Jupyterlab: disabling the “Use kernel from other session” option - jupyter

I have searched the documentation thoroughly but to no avail. At this point I would like to know if it is already possible to disable this “Use kernel from other session” feature and i’ve missed it? Does anyone know about this by chance?
For a bit of context, I would like several users to be able to work on a jupyterlab session but not be able to use each other’s kernels.


Autorun specific, hidden cells jupyterlab

I have code cells with ipython widgets, whose input is hidden, and i want them to be running when opening. I found this here but it did not work on jupyterlab also after running it manually. Extension i found here is not compatible yet with jupyterlab 3.
Jupyter(lab) developers will do their best to prevent you from doing this as it is a security issue. The hidden cells could contain rm -rf /, or steal your bitcoin wallet, or anything else. Thus it is not only advised against doing so; any solution that would be posted will likely trigger the Jupyter developers to actively work to block the suggested solution.
I would thus advise to not try to do that.

How to check if the code is running in voila or jupyter

It is strange that I cannot seem to find this question already here, but I did multiple searches... Maybe Google and so find are messing with me... Anyway, need a question people (including my future self) will be able to find with a Google search, so:
How can I check if the code is executing in voila vs. e.g. in jupyter?
Turns out this is easy on newer versions of jupyter/voila....
import os
running_in_voila = os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE','jupyter').startswith('voila')

How can I show all non-theme extensions installed in VSCode?

I have many themes installed in visual studio code. Now and then, I want to be able to look at all the other extensions (everything that is not a theme) so that I might disable one or two.
How can I do this? The documentation shows how to use filters, but I don't see any way to tell it to NOT show something.
This filter shows me all the installed themes:
#installed #category:themes
I've tried using ~ and ! and NOT in various places, just guessing there might be a feature implemented to understand something like that, but they don't work.
This is a know issue, currently at the backlog waiting for development.
You can track it here.
This need has been raised here. Note in the last comment:
#49374 is tracking the feature of having exclusion filters for your scenario of seeing non theme extensions.

How to force Cloud SQL restart

I've seen variants of this question around, but I'm looking for a definitive answer if anyone has one...
We are running a Cloud SQL Postgres instance, and are stuck on restarting the DB after having an export crash out with an unspecified error.
For several hours now our DB has been out of action saying it's restarting.
The options to export, restart, all of that good stuff, are greyed out and unavailable.
There doesn't seem to be a way to force a restart either through the console, or via gcloud command.
Most of the replies I've seen to this question seem to end up with the poster being helped out by Google support. Don't get me wrong, I'd very much appreciate that, but I'd also like to know if there's a way of doing this myself?
Any help greatly appreciated.
Currently, the 'force restart' option is not available for 'PostgreSQL' instance.
There may be several reasons behind the 'stuck' stage of an SQL instance. Not every time, 'force restart' option wouldn't resolves the root/actual cause.
However, if you still think this option needs to be included in the 'PostgreSQL' instance, I strongly recommend opening a 'Feature Request' through the issue tracker. While opening the 'Feature Request', try to include a bit more details about your use case scenario(with or without an example) as well.

Get XP to automatically "press" the default button on a dialog box

Some time ago, I came across an online article that described how to configure Windows XP to automatically accept the default option on a dialog box. As I (vaguely) recall, it was some sort of oddball registry configuration that did this, and it amazingly worked. Yeah - it's dangerous, but it would be very helpful right now with a problem where I'm trying to run Windows XP in an unattended situation. I'm trying to suppress any kind of interaction.
So if you can point me to the magic incantation to repeat this, I'd appreciate it. I'm sure I saved the link, only it's at least 2 hard disk crashes ago.
I found this again later. There's a registry entry called "EnableDefaultReply" that can be used to control this functionality. An MSDN article with extensive detail, cleverly called "Enabling Default Reply" can be found at that link.
Not sure if XP can do that, but give Buzof from Basta Computing a try. Works very well for what you have in mind.
Maybe you recall setting the option of the mouse pointer to the default button?