PayPal sandbox vs live account - paypal

I want to integrate PayPal payments on my client's website.
I logged in my paypal account and created an App to test their REST API. Everything's fine and works good.
Now I have to go live, and here's my question: if I use my API live credentials, when someone makes a purchase the money will be accredited to my paypal account instead of the client's one?
Or do I have to ask my client his paypal credentials to create an App from his account? Or...what else?
Dumb question, I know.

The REST API I'm quite sure only gives you access to accept other peoples credit cards and other peoples paypal-accouts to transfer money to you. So your first question-statement should be correct.
If unsure, or if I might have misunderstood, you can find alot about it on the REST API Reference here.

Well it turns out that I just forgot to do the simplest thing, read the doc:
Thanks anyway, Marius.


Where would I find a PayPal users PayPal_id?

I am working with the PayPal Node.js SDK and I am trying to payout a user. In order to do that I can use either their email, phone number or encrypted PayPal ID. We would prefer to work with encrypted data as much as possible. Where would we find a users paypal_ID?
If any of our code would help us find this information, we can post it just tell us what you need. Thanks in advance to all.
It should be displayed in the account overview page or in the profile. It typically shows your PayPal account email and merchant account ID.
It can also be obtained via the GetPalDetails API, but that's not REST. I'm not sure if REST has an equivalent API yet or not.

Trouble setting up a developer account and understanding how the sandbox environment works

we're not using the API - we just need to integrate a pre-made plugin for our CMS and help our client setup their account.
We've been looking here:
But are having trouble understanding a few things:
If you live outside the US, you can't create a developer account on:
Do we somehow create a developer account (and dummy sandbox accounts) on
Once we have a developer account, can it granted developer access to the client's PayPal account so we can login and test/trouble shoot any integration issues?
Sorry if this is easy, but we're having trouble finding a good overview or step-by-step of the process.
Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
First off, Ebay and PayPal have different APIs and different accounts. So creating an account on Ebay would only let you test against the Ebay API.
Can't comment on the NZ vs US thing. The signup form didn't ask me for a country. But, in theory, the developer site shouldn't care (it's a developer site, not live PayPal).
Granting third party access isn't something you do through the Developer site. That's done with your live PayPal credentials and their authorizing you. Not sure if this can be done in REST but it is possible in Classic
Because the sign up form on won't accept non-us addresses, you have to sign up by doing the following:
Go to your local paypal site e.g. or
Sign up for a normal account
Go to
Sign in with the normal account you just created
Paypal will then use your new normal account details to create a developer account.
From then on, just login at

Paypal Merchant Account API Access

Everything I've seen in documentation and on the forums are all about processing payments. My client has a merchant account. The payments process is all working just fine. I need to access (via API) their account and retrieve a list of their payments (showing amount paid, fees, and remaining amount). I'm more than happy to read the manual...would somebody point me in the right direction as to which API I need to use?
A combination of TransactionSearch and GetTransactionDetails will get that done for you.
If you're working with PHP my class library for PayPal will make those calls very simple for you.

Testing Paypal Express Integration / Sandbox Credentials / I am not a programmer

I have zero programming skills / knowledge and am trying to integrate paypal express into my shopping cart by following instructions but I don't know what I'm doing and don't understand a lot of it. I would love some help if someone can help me out.
I have created a developer account and gotten the user and password and API certificate and inserted them into my cart settings.
I read on the cart integration instructions I need sandbox credentials to test the integration with a dummy purchase.
So I eventually find some very rough instructions on paypal developer which I dont fully understand, you have to create an app to get tehse credentials? I dont even know what an app is, what its for but I create one somehow, but I dont see any sandbox credentials anywhere, when i look in my manage apps page I see this thing I have created and "sandbox ID" and "Live ID" codes next to them. I am not sure what they are and how I use them, are these credentials?
In paypal developer instructions for the credentials I see it says to go to the paypal account the money will be deposited in, "Get your test credentials by navigating to the Profile > API credentials tab of the Business account you want to use in your request:" but when I go to my paypal account I cannot find this. I do not have a business account (premier) but I was under the impression you didnt have to have a business account to integrate paypal express checkout, you had a choice with either premier or business. Do I need to upgrade to business absolutely? Is this where I find these credentials? Am I barking up the wrong tree with the application stuff? Let's say I finally get these holy grail credentials to test the integration, what do I do with them? I have no idea. I am very sorry for my total lack of knowledge and understanding and thank oyu to anyone willing to help me out.
I am trying to integrate the checkout with Viart shopping cart. Thank you.
You don't need to create an App for Express Checkout. That is only for Adaptive Payments, and Express is not part of that. All you need are the API credentials.
The easiest to get those credentials is to use this tool. Sign in to that with your PayPal account and it will return your username, password, and signature.
Assuming that Viart has PayPal Express Checkout integrated already, then you'll have somewhere in your control panel where you can enable it as a payment gateway on your site, and then within the settings of that somewhere it would be asking you for those credentials. Once you fill those in correctly and enable Express Checkout, it should show up and function for you in whatever way Viart has implemented it.

PayPal: Alternative to PayPal's Developer Account

I was using Paypal Sandbox for testing transactions last year using my PayPal developer account.
I just checked last week that I cannot access my old account, so I decided to sign up for a new account. However, you need now to sign up for a business account. Business account is only available to U.S. businesses (I came from outside the US).
I was hoping if you can suggest an alternative and free developer account (similar to PayPal), but with a different payment gateway.
Thank you.
How about stripe ?
Uses a JavaScript based API to complete transactions.
Simpler to integrate with multiple platforms.
You don't need a US Business account to use
Simply sign up via for a live PayPal account, either Premier or Business, and you'll be able to log in to with it.
Note however that the new REST API is currently available for live US Business accounts only, but this won't affect the availability of other Sandbox products or functionality.
I'll look into why the messaging states that you do, because that's not correct. Thanks for pointing this out!