Autorun specific, hidden cells jupyterlab - ipython

I have code cells with ipython widgets, whose input is hidden, and i want them to be running when opening. I found this here but it did not work on jupyterlab also after running it manually. Extension i found here is not compatible yet with jupyterlab 3.

Jupyter(lab) developers will do their best to prevent you from doing this as it is a security issue. The hidden cells could contain rm -rf /, or steal your bitcoin wallet, or anything else. Thus it is not only advised against doing so; any solution that would be posted will likely trigger the Jupyter developers to actively work to block the suggested solution.
I would thus advise to not try to do that.


Jupyterlab: disabling the “Use kernel from other session” option

I have searched the documentation thoroughly but to no avail. At this point I would like to know if it is already possible to disable this “Use kernel from other session” feature and i’ve missed it? Does anyone know about this by chance?
For a bit of context, I would like several users to be able to work on a jupyterlab session but not be able to use each other’s kernels.

TYPO3: Backend Toolbar User-Settings gone after Update to TYPO3 v9.5.19 from v8.7

We upgraded a TYPO3 installation from 8.7.x to 9.5.19.
Afterwards, the User-Icon dopdown in the top toolbar is missing. (see screenshots)
We found out that the toolbar is generated in this class:
We see that there have been lots of changes here since v7.6 but don't know where to go from there.
Is there a configuration file, where the items in the top bar are noted?
Additional information: we are working with the typo3-themes extension and have worked with our own theme before the update. During the update we switched to the bootstrap4 + bootstrap4-child theme - would this be a starting place for further investigations?
Before upgrade:
After upgrade:
UPDATE: It seems like this was at least not the root of the problems. After reactivating typo3_console the user-icon was still visible. So it looks like we have further investigating to do.
Update (2 Days later):
We can't reproduce the error. My best guess for now is, that deactivating the extension "repaired" a corrupt configuration file which had caused the disappearing of the user settings icon. After a lot of researching i have not found anybody with a similar problem so this might be an edge case. I wish i could offer more insight to this.
Thanks to Peter Kraume's basic suggestions i found the answer: after i deactivated the extension typo3_console it immediately worked!
Just for the record, here are the other steps we tried:
BE (via top bar)
Flush frontend caches
Flush all caches
BE Admin Tools ("Maintenance")
Flush TYPO3 and PHP Cache
Remove Temporary Assets
BE System log shows no current errors
Shared Hosting, /var/ contains no logs, /logs/ contains ftp and access logs
Hosting Provider Backend
Cleared OPcache
Created a new Admin-User, logged in, same behaviour
Tried on two different PCs
Primarily tested on Firefox 77.01, checked with Chrome 83.0.4103.116
was not sure, which extensions might manipulate the topbar - deactivated typo3-console, because i remembered seeing some error during the upgrade process. My feeling was more like: i don't need this right now, so i could as well deactivate it. 1 second later, the user drop-down reappeared. Unbelievable! Thanks for reminding me of the basic stuff - like turning off things!
We just had the same problem after upgrade from TYPO3 8 to 9. I have compared the working BE-User with the non-working BE user. They differ in given Language. Working BE-User has lang=''. Non-Working BE-User lang='de'. After switching the working BE-User to lang de, too, the UserToolbar is gone. I have updated the languages in Maintenance-Module and now everything works as expected.
Solution for us was to disabling the "belog" extension.
I had the same problem and I could solve it on all systems with:
Install-Tool > Maintenance > Manage Language Packs > Download the files again.

How do I turn off "Contains emphasized items" in Visual Studio code?

I need to figure out how to turn off emphasized items in Visual Studio Code
This might sound like a strange requirement, but in my workflow vscode functions as less an IDE than a cross-platform ViM-esque frontend with lots of remote development tools built-in.
Due to this use case, I don't need or want the linting features to show up in the file browser. How might I accomplish this?
Attempts to solve the problem
I've run out of search terms here and cannot find an answer.
Searches including terms in this question's title yielded little
SO-specific search queries also yielded little
This seems to be somewhat related, at least as a representation of the "feature" I'm referencing: VS code containes emphasized items but no error
VSCode "preferences" do not appear to show what I'm looking for, likely an issue with me not searching for the right variable name.
In my experience with VSCode it has been wonderfully customize-able, so I'm guessing there's a setting somewhere ready to be modified to accomplish this. Any help much appreciated, thanks!
My use case was a bit different: after viewing some files in a git submodule those files became linted, and errors and warnings cluttered up my VS Code Explorer file browser window on files I had no intention of ever handling. I basically wanted a way to clear out those lint warnings, and found it here. The solution is to reload the window:
CtrlShiftP on Windows/Linux, ⌘ShiftP on Mac -- then select "Developer: Reload Window"
One by-product of reloading the window is that it clears out those unwanted warnings (at least until the next time I visit the file). It also has the effect of clearing out warnings on files that I would normally want to see, of course, but chances are I'll be visiting those files again soon, so it's fine. Not a perfect solution, but it works for me and my use-case; hopefully it can help others.
I don't know how to turn it off, but I had this on multiple folders and I fixed it by renaming the folder to a random name, then naming it back to the name it was before and the error would go away.
If you have this issuse then uninstall extention then CtrlShiftP on Windows/Linux, ⌘ShiftP on Mac -- then select "Developer: Reload Window" then type developer: relode page this issuse automatically resovle
i have this issuse then i uninstall extension then this issuse resolve.
I was able to permanently prevent this by adding the files to the .gitignore file. It seems that this happens in a cloned repository when you add new files.

Thunderbird removes any attempt to make an extension

I might be a complete idiot, so please bear with me if I am.
I've been attempting to create an extension for Thunderbird.
I quickly googled for an official documentation and followed it as closely as I could. This way, I ended up with a simple result to test, which would, according to the documentation, work.
So I opened up Thunderbird, nothing.
I closed it again and went to see what I did wrong. However, Thunderbird had completely removed the folder I had.
I did this a few times more with the same result.
This is what my folder setup looked like:
%APPDATA%/Thunderbird/Profiles/[profile name]/extensions/
The contents of these files were, at my last attempt, literally copy/pasted from the documentation, only with altered filenames(both in code and in actual files), extension ID(both in code and the folder name), and maximum version tag.
What exactly am I missing here?
I absolutely agree with using proxy files for addon development. But if you followed the guide mentioned by Jonathan Protzenko, your structure would look more like this:
%APPDATA%\Thunderbird\profiles\[profile name]\extensions\
i.e, the development directory is not located inside your profile. Instead, consider the proxy file
%APPDATA%\Thunderbird\profiles\[profile name]\extensions\
You must only enter the second line, and never forget the trailing \ as mentioned here (3, Note).
Also you should uninstall the addon (if you had one with the same id created and installed before). When you start tb the first time thereafter, you will be asked to allow exernal addons to be installed or something similar.
I got things working this way, hope this helps.
A second guess might be the following: you're obviously working on windows. Are you viewing files always with extension in windows explorer? If not or not sure, check the following:
In Windows Explorer under Organize \ Folder Options \ View deactivate Hide extensions for known file types.
Further, try using a proxy file named differently, especially without the top-level domain. I suspect this could be misinterpreted by windows as an extension. You should call your proxy file thus foobar#foobar.

Emacs: opening any file in a large repo

What I need
a fast/performant way to open any file under a large (git) repo (~9.8k files).
I have tried various solutions, like Textmate.el and find-file-in-repository. I found these solutions via previous SO questions like this and this and through the LocateFilesAnywhere EmacsWiki.
While both solutions work wonderfully for small-to-mdeium repos, in this case they are practically unusable. When I start typing a filename, there's a delay of several seconds before I see any result. And changing any part of the search is very laggy too.
I think the main problem is that on typing any character, emacs/find-file-in-repository starts a shell command (git ls-files...). I really only need to do that when I have stopped typing.
is there a better library out there for this use-case?
if not, how can I introduce a delay into the command when I'm typing? i.e. while I'm in find-file-in-repository, I want the find-command to be invoked only when I stop typing (let's say a gap of 300ms).
After I received the three answers I tried them out (also answering my own question as none of the above solutions worked for me). I finally settled for helm-ls-git. Here's a comparison from my point-of-view:
took around 30 minutes to index the repo. Since projectile is not aware of .gitignore, the actual number of files is more like 52k.
can be customized but something that just works (i.e. understands git) is preferable
may need to invalidate cache re-index time to time. That would be costly and frequent since new files are added everyday to the repo.
looked good from the description and the source.
hard to install since it's not published in melpa/marmalade etc. More details in this issue I opened up.
GNU Global
Didn't try as it's likely to have the same problems as Projectile (git-unaware, needs it's own "index" that may need to be maintained time to time)
event-jr's answer however opened up some more options: I was unaware of helm till now. Looking at melpa for helm related plugins I found the following:
This looked really promising
Was easy to install with package.el since it's in melpa
I also use and love magit - so this looked a good fit.
However, it kept failing with a magit-git-dir: symbol is void kind of error. Did not dive in too much but looks like it needs to be updated. Opened up an issue
As the readme says, this is magit independent.
Has been working wonderfully so far. Easy to install (melpa) and is fast.
I use GNU global for this. I have around 20K files in my project. You can run
M-x gtags-find-file and type first few characters. TAB will complete and show all the matching. You can type any characters which is part of the file name and press enter. Will show all the files that contains these characters.
I tried to use projectile for this. But it was way too slow for the 'project indexing'. It didn't complete the indexing even after 1.5 hours and I have to kill it!. Not sure some thing is wrong here. GNU global is much faster and finishes the entire tag creation within 15 min.
You can check out Projectile. It was basically created to provide something similar to C-p, but has a lot of extra project level features as well. First time project indexing will be fairly slow on such a big project, but afterwards Projectile will cache the project files (both on memory and on the hard drive) and subsequent projectile invocations should be nearly instantaneous.
Projectile also has a Helm plugin to display project files and buffers with Helm.
I use helm-cmd-t happily. It will cache the file list in memory. The cache controls are flexible enough for my needs.
I just answered your question about new repo address here: