Using Jira as Board and Azure Devops as CI/CD - azure-devops

Have you ever tried to use Jira as development board and Azure DevOps as repository + CI/CD Pipelines?
I was wondering if it is possible to link to Jira tasks the results of Azure pipelines deployments and builds, i found this plugin but reviews say is not working properly recently.
Using the mentioned plugins seems the right way although they are not working properly at the moment. I will try to contact the support as suggested.

According to your description, you can try to use the plugin for Azure DevOps.
Then you can use the flow: Jira -> GitHub -> Azure Pipelines CI -> Azure Pipelines CD.
For more information, you could refer to the Azure Pipelines integration with Jira Software.


Release Notes generation

Is there a way to automatically generate Release Notes for releases in Azure DevOps pipeline but source code in BitBucket?
First, I tried extension XplatGenerateReleaseNotes but it doesnt work with BitBucket due to Azure DevOps API limitation
Second, I tried Jira to Azure DevOps integration but again it does not work with BitBucket
Is there a way to generate Release Notes automatically for Release pipelines in Azure DevOps and source code in Bitbucket?
I am thinking to migrate to GitHub for this reason, what nice features will I lose? Like creating a GIT branch from Jira ticket

Are the Azure DevOps extensions for Slack affected by changing the Azure DevOps url?

At the company, we will change the URL for the Azure Devops workspace from to We have a lot of connections to Slack in Azure DevOps using two approaches. Older links via service hooks in Azure Devops, new links are via slack applications Azure Repos and Azure Pipelines.
Service hooks in Azure DevOps use Slack's Incoming webhooks, so they will not be affected. However, Microsoft prefers to use its Slack Azure Repos and Azure Pipelines extensions, and the way they work is not clear. E.g. Azure Repos is set up in Slack via /azrepos subscribe [] and this step automatically set the address to in Azure Devops Service hooks settings.
So it looks like you need to reconfigure all subscriptions in Azure Repos and Azure Pipelines after changing the Azure DevOps URL. But that is a presumption. It is not mentioned in the documentation and that is why I ask. We have enough connections and that means a lot of manual work to configure everything in Slack via /azrepos subscriptions and /azpipelines subscriptions again.
Does anyone have the experience that when using Azure Repos and Azure Pipelines as Slack Apps, everything has to be reconfigured in Slack as soon as the Azure DevOps workspace address changes?
Notification integration is seamless. Notifications work when you change the name (and URL) of Azure DevOps organisation.
I tested just now and everything is ok.
Note: there are another problem. After Azure Devops organisation URL change you need to reinstall/register build agents again to the new URL. If you use hosted Azure Pipelines in cloud, you need in Project Settings > Agent Pools > Azure Pipelines > Agents disable Hosted Agent and enabled again here. Otherwise, CI / CD pipelines do not work.

Deploy to Azure Extension - Only Allows Creation of Github Actions Workflow. Wont Allow GitHub + Azure Pipelines Flow Creation

I am following the steps outlined here. I am using the Deploy to Azure Extension
I have done the following steps.
I have managed to create a simple react app and then got the GitHub + GitHub Actions portion to work no problem.
Now, I want to get GitHub Plus Azure Pipeline to work. So, I deleted the GitHub Actions/Workflow files, and starting over with the CICD setup.
Next, I have enabled Use Azure Pipelines for GitHub in the extension.
Then, as per the steps/pictures outlined in the above microsoft documentation link, I have begun the configure CICD option from the command palette.
Selected the Visual Studio Subscription
Selected the target web app
Now, at this point, as per the linked tutorial, it is supposed to ask me to choose a azure devops organization, so that the azure pipeline YAML file can kick in. This step never happens.
instead, VS Code will proceed to generate a GitHub Actions Workflow just as it did before.
What should I do to the GitHub to Azure Pipeline working from this extension?
Update 1
In case anyone is curious, I have raised a issue on the visual studio community forum. You can find that here
As of now, there is an ongoing discussion but no solution yet.
You can try reinstalling Deploy to Azure Extension and enable Use Azure Pipelines for GitHub, and then configure CI/CD option again. If the issue persists, you can report this issue here.
You can create a pipeline directly in your azure devops project. Check out below tutorial
Build, test, and deploy JavaScript and Node.js apps
You will also need to create an Azure Resource Manager service connection to deploy to your azure resource from azure devops pipeline.
Deploy an Azure Web App (Linux)

How to Azure DevOps CI/CD Pipeline for PowerBuilder 2017 R3 project, is it even possible?

Recently migrated PB126 apps to PB2017 and changed source control to Azure DevOps Git.
Now, I'd like to integrate Azure DevOps CI/CD Build Pipeline to the app dev life-cycle.
I know it's feasible to configure jenkins CI server so it builds PB2017 projects.
Continuous Integration with PowerBuilder 2017, Bonobo Git and Jenkins
My problem here's I can't get it to work on a local Docker container and make it accessible to the outside world (Internet) so Azure DevOps can trigger its build action. Supposedly, it's a Docker for Windows thing which Docker handles differently from the Linux-based Docker.
Azure DevOps Pipeline
As per this link, Azure Pipelines is the CI/CD solution for any language, any platform, any cloud, it says any language, which makes me believe it's feasible to build PB2017 projects using Azure DevOps Pipelines.
The fact is that I'm totally new to CI/CD in terms of implementing it myself. I've experienced it in many projects where I wasn't responsible to implement it. Now I am. I've been on it since a few days now, and I do want it to work.
Any help appreciated.
The Appeon offical user forum:

Jenkins on premises to Azure DevOps migration

How to migrate on premises Jenkins jobs to Azure DevOps? Is any plugins available?
I know manually how we can create Azure DevOps pipeline.
There is some available guidance from Microsoft on migrating from Jenkins to YAML builds in Azure Pipelines, but there are no plug-ins or tools that will automate this for you at the moment.
There is, however, a way to trigger Jenkins builds from Azure Pipelines using the Jenkins Integration extension. This may be a good option as you transition.
No, there are no plugins available for that.