How to get custom post types to show up in WP's menu selection? - plugins

I am using the plugin.
It's basically nothing more than a UI to create custom post types in Wordpress. However, I am wondering how I can get any new type to show up in menus I create for Wordpress.
In the menu's tab to the left I can add pages, custom links and even standard 'posts'...but no sign of my custom types.
I would love to kno how to get this to show up. It's not a screen options issue it seems so I'm a little stumped.

have a look at this plugin... It does the job for me


Android - Show Back Button from XML

Before I begin, I want to mention that I've found a million answers showing how to do this from code, which involves setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) from your Activity. However, what I have not been able to find is a way how to do it from XML. (I would like to hide as much UI code in the XML files as possible).
One article I did find is this, which states
Step 3: Specifying the parent activity name in the AndroidManifest.xml adds the Back-Button arrow
and Click-action. Tapping on the back-arrow takes us to the Parent
Activity i.e Home Screen.
which doesn't work for me (the Back Button doesn't appear). I've followed all the steps in the article.
Does anyone know how to do this via xml? Is it even possible?
Yes, it's possible but still, you have to set the listener in java code. You can create a custom toolbar view and add a button to it. Then create a button in the java file and set the CilckListener.
Or You can use the default toolbar and do setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) from your Activity.
We usually make a custom toolbar, suppose you need a search bar in the toolbar then what you will do? So try to make an xml then use <include> tag in xml. You can search youtube. Follow the channel CodingInFlow, that guy explains very perfectly. If you don't understand what I am saying then understand the basics first, it will help you learn faster.

How to show a bootstrap modal from another component?

I'm building an app to manage some users, where i have a page to list them. On each user i have some buttons to make some actions on them, like edit them or delete them.
When the delete button is pressed, i would like to have a modal to show up and ask if you really wawnt to delete the user. As i may be using this modal in other places, i thought i should make it kind of generic to receive the different messages i want to show, so i built a component for it.
I've searched through some examples, but i couldn't find one similar to mine.
I've made the template for the modal and the component to back it up, but i don't know how to show it, for example, on a button click.
Any help is appretiated :)
EDIT: i'm trying to use bootstrap modals
use bootbox instead of making a modal from scratch. they can be perfectly used for delete confirm or alerts. I use them. It is also available for angularjs.

How to open a popup on click of button placed in menu page in master detail page in xamarin forms?

I am working on xamarin.forms. I am using Master detail page. In menupage of MasterDetailPage I have some menu items that are listed. At the bottom of the Menu list I placed a button on menu page. Now I need to open a popup on click of that button. I am trying with PopupLayout but not able to get any success.
Please tell me how I can open a custom popup box at the click of the button that is placed in menu page?
Anand Dubey
Without going into separate, native projects for all platforms you are targeting (such as Android, iOS, UWP...), you cannot pop out custom UI content over existing pages in Xamarin.Forms out of the box. You would need to bring in additional references or get creative with the AbsoluteLayout control.
Here are a few options you have:
Simple popup with message and or option selection
If all you need is a simple popup message or a list of buttons, you should look into the native DisplayAlert and DisplayActionSheet methods. They are built into Xamarin.Forms and work really well for these simple cases.
More complex popup dialogs
For anything more complex than that, there is the excellent UserDialogs project: ACR UserDialogs github page
It will give you support for various loading dialogs, date, time pickers, action sheet, success/info/error toasts and more.
Fully custom UI markup with AbsoluteLayout
There is a technique where by you prepare the underlying page with a root absoltue layout, which enables you to dynamically add new UI on top of all other controls on your page. This is fiddly and can ruin your performance if you are not careful. This is also the approach that the PopupLayout control that you mentioned uses. If done properly, this can be a good solution, but I don't recommend it as it involves additional complexity on each page that hosts the popup content.
Fully custom UI popup on native projects
Your most flexible option, as always, is to fall back to the native projects. This would involve coding up the popup logic on each separate platform that you are targeting, then using DependencyService (or one of the other techniques) to call into it from the shared project. For this you should look at samples and tutorials for popups on separate native platforms as it gets pretty broad and goes way outside the topic of this question.

Build some sort of workflow in JavaFX

I'm trying to build some sort of visual workflow in JavaFX. I want my application to have one main screen with the next and previous buttons, something like an installer. When a user clicks next, all the elements of the next screen appear in the same element. All previous choices of the user have to be saved. So when a user clicks on the previous button that all of his choices are still there.
How would I go on to do this?
I found these links on Google, but they don't seem to help me. Something like this is a bit the direction that I want to go, but the code in this tutorial isnt't really that good for scene's with a lot of elements.
The DataFX Framework provides a Flow API that can be used to define workflows. By doing so you can simply navigate between MVC Groups by only using annotations or configurations. You can find some examples of the API here:
I haven't worked with JavaFX in a while, but I'll start by saying I really hope you are using the JavaFX scene builder.
The way I would do it off the top of my head without going back and relearning JavaFX is to create a main window in the scene builder, and have a sort of central content display area, which holds another custom JavaFX container that contains the content you want to display, of which you can then create several of and swap out which one is being displayed programmatically.
Basically, create several smaller components representing each step or screen and display them programmatically in an owning container.

Wordpress - Show Portfolio Categories

I'm working with a WordPress website and a client wants to show a list of categories in the footer. Unfortunately, it is showing as empty because he has no posts and has set the categories to portfolio items which he wants people to be able to click to.
So, how do I show the portfolio categories in the widget rather than the post categories?
Probably the easiest way I can think of to get the result that you want without having to resort to changing any Theme Files would be this:
Log into your Wordpress Dashboard
Navigate to Appearance->Menus
Create a new Menu, and (if applicable) enable the Custom Taxonomies for your menu by clicking on Screen Options (top right-hand corner of the page) and ticking your Portfolio's Custom Categories and/or Custom Post Types
Once all of the items you want is in your Custom Menu, save it.
Navigate to Appearance->Widgets
Add the Custom Menu Widget to the sidebar in which you would like your items to appear
Select the Custom Menu you just created, and Save
When dealing with Premium Themes, it would always be safest to stay out of their code and avoid changing anything altogether, so try this approach first. Otherwise, you may have to get your hands dirty and alter some code or contact the Theme Developer.