High seek time due to multi-step traversal in FAT tables - operating-system

In a FAT-based file system design, the 'seek' involves traversing the links present in the
FAT table, like in a linked list. It moves the current pointer within the file (pointed to by the file descriptor) forward by a distance of, say 'O' offset bytes. For very large values of O, this can be quite inefficient due to a multi-step traversal within the FAT table. Could we somehow augment the FAT table structure to improve the performance of seek operations. Is there already some methods dealing with this? Also, how are offset sizes greater than the file size handled to avoid end-of-file errors?


compare the way of resolving collisions in hash tables

how can I compare methods of conflict resolution (ie. linear hashing, square hashing and double hashing) in the tables hash? What data would be best to show the differences between them? Maybe someone has seen such comparisons.
There is no simple approach that's also universally meaningful.
That said, a good approach if you're tuning an actual app is to instrument (collect stats) for the hash table implementation you're using in the actual application of interest, with the real data it processes, and for whichever functions are of interest (insert, erase, find etc.). When those functions are called, record whatever you want to know about the collisions that happen: depending on how thorough you want to be, that might include the number of collisions before the element was inserted or found, the number of CPU/memory cache lines touched during that probing, the elapsed CPU or wall-clock time etc..
If you want a more general impression, instrument an implementation and throw large quantities of random data at it - but be aware that the real-world applicability of whatever conclusions you draw may only be as good as the random data is similar to the real-world data.
There are also other, more subtle implications to the choice of collision-handling mechanism: linear probing allows an implementation to cleanup "tombstone" buckets where deleted elements exist, which takes time but speeds later performance, so the mix of deletions amongst other operations can affect the stats you collect.
At the other extreme, you could try a mathematical comparison of the properties of different collision handling - that's way beyond what I'm able or interested in covering here.

Optimizing compression using HDF5/H5 in Matlab

Using Matlab, I am going to generate several data files and store them in H5 format as 20x1500xN, where N is an integer that can vary, but typically around 2300. Each file will have 4 different data sets with equal structure. Thus, I will quickly achieve a storage problem. My two questions:
Is there any reason not the split the 4 different data sets, and just save as 4x20x1500xNinstead? I would prefer having them split, since it is different signal modalities, but if there is any computational/compression advantage to not having them separated, I will join them.
Using Matlab's built-in compression, I set deflate=9 (and DataType=single). However, I have now realized that using deflate multiplies my computational time with 5. I realize this could have something to do with my ChunkSize, which I just put to 20x1500x5 - without any reasoning behind it. Is there a strategic way to optimize computational load w.r.t. deflation and compression time?
Thank you.
1- Splitting or merging? It won't make a difference in the compression procedure, since it is performed in blocks.
2- Your choice of chunkshape seems, indeed, bad. Chunksize determines the shape and size of each block that will be compressed independently. The bad is that each chunk is of 600 kB, that is much larger than the L2 cache, so your CPU is likely twiddling its fingers, waiting for data to come in. Depending on the nature of your data and the usage pattern you will use the most (read the whole array at once, random reads, sequential reads...) you may want to target the L1 or L2 sizes, or something in between. Here are some experiments done with a Python library that may serve you as a guide.
Once you have selected your chunksize (how many bytes will your compression blocks have), you have to choose a chunkshape. I'd recommend the shape that most closely fits your reading pattern, if you are doing partial reads, or filling in in a fastest-axis-first if you want to read the whole array at once. In your case, this will be something like 1x1500x10, I think (second axis being the fastest, last one the second fastest, and fist the slowest, change if I am mistaken).
Lastly, keep in mind that the details are quite dependant on the specific machine you run it: the CPU, the quality and load of the hard drive or SSD, speed of RAM... so the fine tuning will always require some experimentation.

Sieve of Eratosthenes (reducing space complexity)

I wanted to generate prime numbers between two given numbers ‘a’ and ‘b’ (b > a). What I did was store Boolean values in an array of size b-1 (that is for numbers 2 to b) and then I applied the sieve method.
Is there a better way, that reduces space complexity, if I don't need all prime numbers from 2 to b?
You need to store all primes which are smaller of equal than the square root of b, then for each number between a and b check whether they are divisible by any of these numbers and they don't equal these numbers. So in our case the magic number is sqrt(b)
You can use segmented sieve of Eratosthenes. The basic idea is pretty simple.
In a typical sieve, we start with a large array of Booleans, all set to the same value. These represent odd numbers, starting from 3. We look at the first and see that it's true, so we add it to the list of prime numbers. Then we mark off every multiple of that number as not prime.
Now, the problem with this is that it's not very cache friendly. As we mark off the multiples of each number, we go through the entire array. Then when we reach the end, we start over from the beginning (which is no longer in the cache) and walk through the entire array again. Each time through the array, we read the entire array from main memory again.
For a segmented sieve, we do things a bit differently. We start by by finding only the primes up to the square root of the limit we care about. Then we use those to mark off primes in the main array. The difference here is the order in which we mark off primes. Instead of marking off all the multiples of three, then all the multiples of 5, and so on, we start by marking off the multiples of three for data that will fit in the cache. Then, instead of continuing on to more data in the array, we go back and mark off the multiples of five for the data that fits in the cache. Then the multiples of 7, and so on.
Then, when we've marked off all the multiples in that cache-sized chunk of data, we move on to the next cache-sized chunk of data. We start over with marking off multiples of 3 in this chunk, then multiples of 5, and so on until we've marked off all the multiples in this chunk. We continue that pattern until we've marked off all the non-prime numbers in all the chunks, and we're done.
So, given N primes below the square root of the limit we care about, a naive sieve will read the entire array of Booleans N times. By contrast, a segmented sieve will only read each chunk of the data once. Once a chunk of data is read from main memory, all the processing on that chunk is done before any more data is read from main memory.
The exact speed-up this gives will depend on the ratio of the speed of cache to the speed of main memory, the size of the array you're using vs. the size of the cache, and so on. Nonetheless, it is generally pretty substantial--for example, on my particular machine, looking for the primes up to 100 million, the segmented sieve has a speed advantage of about 10:1.
One thing you must remember, if you're using C++. A well-known issue with std::vector<bool> is Under C++98/03, vector<bool> was required to be a specialization that stored each Boolean as a single bit with some proxy trickery to get bool-like behavior. That requirement has since been lifted, but many libraries still include it.
With a non-segmented sieve, it's generally a useful trade-off. Although it requires a little extra CPU time to compute masks and such to modify only a single bit at a time, it saves enough bandwidth to main memory to more than compensate.
With a segmented sieve, bandwidth to main memory isn't nearly as large a factor, so using a vector<char> generally seems to give better results (at least with the compilers and processors I have handy).
Getting optimal performance from a segmented sieve does require knowledge of the size of your processor's cache, but getting it precisely correct isn't usually critical--if you assume the size is smaller than it really is, you won't necessarily get optimal use of your cache, but you usually won't lose a lot either.

How is a bitmapped vector trie faster than a plain vector?

It's supposedly faster than a vector, but I don't really understand how locality of reference is supposed to help this (since a vector is by definition the most locally packed data possible -- every element is packed next to the succeeding element, with no extra space between).
Is the benchmark assuming a specific usage pattern or something similar?
How this is possible?
bitmapped vector tries aren't strictly faster than normal vectors, at least not at everything. It depends on what operation you are considering.
Conventional vectors are faster, for example, at accessing a data element at a specific index. It's hard to beat a straight indexed array lookup. And from a cache locality perspective, big arrays are pretty good if all you are doing is looping over them sequentially.
However a bitmapped vector trie will be much faster for other operations (thanks to structural sharing) - for example creating a new copy with a single changed element without affecting the original data structure is O(log32 n) vs. O(n) for a traditional vector. That's a huge win.
Here's an excellent video well worth watching on the topic, which includes a lot of the motivation of why you might want these kind of structures in your language: Persistent Data Structures and Managed References (talk by Rich Hickey).
There is a lot of good stuff in the other answers but nobdy answers your question. The PersistenVectors are only fast for lots of random lookups by index (when the array is big). "How can that be?" you might ask. "A normal flat array only needs to move a pointer, the PersistentVector has to go through multiple steps."
The answer is "Cache Locality".
The cache always gets a range from memory. If you have a big array it does not fit the cache. So if you want to get item x and item y you have to reload the whole cache. That's because the array is always sequential in memory.
Now with the PVector that's diffrent. There are lots of small arrays floating around and the JVM is smart about that and puts them close to each other in memory. So for random accesses this is fast; if you run through it sequentially it's much slower.
I have to say that I'm not an expert on hardware or how the JVM handles cache locality and I have never benchmarked this myself; I am just retelling stuff I've heard from other people :)
Edit: mikera mentions that too.
Edit 2: See this talk about Functional Data-Structures, skip to the last part if you are only intrested in the vector. http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Functional-Data-Structures-in-Scala
A bitmapped vector trie (aka a persistent vector) is a data structure invented by Rich Hickey for Clojure, that has been implementated in Scala since 2010 (v 2.8). It is its clever bitwise indexing strategy that allows for highly efficient access and modification of large data sets.
From Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vectors :
Mutable vectors and ArrayLists are generally just arrays which grows
and shrinks when needed. This works great when you want mutability,
but is a big problem when you want persistence. You get slow
modification operations because you'll have to copy the whole array
all the time, and it will use a lot of memory. It would be ideal to
somehow avoid redundancy as much as possible without losing
performance when looking up values, along with fast operations. That
is exactly what Clojure's persistent vector does, and it is done
through balanced, ordered trees.
The idea is to implement a structure which is similar to a binary
tree. The only difference is that the interior nodes in the tree have
a reference to at most two subnodes, and does not contain any elements
themselves. The leaf nodes contain at most two elements. The elements
are in order, which means that the first element is the first element
in the leftmost leaf, and the last element is the rightmost element in
the rightmost leaf. For now, we require that all leaf nodes are at the
same depth2. As an example, take a look at the tree below: It has
the integers 0 to 8 in it, where 0 is the first element and 8 the
last. The number 9 is the vector size:
If we wanted to add a new element to the end of this vector and we
were in the mutable world, we would insert 9 in the rightmost leaf
node, like this:
But here's the issue: We cannot do that if we want to be persistent.
And this would obviously not work if we wanted to update an element!
We would need to copy the whole structure, or at least parts of it.
To minimize copying while retaining full persistence, we perform path
copying: We copy all nodes on the path down to the value we're about
to update or insert, and replace the value with the new one when we're
at the bottom. A result of multiple insertions is shown below. Here,
the vector with 7 elements share structure with a vector with 10
The pink coloured nodes are shared between the vectors, whereas the
brown and blue are separate. Other vectors not visualized may also
share nodes with these vectors.
More info
Besides Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vectors, the ideas behind this data structure and its use cases are also explained pretty well in David Nolen's 2014 lecture Immutability, interactivity & JavaScript, from which the screenshot below was taken. Or if you really want to dive deeply into the technical details, see also Phil Bagwell's Ideal Hash Trees, which was the paper upon which Hickey's initial Clojure implementation was based.
What do you mean by "plain vector"? Just a flat array of items? That's great if you never update it, but if you ever change a 1M-element flat-vector you have to do a lot of copying; the tree exists to allow you to share most of the structure.
Short explanation: it uses the fact that the JVM optimizes so hard on read/write/copy array data structures. The key aspect IMO is that if your vector grows to a certain size index management becomes a  bottleneck . Here comes the very clever algorithm from persisted vector into play, on very large collections it outperforms the standard variant. So basically it is a functional data-structure which only performed so well because it is built up on small mutable highly optimizes JVM datastructures.
For further details see here (at the end)
Judging by the title of the talk, it's talking about Scala vectors, which aren't even close to "the most locally packed data possible": see source at https://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/browser/scala/tags/R_2_9_1_final/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Vector.scala.
Your definition only applies to Lisps (as far as I know).

Learning decision trees on huge datasets

I'm trying to build a binary classification decision tree out of huge (i.e. which cannot be stored in memory) datasets using MATLAB. Essentially, what I'm doing is:
Collect all the data
Try out n decision functions on the data
Pick out the best decision function to separate the classes within the data
Split the original dataset into 2
Recurse on the splits
The data has k attributes and a classification, so it is stored as a matrix with a huge number of rows, and k+1 columns. The decision functions are boolean and act on the attributes assigning each row to the left or right subtree.
Right now I'm considering storing the data on files in chunks which can be held in memory and assigning an ID to each row so the decision to split is made by reading all the files sequentially and the future splits are identified by the ID numbers.
Does anyone know how to do this in a better fashion?
EDIT: The number of rows m is around 5e8 and k is around 500
At each split, you are breaking the dataset into smaller and smaller subsets. Start with the single data file. Open it as a stream and just process one row at a time to figure out which attribute you want to split on. Once you have your first decision function, split the original data file into 2 smaller data files that each hold one branch of the split data. Recurse. The data files should become smaller and smaller until you can load them in memory. That way, you don't have to tag rows and keep jumping around in a huge data file.