How To Implement Custom Dropdown in Flutter? - flutter

I have been trying to get the result as shown below. I have managed to get the rest working except the dropdown part, I have the Icon but the dropdown part, I couldn't figure out how to do it. I tried using Popup Menu and Dropdown Menu. None of them works as I needed to. Any pointers anyone can give on this design? Thanks.


Flutter dropdown keyboard input

I have a reactiveForm that has a few reactiveTextFields with validation and a reactive dropdown menu.
The goal is to allow the user through the browser(mobile will have different behavior) be able to tab through the fields and inside the drop down be able to type on their keyboard and have the drop down filter results.
The tabbing focus is working correctly i'm not sure the best approach to adding a gesture/key detector widget(What widget to even use here).
Any suggestions or links to docs would be helpful thanks!

Combobox in automatically closing popup

I'm new to React Native and want help with form making. I need a combobox, where a user should choose an option from several. When user clicks the combobox component, I want options in something like a popup on screen without going to another page, and once the option is chosen the popup or whatever automatically closes.
I created a standard combobox to select the option, but I want to show options in a popup with closure when the option has been chosen.
Is there anyone can help me?
You can use the Picker component.
Also check this library - it wrap native pickers. I believe you will get a popup picker in Android and a bottom-modal picker in iOS (just like native)
Oh, almost 2 years since you asked this question. But, maybe there are others who come up to this thread & wants to know the other option to display combobox like popup. This react-native-material-dropdown might be great for you. Try it !

Predefined Add Dialog not working as expected in Lightswitch 2012

I've created a query to use in an AutoCompleteBox and it works as expected when the user select the AutoCompleteBox in the grid as shown in the picture below
However if the user click the plus button to add a new record using the predefined Add Dialog then the query and the AutoCompleteBox's format doesn't work as shown in the picture below
Why is this happening and how I can fix that?
I haven't yet found a way to edit the default Add New dialog.
Instead, make a new screen, select the "New Data Screen" template, and link it to your entity data. You can customize the screen to fit your needs, even make it a Modal Window by changing the Control Type in the screen properties. Once you have the screen set up the way you want, go back to your grid screen, and double click on the Add... command in the Command Bar of your grid, to edit the AddAndEditNew_Execute code. In that method, call your custom screen.
So, as I got to thinking about this some more, I came back to the thought I had when I tried to do this a few months ago. There has to be a better way, so I Googled it again.
This time, I found something. He's using an old version of Lightswitch, but I've successfully applied his technique in my application built in Lightswitch 2012.

How to get custom post types to show up in WP's menu selection?

I am using the plugin.
It's basically nothing more than a UI to create custom post types in Wordpress. However, I am wondering how I can get any new type to show up in menus I create for Wordpress.
In the menu's tab to the left I can add pages, custom links and even standard 'posts'...but no sign of my custom types.
I would love to kno how to get this to show up. It's not a screen options issue it seems so I'm a little stumped.
have a look at this plugin... It does the job for me

How do I get html data to show in an panel when I click an item in my listbox? gwt

I am using eclipse with the google web toolkit plugin and have built a widget which has a ListBox and a horizontal SplitLayoutPanel. I want to be able to click on an item in my list box and have it display the HTML in the top pane of my split panel. I think I need to setup click handler but I am not quite sure how to go about this. Please give me a push in the right direction.
Add a ChangeHandler to the listBoxInstance. In the onChange, get the selected value using getSelectedIndex()/getValue(). Process as required.