.
So if I generate my own instance id and handle it through metadata then I can preserve some of the behaviour without rewriting the ui.
See the documentation on metadata and tags in spring cloud consul. Consul doesn't support metadata on service discovery yet, but spring cloud has a metadata abstraction (just a map of strings). In consul tags created with key=value style are parsed into that metadata map.
For example in, application.yml:
tags: foo=bar, baz
The above configuration will result in a map with foo→bar and baz→baz.
Based on Spencer's answer I added an EnvironmentPostProcessor to my code.
It works and I am able to add the metadata tag I want programmatically but it is a complement to the "tags: foo=bar, baz" element so it overrides that one. I will probably figure a way around it in the next day or so but I thougth I would add what I did for other who look at this answer and say, so what did you do?
first add a class as follows:
public class MetaDataEnvProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor, Ordered {
// Before ConfigFileApplicationListener
private int order = ConfigFileApplicationListener.DEFAULT_ORDER - 1;
private UUID instanceId = UUID.randomUUID();
public int getOrder() {
return this.order;
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment,
SpringApplication application) {
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("spring.cloud.consul.discovery.tags", "instanceId="+instanceId.toString());
MapPropertySource propertySource = new MapPropertySource("springCloudConsulTags", map);
then add a spring.factories in resources/META-INF with eht following line to add this processor
This works fine except for the override of what is in your application.yml file for tags

Getting User authority error (_ERR_USER_AUTHORITY) on handler databean mapping in WCS

I have created a REST handler which was mapped to a data bean.
And I am calling the databean using this method
executeConfigBasedBeanWithContext(dataBeanName, profileName, responseFormat,
Now, on calling this handler, I am getting the below Exception:
EC_APPLICATION_EXCEPTION like The user does not have authority to
execute this query (_ERR_USER_AUTHORITY).
But it was working for Admin users(wcsadmin) without any exception.
Below is the REST Exception:
You are not authorized to execute query: GET
Am I missing anything here?
Per the IBM documentation
If you are using remote binding through REST service calls, and the
data bean does not implement the Delegator interface, only a Site
Administrator can run the service call by default. This can be
customized by overriding the isSiteResource(DataBean) method of the
REST Resource Handler class.

Keycloak Custom Validation Output messages

I'm using jboss keycloak 1.5 final version.
I developed my custom user federation provider interfacing with keycloak properties and my user enterprise database.
My need is to send up to user the login interface custom error messages based on particular specific error related to my legacy user db.
I saw keycloak themes have a resources folder by which i can localize and add new messages. Then i can reference them by angular js using
notation. The problem is i want to rise up a message from keycloak server. My user federation provider implements UserFederationProvider interface. So i should have to override:
public CredentialValidationOutput validCredentials(RealmModel realm, UserCredentialModel credential) {
LOGGER.info("validCredentials(realm, credential)");
return CredentialValidationOutput.failed();
which seems to be the method i was looking for just because CredentialValidationOutput contains custom messages to be sent as validation output. The problem is this method is never called.
I'll post the answer found on my own.
It's necessary to develop your own Authenticator. For example refer to Keycloak UsernameAndForm and UsernameAndFormFactory implementation.
You can find them on Keycloak github source code:
The main validation method are:
public boolean validateUserAndPassword(AuthenticationFlowContext context, MultivaluedMap<String, String> inputData) {
public boolean validatePassword(AuthenticationFlowContext context, UserModel user, MultivaluedMap<String, String> inputData) {
From your custom user federation provider you can throw your custom exception and catch them in the two methods above adding:
catch (YourCustomException ex){
Response challengeResponse = context.form()
.setError("YOUR ERROR MESSAGE", me.getMandator()).createLogin();
context.failureChallenge(AuthenticationFlowError.INVALID_USER, challengeResponse);
return false;
Of course in your project you have to add
In which you specify the full qualified name of your AuthenticatorFactory.
For a valid guide make reference to Keycloak User Guide 1.6.1 Final. Chapter 33.3

Alternate way of configuring data sources in quartz scheduler properties file

We are configuring the Quartz Scheduler data sources as specified in the documentation that is by providing all the details without encrypting the data base details. By this the data base details are exposed to the other users and any one who have access to the file system can easily get hands on.
So are there any other ways to provide the data sources details using API or provide the database details by encrypting and providing the details as part of quartz.properties file
On class "StdSchedulerFactory" you can call the method "initialize(Properties props)" to set needed propertries by API. Then you don't need a property-file. (See: StdSchedulerFactory API)
public Scheduler createSchedulerWithProperties(Properties props)
throws SchedulerException {
StdSchedulerFactory factory = new StdSchedulerFactory(props);
return factory.getScheduler();
But then you have to set all properties of SchedulerFactory. Also the properties, that have a default value with default constructor. (Search for 'quartz.properties' inside of 'quartz-2.2.X.jar' to get default property values of quartz.)