Release Notes generation - azure-devops

Is there a way to automatically generate Release Notes for releases in Azure DevOps pipeline but source code in BitBucket?
First, I tried extension XplatGenerateReleaseNotes but it doesnt work with BitBucket due to Azure DevOps API limitation
Second, I tried Jira to Azure DevOps integration but again it does not work with BitBucket
Is there a way to generate Release Notes automatically for Release pipelines in Azure DevOps and source code in Bitbucket?
I am thinking to migrate to GitHub for this reason, what nice features will I lose? Like creating a GIT branch from Jira ticket


How do I show multiple Azure Pipeline pipelines in GitHub?

We use Azure DevOps for our CI/CD pipelines, but our repositories are in GitHub. We currently trigger the CI pipelines on each push, but there is no link to GitHub so we lose easily seeing the status of a build in pull requests / automatically failing a check if a build fails.
Azure Pipelines has an app on GitHub Marketplace for integrating pipelines with repositories / pull requests. I installed this in our GitHub organization and configured it with the repository access it needs, which then had me authenticate with Azure DevOps, select the project and the pipeline yaml associated with the repository.
This works great and I can see the status directly in a pull request -
The issue is that I have multiple pipelines I would like to run and display the status of in the pull request. We have a monorepo but I only want to build an app if it was modified, so I utilize path filters in the Azure Pipelines yaml so the CI is only run when I need it to. GitHub does not discover/display the status of other CI pipelines I have in the project.
Initially, I tried just setting up another azure pipelines yaml that is triggered by pull requests. When I make a pull request, I see in Azure Pipelines the CI was triggered by 'PR automated for {pr number}', but it does not display it's status in GitHub.
I ended up going to the Azure Pipelines app settings in GitHub, 'revoking' access to the repository, and then immediately re-configuring it with access to the same project as before, but selecting a different pipeline yaml. This worked, it retained the first build I configured and added the second, and now multiple builds are shown in the pull request -
But this does not seem like the intended way to accomplish this. The GitHub app links to the entire documentation for Azure Pipelines, not specifically to docs about the app, and I have not been able to find any info within on how to do this.
Is there a way to add multiple pipelines with the Azure Pipelines app on GitHub, outside of this workaround?

Using Jira as Board and Azure Devops as CI/CD

Have you ever tried to use Jira as development board and Azure DevOps as repository + CI/CD Pipelines?
I was wondering if it is possible to link to Jira tasks the results of Azure pipelines deployments and builds, i found this plugin but reviews say is not working properly recently.
Using the mentioned plugins seems the right way although they are not working properly at the moment. I will try to contact the support as suggested.
According to your description, you can try to use the plugin for Azure DevOps.
Then you can use the flow: Jira -> GitHub -> Azure Pipelines CI -> Azure Pipelines CD.
For more information, you could refer to the Azure Pipelines integration with Jira Software.

How to Batch Convert Azure Pipelines YAML to Github Actions YAML?

I have Azure YAML pipelines that have been created long back and I am now looking into migrating my existing devops solutions form Azure to Github Actions.
How do I approach migrating / translating existing pipelines from Azure DevOps to Github Actions?
Manually translating each ADO Pipeline is not something that would be consider a feasible solution for the number of pipelines I have.
Reference Links:
Azure DevOps Pipelines:
Github Actions:
Simply put: I need to convert my existing ADO pipelines to Github Actions
I am thinking of building a tool to serve this purpose of converting Azure DevOps pipelines to Github Actions but need ideas on how to approach this problem.
From Leo Liu's answer, May 2022:
I am afraid there is no such out of box extension or tool to batch Convert Azure Pipelines YAML to Github Actions YAML at this moment.
Introducing GitHub Actions Importer (Nov. 2022)
We’ve launched a public preview of GitHub Actions Importer, which helps you forecast, plan, and automate migrations from your current CI/CD tool to GitHub Actions.
Doing individual migrations is relatively easy in isolation.
However, for those that have a large and established CI/CD footprint, having tooling available to assist with migrations is key to their ability to adopt Actions at scale.
In the time that we’ve been developing and using GitHub Actions Importer in its private preview form, we’ve encountered numerous customers that have thousands of pipelines—even in excess of 15K—in their legacy environments that need to be migrated.
GitHub Actions Importer is designed to help when manual migration is not feasible, such as when users have a large number of teams that depend on hundreds or thousands of workflows.
To learn more, see Automating migrations with GitHub Actions Importer and the announcement post on the GitHub blog.
Sign up here to request access to the public preview.
So check it out: it does list Azure DevOps in its Supported CI platforms.
How to Batch Convert Azure Pipelines YAML to Github Actions YAML?
I am afraid there is no such out of box extension or tool to batch Convert Azure Pipelines YAML to Github Actions YAML at this moment.
There is a tool to make migrations between Azure Pipelines YAML and GitHub Actions YAML easier for one YAML file at a time:
Convert Azure Pipelines YAML to GitHub Actions YAML
But the tool for batch convert doesn't seem to exist yet.

Is there any way to maintain a remote connection when forking from Github to Azure DevOps?

I have used Azure DevOps 'Import Repository' to clone a repo from GitHub so that I can maintain a personal copy. I don't see any way to maintain the remote connection to GitHub so that I can merge in upstream changes.
Does Azure DevOps have such functionality or will I need to do this merging manually/locally?
No there is no way to treat Azure DevOps as a fork for GitHub. You need to manually perform merges and push/pull to and from both GitHub and Azure DevOps.
Not sure why you'd want to use Azure DevOps for your personal clone. As an alternative you can use GitHub for source code repository and link Azure Boards to GitHub and use Azure Pipelines to build, if those are your primary reason to use Azure DevOps.

Kibana Dashboard version control?

I am using Azure DevOps for my source control. I am creating Kibana Dashboard and wondering if it can be source control as well using Azure DevOps. My idea is:
Create Repo in Azure DevOps.
Write automated script(code) so it saves current Kibana Dashboard Saved Object into Azure DevOps.
In this way, I have old Dashboard in the repo. Has anyone done this? It doesn't have to be Azure DevOps, if you have any experience with it, please share with me. I am new to version control.
( < this was using github)
Kibana Dashboard version control?
The first thing to point out is that Azure devops is not a version control tool. It provides developer services to support teams to plan work, collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications. Developers can work in the cloud using Azure DevOps Services or on-premises using Azure DevOps Server.
And Azure repo supports two types of version control methods: Git (distributed) and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC):
What is source control?
You could set the version control type when you create the project:
After that, we could get the URL of the repo is also a git repo:
Git in Visual Studio and Azure DevOps is standard Git, github is the same.
So, that document also applies to azure devops, we just need to replace the github repo link to the azure devops repo link.
In this way, I have old Dashboard in the repo. Has anyone done this?
If you have old Dashboard in the azure devops repo, just clone the old json files to the local and update the json files and push it to the azure devops by git command line. Or you could modify the json files in the azure devops repo UI directly.
So, for the azure devops, you just need to make sure the Version control of your repo is git, and then you can handle azure repo like git.