Keycloak Custom Validation Output messages - jboss

I'm using jboss keycloak 1.5 final version.
I developed my custom user federation provider interfacing with keycloak properties and my user enterprise database.
My need is to send up to user the login interface custom error messages based on particular specific error related to my legacy user db.
I saw keycloak themes have a resources folder by which i can localize and add new messages. Then i can reference them by angular js using
notation. The problem is i want to rise up a message from keycloak server. My user federation provider implements UserFederationProvider interface. So i should have to override:
public CredentialValidationOutput validCredentials(RealmModel realm, UserCredentialModel credential) {"validCredentials(realm, credential)");
return CredentialValidationOutput.failed();
which seems to be the method i was looking for just because CredentialValidationOutput contains custom messages to be sent as validation output. The problem is this method is never called.

I'll post the answer found on my own.
It's necessary to develop your own Authenticator. For example refer to Keycloak UsernameAndForm and UsernameAndFormFactory implementation.
You can find them on Keycloak github source code:
The main validation method are:
public boolean validateUserAndPassword(AuthenticationFlowContext context, MultivaluedMap<String, String> inputData) {
public boolean validatePassword(AuthenticationFlowContext context, UserModel user, MultivaluedMap<String, String> inputData) {
From your custom user federation provider you can throw your custom exception and catch them in the two methods above adding:
catch (YourCustomException ex){
Response challengeResponse = context.form()
.setError("YOUR ERROR MESSAGE", me.getMandator()).createLogin();
context.failureChallenge(AuthenticationFlowError.INVALID_USER, challengeResponse);
return false;
Of course in your project you have to add
In which you specify the full qualified name of your AuthenticatorFactory.
For a valid guide make reference to Keycloak User Guide 1.6.1 Final. Chapter 33.3


HAPI FHIR OpenAPI Authentication Configuration

Hi standing up a small FHIR v4 server with HAPI. I'm not great with Spring/Java having a hard time figuring out how to configure openapi with HAPI FHIR. Specifically I want to configure openapi to provide a button to authenticate users (with an implicit flow against my IDP) before allowing them to hit my FHIR endpoints. Does the built in HAPI OpenApiInterceptor have a way to provide an authentication mechinism?
To clarify I can add the interceptor and get the swagger page to get served but I cannot figure out how to configure the interceptor such that I can provide a mechinism to authenticate users. This code block works but doesn't appear to provide me a way to configure swagger auth.
protected void initialize() throws ServletException {
// ... define your resource providers here ...
// Now register the interceptor
OpenApiInterceptor openApiInterceptor = new OpenApiInterceptor();
OpenApiInterceptor does not performs authorization of users.
Hapi has provided us various interceptors to perform some tasks
in your case you should refer this, it will give you some idea.
Hapi fhir authorization interceptor
You can extend the OpenApiInterceptor class and #Override the "generateOpenApi" method to add your extra needed OpenAPI configuration after calling the parent method.
public class CustomOpenApiInterceptor extends OpenApiInterceptor {
protected OpenAPI generateOpenApi(ServletRequestDetails theRequestDetails) {
OpenAPI openApi = super.generateOpenApi(theRequestDetails);
// Add Authentication to OAS spec.
openApi.getComponents().addSecuritySchemes("oauth2schema", oauth2ImplicitSecurityScheme());
SecurityRequirement securityRequirement = new SecurityRequirement();
return openApi;

How to include a user manager to another application for ASP.NET Core 3.1

I'm developing two different applications, I will name them A and B.
A is an internet platform, where you can logon only if you have a valid user account.
B is an intranet platform, where users can authenticate via Active Directory. An administrator using application B should be able to create new user accounts for application A.
After the creation of a new user account, I want to be able to realize different functions, for example to send an e-mail to the registered mail address, so the new user can change the default password.
All the functionalities that I want to implement, can be done by the UserManager (see section "Use another app to add users" in the following link:
Based on this I implemented the following code:
public class ControllerClass : Controller
private readonly HelperClass _helper;
private readonly UserManager<IdentityUser> _userManager;
public ControllerClass (UserManager<IdentityUser> userManager)
_userManager = userManager;
_helper= new HelperClass (userManager);
public class HelperClass
private readonly DbContext _db;
private readonly UserManager<IdentityUser> _userManager;
public HelperClass (UserManager<IdentityUser> userManager)
_db = new DbContext ();
_userManager = userManager;
private async Task<string> EnsureUser(string userName, string userPassword)
var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(userName);
if (user == null)
user = new IdentityUser()
UserName = userName
await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, userPassword);
return user.Id;
internal async void CreateUser(UserVM uvm, int id)
var userId = await EnsureUser(uvm.userName, uvm.userPassword);
// TODO ...
Unfortunately I didn't manage to include the UserManager into my application B. I got the following error message: "An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager`1[IdentityUser]' while attempting to activate 'ControllerClass '."
Do you have an idea, how I can add the UserManager to manage the users for another application?
Well, the specific error you're getting is simply because UserManager<TUser> is not registered in the service collection. In order to inject anything, you must first register it. In your actual user-facing app, that's being done by services.AddIdentity(). However, that does a lot more than just register UserManager<TUser>, so you shouldn't just run off and add the same command to your second app.
You could add a registration for it specifically:
However, it actually has a ton of dependencies, each of which would also need to be registered. If you look at the constructor, there's seven services not registered out of the box, many of which have their own dependency trees. Long and short, it's a pain. There's also the matter of separation of concerns, here. This would require adding in the whole data layer from the other app.
Your best bet is to simply expose an API on the Identity app (and lock it down, of course). That way, all the logic of working with users stays with the rest of that logic. The administration app, then, can call out to the API to add, update, delete, etc. users without having to have knowledge of how that's actually done.
Answering after 2 years. For future reader, You can use
which adds necessary services that are for user-management add/delete etc. without adding Login service.
to add EntityFramework you can create context and use like this
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationAuthDbContext>(options =>
// Configure the context to use postgresql.
For more information

How to use Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2 in existing net core app?

I'm trying to use Sustainsys.Saml2 and Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2 library provided by this saml2 library to implement both IDP initiated and SP initiated scenarios.
After referring sample appliation things I did so far:
1. Refer latest Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2 and Sustainsys.Saml2 via nuget
2. Modified Startup.cs to add new options
3. Created MVC controller with ACS end point
Things I'm trying to understand:
1. Do I need to Initiated Saml2Handler so that I can hit HandleRequestAsync() end point of library.
2. How to retrive principal/claims
3. For sp initiated case when end point identifies request is not authenticated how to redirect request to IDP?
ConfigureServices method in startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddSaml2(options =>
options.SPOptions.EntityId = new EntityId("https://localhost:3131/Saml2");
new IdentityProvider(
new EntityId("http://localhost:52071/Metadata"), options.SPOptions)
LoadMetadata = true
options.SPOptions.ServiceCertificates.Add(new X509Certificate2("Sustainsys.Saml2.Tests.pfx"));
**SSO Controller**
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Saml2")]
public class SsoController : Controller
public SingleSignOnController(ILogger logger)
public ActionResult ACS()
// Is request authenticated here by library?
// I tried hitting this end point from stud idp portal, but it is
throwing " MVC Exception Handler: The method or operation is not implemented. at Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2.Saml2Handler.AuthenticateAsync()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationService"
catch (Exception e)
Do I need to create/implement Custom Saml2Handler and inject it in SSo controller? I could not find exact end point in this ASPNETSAMPLE project for saml2/ACS?
What I'm missing ?
The Acs endpoint is built into the handler. Remove your SsoController.
Check the core sample applications in the repo for an example on how to configure. The AspNetCore2 package contains a handler that works the same as any other external authentication handler for Asp.NET Core. You initiate the sign in sequence by an authentication challenge.

How can the resource server identify the resource owner using token in oauth2?

The typical scenario I am looking into is:
User1 provides proper credentials to the front-end rest client (grant type: password) and the client gets the token in return.
The client sends the token and accesses the resources owned by User1.
In my scenario, once the client has the access token for user1, I want the client to have access limited to User1's resources only.
Consider that the client accesses the URI /users/1/books. The response will contain all the books associated with User1. The main problem is that if the client accesses the URL /users/2/books with User1's token, it gets the list of all the books for User2 which shouldn't be allowed.
How can I limit the scope to the user whose credentials were used to obtain the token?
How can I map the token to a specific user in my resource server?
I am using Spring/Java. But any general theory will also help.
After a lot of debugging, I got the answer.
Spring security 1.4
Token store: InMemoryTokenStore()
In ResourceServerConfiguration, configure HttpSecurity.
public void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
// antMatchers("/oauth/token").permitAll().
// #formatter:on
Create a class WebSecurity and provide the implementation.
public class WebSecurity {
public boolean checkUserId(Authentication auth, int id) {
return ((UmUser)auth.getPrincipal()).getId() == id;
I had to debug a lot as I was using JwtTokenStore. This returned the Principal as a String and not the instance of UserDetails as I was expecting.
Once I switched to InMemoryTokenStore, I got the expected results. This was not a problem for me as I had the choice, but I would still like to know how to achieve it with the JWT.

Jira 5.2 Seraph SSO Login behind reverse proxy

Since a few days I'm trying to enable SSO for Jira 5.2 and figured out, that the help page from Jira is outdated.
Each example uses an old version of atlassian-seraph (Jira 5.2 uses 2.6.0).
I want to get automatically logged in into Jira if I'm logged in into Webseal (reverse proxy).
Jira is behind a reverse proxy (see picture).
This proxy authentificatates the user and holds the session.
If I'm logged in I want to be logged in in Jira, too
The only information provided is the user name
How to write a custom login module that reads the username from http_header and authentificates the user?
In the end i figured it out by myself:
You need a custom authenticator
public class MyCustomAuthenticator extends DefaultAuthenticator {
protected boolean authenticate(Principal user, String password)
throws AuthenticatorException {
return true;
protected Principal getUser(String username) {
return getCrowdService().getUser(username);
private CrowdService getCrowdService() {
return (CrowdService)ComponentManager.getComponent(CrowdService.class);
Add the MyCustomAuthenticator to seraph-config.xml
<authenticator class=""/>
Write a Custom Filter to set the user name from http-header
public class CustomFilter extends PasswordBasedLoginFilter {
protected UserPasswordPair extractUserPasswordPair(
HttpServletRequest request) {
String username = request.getHeader("iv-header");
if (username != null && username.trim().length() != 0) {
return new PasswordBasedLoginFilter.UserPasswordPair(
username, "DUMMY", false);
return null;
Replace the filter within the web.xml
These jar's are needed for Jira 5.2
I am not familiar with Jira authentication, but I do understand well the SiteMinder/ WebSeal authentication.
Both systems authenticate user and send the user name in an HTTP header.
The name of HTTP header can be configured. Also, they can send additional user properties, like the user email in the additional HTTP headers.
TO authenticate a user behind SiteMinder/ WebSeal it is just required to take the HTTP header and to create an application session using the user name from the header.
You definitely can solve it in Jira. You have 2 options:
To use already created SiteMinder authenticator:
The problem that I did not find how to configure the HTTP header name for the user name header. It assumes that the header name is uid
You need to configure the header uid in WebSeal or try to obtain sources and make the header name configurable.
Implement your own authenticator according to your link:
Obtain the user name using the code