Which permissions are needed for create Azure devops test plan? - azure-devops

I was "Basic" user in Azure devops and I have started Basic+Test Plan free trial version. I can see Test plan in the menu. But When I going to Test plan page, cannot see Add Test plan button. I see only test plan that is created from before. I went detail old test plan, there is no add Test Suite button. How can I give permission for seeing the Add test plan button? Could you help me, please?
I share my screenshot as like following:
enter image description here
enter image description here

Which permissions are needed for create Azure devops test plan?
As far as I know, there are two possibilities for this issue.
You have enable the Basic+Test Plan free trial, but you do not change your access from Basic to Basic + Test Plans(Make sure Basic+Test Plan free trial period has not expired):
Go to the Organization Settings-> Users-> Select your account and change the access level from Basic to Basic + Test Plans:
You are no permission to manage test plan, go to the Project Settings->Project configuration-> Areas->Security, check if you have permission to manage test plans and suites:


Azure Devops keeps asking for approval which has been given

In Azure DevOps, we are trying to start a deploy to an environment. According to the policy, one approver must approve this.
After a person has given approval, the deploy is not started and Azure Devops keeps saying that at least 1 approver must approve. See the screenshot below, which shows that contradictory information is given. (A second approver also opened the page, by the way, but did not have the option to give approval... Probably because it was already given and so all approval requirements are met.)
We also tried changing the configuration, such that not one person in the list but rather a person in a group had to give approval. The same problem occurred, as seen in the screenshow below.
Does anyone know what could be wrong here? The information from Azure DevOps is contradictory with itself.
(Interesting detail is that this has worked until recently. We have no idea why it's suddenly broken.)
Please Click the "TST" resource to check the advanced setting, check if enable the "Allow approvers to approve their own runs".
And try to remove it and create a new "Approvals and checks" and to check if it works.
For more information, you could refer to approvals.

Create New Test Plan button missing from Test Plans for all users on all projects

Create New Test Plan button missing from Test Plans for all users on all projects
See below
Create New Test Plan button missing from Test Plans for all users on all projects
Generally Test plan creation is limited to users subscribed to Test Manager extension or VS/MSDN subscribers.
Basic license users can only run tests. You need a valid Visual Studio
subscription (Enterprise, Test Professional or MSDN Platforms) or Test
Manager license ($52 monthly):
to create test plans.
See this thread : Can't add a new test plan
So please check if you have the license to create the test plan, and for an paid extension you must assign that extension to users who need access, so they can start using that extension's capabilities. Please see Assign paid extension access to users
And check if Basic + Test Plans as free trial is expired.
Please check this thread for some more details How do I grant permissions to manage test plans in Azure dev-ops.

TestPlan problem to activate trial period

I would like to use the Azure DevOps Test Plan trial period but, after I've activated it if i go in test plan page, i always see the message:
"You are currently logged in as a user with basic access level and you are seeing this page as you don't have any test plans and test suites created for the selected team."
in the billing page i see:
"Basic + Test Plans - Trial expires in 30 days"
so it seems to be active but not from Test Plan Page
someone has suggestions?
Currently, when you enable the Test Plan, you need to manually switch your user's access level to Basic + Test Plan.
Go to Organization Settings -> Users -> Choose the user that you want to change its access level -> More... -> Change access level -> Choose Basic + Test Plans.

Overview of Test outcome connected to test suite and tester in Azure Devops

I would like to get a simple overview, preferably some kind of list, of the test results (manual tests) connected to the test suite and who performed the test. The test plan summary in the "Enhanced test suite export" is the closest i have been able to get, but without the tester. Is it possible to get it in a list view or in an excel export instead?
I would like to get something like this:
Sorry but as I know we don't have such out-of-box feature to generate the Test report above.
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site, which is our main forum for product suggestions. After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.
Also you can use rest api Test Point - Get Points List to list the test points with given Test Plan ID and Test Suite ID, the response would also contain the tester information.

AzureDevOps 2019 - Linking Test Runs to User Stories

Is it possible to link the Azure Test Plans Test Runs results to a Test Case/User Story? I can link the Test Case to a User Story and get the report on that but I'm looking at getting the Test Run metrics etc. linked to a Test Case or a User Story so that that I can report on that?
Pleas advise
I'm looking at getting the Test Run metrics etc. linked to a Test Case or a User Story so that that I can report on that?
Sorry for any inconvenience.
There is a great extension to add the test run results in the test case:
View Latest Test Result
Besides, there is a ticket about link Test Results back to ANY work item type, especially User Stories on the Developer Community, you could check this thread for some details.
Hope this helps.