Overview of Test outcome connected to test suite and tester in Azure Devops - azure-devops

I would like to get a simple overview, preferably some kind of list, of the test results (manual tests) connected to the test suite and who performed the test. The test plan summary in the "Enhanced test suite export" is the closest i have been able to get, but without the tester. Is it possible to get it in a list view or in an excel export instead?
I would like to get something like this:

Sorry but as I know we don't have such out-of-box feature to generate the Test report above.
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site, which is our main forum for product suggestions. After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.
Also you can use rest api Test Point - Get Points List to list the test points with given Test Plan ID and Test Suite ID, the response would also contain the tester information.


Which permissions are needed for create Azure devops test plan?

I was "Basic" user in Azure devops and I have started Basic+Test Plan free trial version. I can see Test plan in the menu. But When I going to Test plan page, cannot see Add Test plan button. I see only test plan that is created from before. I went detail old test plan, there is no add Test Suite button. How can I give permission for seeing the Add test plan button? Could you help me, please?
I share my screenshot as like following:
enter image description here
enter image description here
Which permissions are needed for create Azure devops test plan?
As far as I know, there are two possibilities for this issue.
You have enable the Basic+Test Plan free trial, but you do not change your access from Basic to Basic + Test Plans(Make sure Basic+Test Plan free trial period has not expired):
Go to the Organization Settings-> Users-> Select your account and change the access level from Basic to Basic + Test Plans:
You are no permission to manage test plan, go to the Project Settings->Project configuration-> Areas->Security, check if you have permission to manage test plans and suites:

AzureDevOps 2019 - Linking Test Runs to User Stories

Is it possible to link the Azure Test Plans Test Runs results to a Test Case/User Story? I can link the Test Case to a User Story and get the report on that but I'm looking at getting the Test Run metrics etc. linked to a Test Case or a User Story so that that I can report on that?
Pleas advise
I'm looking at getting the Test Run metrics etc. linked to a Test Case or a User Story so that that I can report on that?
Sorry for any inconvenience.
There is a great extension to add the test run results in the test case:
View Latest Test Result
Besides, there is a ticket about link Test Results back to ANY work item type, especially User Stories on the Developer Community, you could check this thread for some details.
Hope this helps.

How to generate full report in owasp zap in any format

When i try to generate report in HTML,.XML or PDF I'm getting only alerts in the report. I would like to get all the information including passed attack also in the report.
For example in active scan there is around 500+ combination of URL being used but I'm getting only fee of them. I need all the 500+ URL and its results in the report
Any suggestion?
We dont generate that as a 'standard' report as no ones asked for that to date. However we do expose pretty much everything via the ZAP API, and if theres anything we dont currently expose then let us know and we'll fix that.
To get started with the API point your browser at the host:port that ZAP is listening on and follow the link to the API UI which will allow you to invoke any of the end points. We also have some info on the wiki: https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/wiki/ApiDetails
If you have more detailed questions then the ZAP User Group is a good place to ask: https://groups.google.com/group/zaproxy-users

AD Azure Graph API does not return directorylinkchanges

I am using differential query feature provided by AD Azure graph apis as described here
Things are working fine except for one issue. The sample responses in the link show that membership changes are sent across as directorylinkchange objects but I do not receive any such objects with similar queries on making membership changes from the portal.
I am doing a GET to
https://graph.windows.net/<domain-name>/directoryObjects?api-version=2013-04-05&$filter=isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Group')%20or%20isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User')&deltaLink=cLbsN4TzLm92uH26XEe7Ph6HfE10VkRsxjmz8 ..[truncated]
I am not sure if I am missing something here as I am able to fetch other User and Group changes. So could anyone working on azure be able help me out on this one. Thanks !!
Ok. answer to my own question is , that the URL filter must contain all three object classes User, Group and Contact just like it is in the microsoft sample.

How to manage roles and generate web-forms using Drools Flow?

I am creating a workflow(integrated into a Java web application) for a leave application approval. The workflow is as follows:
Leave request is raised for an employee.
Case 1: If employee's role is not team lead.
The request is sent to employee's team lead.
If team lead rejects, workflow ends.
If team lead approves, request is forwarded to manager.
Case 2: If employee's role is team lead.
The request is directly sent to Manager.
Workflow ends when manager approves/rejects the application. At the time of approval/rejection the user needs to enter a comment.
I need to generate web-form for user input. The options can be dynamic and should be defined in workflow itself. How can I achieve this? What is the right way to manage different directions of a workflow based on different roles?
Any thoughts/suggestions are welcome. It will be helpful if someone can direct me to example/sample code to achieve this.
You might be interested in Jboss Tohu - it's a framework that generates web forms from Drools workflows and rules. I'm not entirely sure if it is production ready yet, but it looks to have a reasonable amount of functionality.