Alternate way of configuring data sources in quartz scheduler properties file - quartz-scheduler

We are configuring the Quartz Scheduler data sources as specified in the documentation that is by providing all the details without encrypting the data base details. By this the data base details are exposed to the other users and any one who have access to the file system can easily get hands on.
So are there any other ways to provide the data sources details using API or provide the database details by encrypting and providing the details as part of file

On class "StdSchedulerFactory" you can call the method "initialize(Properties props)" to set needed propertries by API. Then you don't need a property-file. (See: StdSchedulerFactory API)
public Scheduler createSchedulerWithProperties(Properties props)
throws SchedulerException {
StdSchedulerFactory factory = new StdSchedulerFactory(props);
return factory.getScheduler();
But then you have to set all properties of SchedulerFactory. Also the properties, that have a default value with default constructor. (Search for '' inside of 'quartz-2.2.X.jar' to get default property values of quartz.)


Intershop 7.10. - fetching payment configuration

We would like to fetch the payment configuration from Order in Java class (OrderBO extension). So far we have managed to fetch the service like this:
final OrderBOPaymentExtension<OrderBO> paymentExtension = getExtendedObject().getExtension(OrderBOPaymentExtension.EXTENSION_ID);
final PaymentBO paymentBO = paymentExtension.getPaymentBOs().stream().findFirst().orElse(null);
PaymentServiceBO paymentServiceBO = paymentBO.getPaymentServiceBO();
Now we need to fetch the configuration, so we can read certain configuration parameters from the payment method. What is the best way to do that?
We know it is possible to fetch the payment configuration through the PO Factory like this:
PaymentConfigurationPOFactory f = (PaymentConfigurationPOFactory)NamingMgr.getInstance().lookupFactory(PaymentConfigurationPO.class);
PaymentConfigurationPO r = f.getConfigForIDAndDomain(iD, domain);
But we would like to avoid using deprecated code.
What we are trying to achieve is access these BO parameters in Java code:
I'd suggest you write a PaymentServiceBO extension. Within that extension you can write getter methods to query for certain config values. The java code for accessing service configuration object is:
PaymentConfiguration paymentConfig = paymentServiceBO.getExtension(PersistentObjectBOExtension.class).getPersistentObject();
ServiceConfigurationBO serviceConfigurationBO = repository.getServiceConfigurationBOByID(paymentConfig.getManagedServiceConfiguration().getUUID());
ConfigurationProvider configProviderExtension = serviceConfigurationBO.getExtension(ConfigurationProvider.class);
Configuration configuration = configProviderExtension.getConfiguration();
Logger.debug(this, "payment service config keys = {}", configuration.getKeys());
I believe PaymentConfiguration is deprecated. See PaymentConfigurationBO javadoc:
Deprecated since 7.6. Payment configurations are now represented via PaymentServiceBOs.
So you need to use PaymentServiceBO methods or write a business object extension that does what you want.

TYPO3 7.6 load backend user info

I've added my own scheduler task to the TYPO3 that will, for example, create new page if necessary. The scheduler runs by a special _cli_scheduler user and if I create new pages with it, other editors may not see it.
I'm using the DataHandler (former TCE) to create new pages. The start() method accepts an optional parameter - alternative user object that will be used as a creator of the page.
Having uid of an editor user, how can I fully instantiate the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication object which then I provide to the DataHandler::start()?
I was thinking of using the object manager to get new instance of the mentioned class and just set the uid on it, but the DataHandler checks some other properties of the BackendUserAuthentication object, like permissions, etc.
What is the correct way for getting BackendUserAuthentication object will all user data? Is there any factory or a repository I could use?
No one was able to help me with this, so I started digging. After some reverse engineering I have found a complete way for loading any backend user as long as you know their ID. I have created a read-only repository with the following method:
public function fetchById($userId)
/** #var BackendUserAuthentication $user */
$user = $this->objectManager->get(BackendUserAuthentication::class);
return $user;
It will do the following:
Load user record from database and store it internally in the $user property
Load the UC of the user
Load user/group permissions
Initialize file storage
Initialize workspace
I've dumped user created by this method and compared with the currently logged-in user and it seems that all necessary properties have been set up.
Please let me know if I missed something.

App properties in Spring Cloud Data Flow application

Based on the documentation for Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) only properties that are prefixed by either "deployed." or "app." are considered when deploying an application (be it a source, processor or sink) as part of a stream.
However, I've noticed that besides the prefix, all the properties must be provided as "strings", no matter what their original type is; otherwise, they are simply discarded by SCDF as per this line of code:
propertiesToUse = DeploymentPropertiesUtils.convert(props);
which does this:
public static Map<String, String> convert(Properties properties) {
Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(properties.size());
for (String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
result.put(key, properties.getProperty(key));
return result;
As you can see from the snippet above, it only considers "stringPropertyNames" which filters out anything that is not provided as a "String".
I presume this behaviour is intentional, but why? Why not just pick up all the properties defined by the user with the proper prefix?
Thanks for your support.
All the deployment properties are expected to be of Map<String, String> based on the contract set by the deployer SPI.
I believe one of the reasons is to have String key, values being passed to target deployment platform without serialization/de-serialization hurdle. and, using String values is similar to how one could set those key, value properties as environment variables (for example) in the target deployment platform.

spring cloud programmatic metadata generation

Is there anyway that I can generate some metadata to add to the service when it registers.
We are moving from Eureka to Consul and I need to add a UUID value to the registered metadata when a service starts. So that later I can get this metadata value when I retrieve the service instances by name.
Some background: We were using this excellent front end UI from It is set to use the Eureka model for services in which you have an Application with a name. Each application will have multiple instances each with an instance id.
So with the eureka model there is a 2 level service description whereas the spring cloud model is a flat one where n instances each of which have a service id.
The flat model won't work with the UI that I referenced above since there is no distinction between application name and instance id which is the spring model these are the same.
So if I generate my own instance id and handle it through metadata then I can preserve some of the behaviour without rewriting the ui.
See the documentation on metadata and tags in spring cloud consul. Consul doesn't support metadata on service discovery yet, but spring cloud has a metadata abstraction (just a map of strings). In consul tags created with key=value style are parsed into that metadata map.
For example in, application.yml:
tags: foo=bar, baz
The above configuration will result in a map with foo→bar and baz→baz.
Based on Spencer's answer I added an EnvironmentPostProcessor to my code.
It works and I am able to add the metadata tag I want programmatically but it is a complement to the "tags: foo=bar, baz" element so it overrides that one. I will probably figure a way around it in the next day or so but I thougth I would add what I did for other who look at this answer and say, so what did you do?
first add a class as follows:
public class MetaDataEnvProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor, Ordered {
// Before ConfigFileApplicationListener
private int order = ConfigFileApplicationListener.DEFAULT_ORDER - 1;
private UUID instanceId = UUID.randomUUID();
public int getOrder() {
return this.order;
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment,
SpringApplication application) {
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("", "instanceId="+instanceId.toString());
MapPropertySource propertySource = new MapPropertySource("springCloudConsulTags", map);
then add a spring.factories in resources/META-INF with eht following line to add this processor
This works fine except for the override of what is in your application.yml file for tags

Mybatis hybrid configuration system

I am writing a CLI app with Mybatis. In my app, when i go to different menus, it prompts for the user and password for the particular database that menu goes against.
I want to use Guice and Mybatis to handle all this but i have a slight problem. I want to use the XML config file to handle the mybatis config per database, but the user and pass from each connection has to come from the UI. So basically, i want to load mybatis xml file for a particular connection, then insert the credentials for the particular connection the user typed in, then bind those to the guice injector for that set of menus.
I can do it in java with a property object pretty easy, but i can't figure out how to do it with loading the XML first, then augmenting it with certain settings before loading.
Has anyone tried this?
If you are using mybatis guice this can be done by providing your dataSourceProvider for MyBatisModule like this:
Class<? extends Provider<DataSource>> dataSourceProviderType = YourDataSourceProvider.class;
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(
new MyBatisModule() {
protected void initialize() {
// other initialization ...
// other modules
YourDataSourceProvider should be able to create DataSource using credentials gotten from UI.
In this case you still can use xml mappers for mybatis.