Kibana Dashboard version control? - azure-devops

I am using Azure DevOps for my source control. I am creating Kibana Dashboard and wondering if it can be source control as well using Azure DevOps. My idea is:
Create Repo in Azure DevOps.
Write automated script(code) so it saves current Kibana Dashboard Saved Object into Azure DevOps.
In this way, I have old Dashboard in the repo. Has anyone done this? It doesn't have to be Azure DevOps, if you have any experience with it, please share with me. I am new to version control.
( < this was using github)

Kibana Dashboard version control?
The first thing to point out is that Azure devops is not a version control tool. It provides developer services to support teams to plan work, collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications. Developers can work in the cloud using Azure DevOps Services or on-premises using Azure DevOps Server.
And Azure repo supports two types of version control methods: Git (distributed) and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC):
What is source control?
You could set the version control type when you create the project:
After that, we could get the URL of the repo is also a git repo:
Git in Visual Studio and Azure DevOps is standard Git, github is the same.
So, that document also applies to azure devops, we just need to replace the github repo link to the azure devops repo link.
In this way, I have old Dashboard in the repo. Has anyone done this?
If you have old Dashboard in the azure devops repo, just clone the old json files to the local and update the json files and push it to the azure devops by git command line. Or you could modify the json files in the azure devops repo UI directly.
So, for the azure devops, you just need to make sure the Version control of your repo is git, and then you can handle azure repo like git.


Azure Pipelines CI Not firing

My organization recently changed from using personal GitHub accounts to using GitHub Enterprise Managed Users. Since that change our pipeline continuous integration (in Azure Devops) has stopped working. We can still run the builds manually without issue, but it isn't even attempting to start the builds automatically. I've created new personal access tokens for the pipelines, but that hasn't fixed the continuous integration. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should look at to get this working again?
Instead of relying on user-authenticates service connections between GitHub and Azure Pipelines, I recommend switching over go the Github App for Azure Pipelines to control what repositories Azure Pipelines can access:
That will drastically simplify access maintenance between GitHub and Azure Pipelines and will break the reliance on personal or enterprise managed accounts.
I wound up fixing this by going to the repository in Git Hub, go to settings on the repository, and then to Web Hooks. In there, the hook that Azure Pipelines uses had an error on it because when our tech group migrated the repo they did not bring the secret over. To fix it I just had to delete the web hook, go to the pipeline and a button appeared to restore the connection.

Is there any way to maintain a remote connection when forking from Github to Azure DevOps?

I have used Azure DevOps 'Import Repository' to clone a repo from GitHub so that I can maintain a personal copy. I don't see any way to maintain the remote connection to GitHub so that I can merge in upstream changes.
Does Azure DevOps have such functionality or will I need to do this merging manually/locally?
No there is no way to treat Azure DevOps as a fork for GitHub. You need to manually perform merges and push/pull to and from both GitHub and Azure DevOps.
Not sure why you'd want to use Azure DevOps for your personal clone. As an alternative you can use GitHub for source code repository and link Azure Boards to GitHub and use Azure Pipelines to build, if those are your primary reason to use Azure DevOps.

Not able to see Push to AzureDevOps service in sync option Visual Studio 2019

I am planning to use Azure Devops for code repository. I was able to add code to Git repository as you can see in below screenshot (I have a master branch). I am trying to push this to Azure Devops but while click on sync from Team Explorer, I am not able to see those three options:
Publish to GitHub
Push to Azure Devops service
Push to Remote Repository
Am I missing something? I really need to push this git repo to Azure Devops. I have already created a project in Azure Devops to push into that. Please help.

Release Notes generation

Is there a way to automatically generate Release Notes for releases in Azure DevOps pipeline but source code in BitBucket?
First, I tried extension XplatGenerateReleaseNotes but it doesnt work with BitBucket due to Azure DevOps API limitation
Second, I tried Jira to Azure DevOps integration but again it does not work with BitBucket
Is there a way to generate Release Notes automatically for Release pipelines in Azure DevOps and source code in Bitbucket?
I am thinking to migrate to GitHub for this reason, what nice features will I lose? Like creating a GIT branch from Jira ticket

Can I point an Azure Pipelines build at TFS?

We're in the process of moving to Git, but currently our main codebase is on TFS.
We have a small project that needs its own build, but also needs to share a bunch of code that our main codebase uses.
Creating a new CloudBuild queue seems too heavy for this project, so we'd like to create its build in Azure Pipelines, but we're unsure if Pipeline builds support going to TFS.
Is this supported, and what's the best way to set it up?
If you want Azure Pipelines take the code from your internal TFS server so no, is not supported. Azure Pipelines can take TFVC code only if the repository exist in Azure Repos.
Azure Pipelines can take external Git repository, so when you will move to Git you can build your code without any problem even is not stored in Azure Repos.