Create New Test Plan button missing from Test Plans for all users on all projects - azure-devops

Create New Test Plan button missing from Test Plans for all users on all projects
See below

Create New Test Plan button missing from Test Plans for all users on all projects
Generally Test plan creation is limited to users subscribed to Test Manager extension or VS/MSDN subscribers.
Basic license users can only run tests. You need a valid Visual Studio
subscription (Enterprise, Test Professional or MSDN Platforms) or Test
Manager license ($52 monthly):
to create test plans.
See this thread : Can't add a new test plan
So please check if you have the license to create the test plan, and for an paid extension you must assign that extension to users who need access, so they can start using that extension's capabilities. Please see Assign paid extension access to users
And check if Basic + Test Plans as free trial is expired.
Please check this thread for some more details How do I grant permissions to manage test plans in Azure dev-ops.


I want to use Microsoft Security Code Analysis in Azure DevOps is there any cost involved with it for using it in scanning the code

I want to use Microsoft Security Code Analysis in Azure DevOps is there any cost involved with it.
Please refer to this doc: Onboarding and installing
If you have one of the following support offerings, contact your Technical Account Manager to purchase or swap existing hours to get access to the extension.
If you do not have one of the mentioned above support agreements, you can purchase the extension from one of our Partners.
Based on the doc, you need to purchase for this tool. So it is not free.
You need to contact the corresponding email to obtain the specific payment method

Which permissions are needed for create Azure devops test plan?

I was "Basic" user in Azure devops and I have started Basic+Test Plan free trial version. I can see Test plan in the menu. But When I going to Test plan page, cannot see Add Test plan button. I see only test plan that is created from before. I went detail old test plan, there is no add Test Suite button. How can I give permission for seeing the Add test plan button? Could you help me, please?
I share my screenshot as like following:
enter image description here
enter image description here
Which permissions are needed for create Azure devops test plan?
As far as I know, there are two possibilities for this issue.
You have enable the Basic+Test Plan free trial, but you do not change your access from Basic to Basic + Test Plans(Make sure Basic+Test Plan free trial period has not expired):
Go to the Organization Settings-> Users-> Select your account and change the access level from Basic to Basic + Test Plans:
You are no permission to manage test plan, go to the Project Settings->Project configuration-> Areas->Security, check if you have permission to manage test plans and suites:

AD VSTS: Having business users submit feature requests/bugs

We use Visual Studio Team Services backed by Azure AD and want any user in our AD to be able to submit a feature or bug. I know some products like Jira allow this either through their issue collector or via email. It seems with VSTS the user has to be a stakeholder in the project or else they would receive a 401 (I tested with one user in our AD). Has anyone found a good solution or extension that allows AD users (or users external to the project) to submit features requests/bugs to a VSTS project? Or do we have to create something utilizing VSTS's REST API?
The user must be added to your VSTS, then he can submit a feature or bug work item. Regarding personal access token (can call Work item REST API), it is created by the user in your VSTS too, it is not recommended, because of the security issue and you don’t know who submit the feature or bug, it’s hard to manage.

Create client under CSP using powershell

We are switching from reseller/advisor accounts to CSP.
We can manually create Customers under PartnerCenter which creates the relationship as Cloud Reseller as opposed to Advisor as before.
We can create the company name fine and add License based subscriptions however when we add Usage Based Subscription it lists the subscription name as Microsoft Azure instead of our Company Name. Also we have to go into this subscription and manually create AzureReader and AzureAdmin users under the ARM Portal.
I am looking for powershell options to automate this process:
Create a new client under CSP using powershell.
Create a usage based subscription with our Company Name instead of Subscription name of Microsoft Azure under this new client.
Add the AzureReader and AzureAdmin users to the Subscription.
Any assistance is appreciated.
I looked through several forums as well as scripts on Github but have not found anything and unfortunately I am not a coder or powershell guru.
Updating my answer -
Powershell preview is out now here
i am afraid there are no power-shell to accomplish this but instead there is a .net sdk or a REST API that can help to accomplish this.
Read more here

How to Configure IdentityManager

I'm at the early days of looking into IdentityServer v3 and IdentityManager, as I'm certain those guys are more clued up than I, but I cannot see how to configure the IdentityManager.
If we're deploying IdentityManager to a client, all the client want to do is "standard admin type stuff", such as
create users
unlock accounts (e.g. after 3 failed login attempts)
suspend accounts (not paid your bill, tut tut...)
delete users
..rather than amend claims, roles and suchlike (presumably these would be hidden from the Administrators).
What am I missing?
Or, is the IdentityManager supposed to be used by the implementation team installing the thing, and then the business administrators who deal with the topics listed above actually don't use IdentityManager at all, but a separate admin site we have to write? As far as I can make out all the pages, htm letc is within the nuget package so cannot be amended by me.
If it makes any difference, we're trying to create a public facing website that can be logged into, but the users are only created by the company, whose admin site to create & administer the users is IP restricted / not public facing.
Identity Manager is aimed at developers and internal administrators for testing and initial configuration purposes, as opposed to end users.
Check out by the repo's author. I think it's explicitly stated at around the 1 minute mark. It's mentioned on the Github issue tracker quite frequently too.
Also, it's not that extensible yet, so you won't be able to brand it or remove sections (such as your requirement of no claims).