Creating sandbox test payments in Shopify with PayPal? - paypal

Is there a way to test paypal transactions in shopify development?
I have tried adding sandbox emails but it keeps giving me Some of your info isn't correct. Please try again. --- I have updated the passwords to ensure everything is correct. I assume Shopify is not allowing this?
Is there a way to integrate paypal sandbox?
It's important that it is PayPal and not credit cards in general.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Really not trying to use real money for a few simple tests as it seems Shopify is suggesting here:

It doesn't seem Shopify offers the option to turn on sandbox mode, probably because it's unnecessary and confusing for most of their users.
Shopify has already done all the integration with PayPal, there is no need to test anything repeatedly. Just make sure it's working before launch.


PayPal Express Checkout without logging in

Is it possible to use Paypal express checkout without signing in even if the user has a Paypal account present?
We have noticed that some folks forget their credentials and don't want to login to Paypal, thus causing us to lose their donation. The Account optional setting seems to still require users, who have a Paypal account linked to the provided email, to sign in even if they would like to pay from the checkout page.
Is there a way to avoid this?
Paypal provide optional guest checkout.
Guest Checkout would allow people to use a credit card without signing in or creating an account, but the checkout would still take place in PayPal hosted pages.
If you'd like to process credit cards directly on your site you could use Payments Pro, the REST API, or Braintree. The difference is really just the technical details in integrating it, so your developer could choose which method would work best for your setup, and then you could create that account and integrate it accordingly.
If you're already using and are familiar with PayPal in general I would recommend going with Payments Pro. It typically costs $30/mo, but if you contact me directly I can help you to get that fee waived.
You would also need to make sure your site has an SSL installed and can run from https:// correctly.
Once those things are in place it's just a matter of integrating Payments Pro into your current setup, which depending on what that is, there are a number of different ways that could be done. I would need more detail to be able to help you more specifically with integration.

Testing Paypal Credit with Express Checkout

I'm implementing PayPal Express Checkout and I'm having trouble testing out PayPal Credit as the payment method. When I choose it as the method of payment, the response comes back as ERRORCODE0=10486 which means "This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal." It works fine when using other methods of payment.
Does anyone know if it's possible to make test transactions with PayPal Credit? I haven't been able to find anything in the docs or google about it so hoping someone on here knows!
You have two options for testing.
You can test it with the PayPal Demo site, which not only demos from start to finish paying with PayPal Credit. It also has working sample code available.
I found that you can simulate a PayPal Credit transaction in a sandbox account. I tested it on one of my sandbox accounts. You have to login in to one of your sandbox accounts that is not the merchant account that you are testing. I put in demo info when it asked me to apply for the product. My sandbox account was approved.
So I was able to get it to kind of work (at least in the sandbox). The issue was that it seems like it didn't like me passing in:
"USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE" => "BML" (old version) or "USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE" => "Finance" (new version)
When I used this option it sent me to a page that looked like this:
Which is what I wanted as we mainly wanted to focus on offering customers PayPal Credit.
When you remove the USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE option it takes you to a page like this:
If you choose change payment source on this page and choose PayPal Credit, the transaction goes through successfully.
It's not exactly a solution to the problem but hopefully this helps anyone who was also having a similar issue.

PayPal sandbox vs live account

I want to integrate PayPal payments on my client's website.
I logged in my paypal account and created an App to test their REST API. Everything's fine and works good.
Now I have to go live, and here's my question: if I use my API live credentials, when someone makes a purchase the money will be accredited to my paypal account instead of the client's one?
Or do I have to ask my client his paypal credentials to create an App from his account? Or...what else?
Dumb question, I know.
The REST API I'm quite sure only gives you access to accept other peoples credit cards and other peoples paypal-accouts to transfer money to you. So your first question-statement should be correct.
If unsure, or if I might have misunderstood, you can find alot about it on the REST API Reference here.
Well it turns out that I just forgot to do the simplest thing, read the doc:
Thanks anyway, Marius.

How to Solve Opencart Paypal Standard Missing Orders

Please help..
When i test Paypal Standards in opencart using paypal sandbox everything works well, but when i go live and use live paypal accounts then it starting mess up.. orders are missing.. please help!
It could be any number of things, but the first thing that comes to mind is that maybe OpenCart is using IPN to update orders in the system. If you have IPN enabled on your sandbox account but not on your live account that could cause such a problem. Login to your live PayPal profile and go to Instant Payment Notification Preferences. Make sure it's enabled.
Have you setup instant payment notifications also have you enabled payment data transfer back to your website alot of people forget about this

Using the Paypal sandbox to test an application

I recently set up Paypal payments standard on my web app and things are working fine. I am able to use Paypal sandbox to test and things work the way I expect.
However, I would like to send out the app to my beta testers and allow them to test making payments without actually using their Paypal accounts or credit cards. I can create sandbox merchants and sandbox payees, but that doesn't quite do it. My button send them to but when they get there they are asked to log in with a developer/sandbox password. It doesn't just let them login with the test payee account.
I can work around this, but I wanted to see if I was missing something.
Ya this type of situation was not what we intended the sandbox to be used for. Every sandbox account is tied to a developer account so there is no way around this.
You can do your unit testing or test your application in sandbox, and go live to actually have your clients start using it. There was no plan to have your clients test making payments in sandbox.