Learning decision trees on huge datasets - matlab

I'm trying to build a binary classification decision tree out of huge (i.e. which cannot be stored in memory) datasets using MATLAB. Essentially, what I'm doing is:
Collect all the data
Try out n decision functions on the data
Pick out the best decision function to separate the classes within the data
Split the original dataset into 2
Recurse on the splits
The data has k attributes and a classification, so it is stored as a matrix with a huge number of rows, and k+1 columns. The decision functions are boolean and act on the attributes assigning each row to the left or right subtree.
Right now I'm considering storing the data on files in chunks which can be held in memory and assigning an ID to each row so the decision to split is made by reading all the files sequentially and the future splits are identified by the ID numbers.
Does anyone know how to do this in a better fashion?
EDIT: The number of rows m is around 5e8 and k is around 500

At each split, you are breaking the dataset into smaller and smaller subsets. Start with the single data file. Open it as a stream and just process one row at a time to figure out which attribute you want to split on. Once you have your first decision function, split the original data file into 2 smaller data files that each hold one branch of the split data. Recurse. The data files should become smaller and smaller until you can load them in memory. That way, you don't have to tag rows and keep jumping around in a huge data file.


Most appropriate analysis method - Clustering?

I have 2 large data frames with similar variables representing 2 separate surveys. Some rows (participants) in each data frame correspond to the other and I would like to link these two together.
There is an index in both dataframes though this index indicates locality of the survey (i.e region) and not individual IDs.
Merging is not possible as in most cases there is an identical index values for different participants.
Given that merging on an index value from the 2 data frames is not possible, I wish to compare similar variables (binary) from both data frames that (in addition to the index values common to both data frame) in order to give me a highest likelihood of a match. I can then (with some margin of error) match rows with the most similar values for similar variables and merge them together.
What do you think would be the appropriate method for doing this? Clustering?
That obviously is not clustering. You don't want large groups of records.
What you want to do is an approximate JOIN.

Sparse table in MATLAB, is it possible?

\ am dealing with a matrix in MATLAB which is sparse and has many rows and columns. In this case, the row and columns of the matrix are the ids for particular items. Let's assume them as id1 and id2.
It would be nice if the ids for rows and columns could be embedded so I can have access to them easily to them without the need for creating extra variables that keep the two ids.
The answer would be probably to use a table data type. Tables are very ideal answer for my need however I was wondering if I could create a table data type for a sparse matrix?
A [m*n] sparse matrix %% m & n are huge
id1 [1*m] , id2 [1*n] %% two vectors containing numeric ids for rows and column
Could we obtain?
T [m*n] sparse table matrix
Thanks for sharing your view with me.
I will address the question and the comments in order to clear some confusion.
The short answer
There is no sparse table class in Matlab. Cannot do. Use sparse() matrices.
The long answer
There is a reason why sparse tables make little sense:
Philosophically speaking, the advantage of having nice row and column labels, is completely lost if you are working with a big panel of data and/or if the data is sparse.
Scrolling through 246829 rows and 33336 columns? Can only be useful at very isolated times if you are debugging your code and a specific outlier is causing you results to go off. Also, all you might see is just a sea of zeros.
Technically a table can have more columns for the same variable, i.e. table(rand(10,2), rand(10,1)) is a valid table. How would you consider define sparsity on such table?
Fine, suppose you are working with a matrix-like table, i.e. one element per table cell and same numeric class. Still, none of the algebraic operators are defined on a table(). So you need to extract the content first, in order to be able to perform any operation that spans more than a single column of data. Just to be clear, once the data is extracted, then you have e.g. your double (full) matrix or in an ideal case a double sparse matrix.
Now, a few misconceptions to clear:
Less variables implies clearer/cleaner code. Not true. You are probably thinking about the extreme case (in bad practices) of how do I make a series of variables a1, a2, a3, etc..
There is a sweet spot between verbosity and number of variables, amount of comments, and code clarity/maintainability. Only with time and experience you find the right balance.
Control over data cannot go without visual inspection. This approach does NOT scale with big data and the sooner you abandon it, the faster your code will become more reliable. You need to verify your results systematically, rather than relying on visual inspection. Failure to (visually) spot a problem in the data, grows exponentially with its dimension, faster than with systematic tests.
Some background info on my work:
I work with high-frequency prices, that's terabytes of data. I also extended the table() class with additional methods and fixes to help me with my work (see https://github.com/okomarov/tableutils), but I do not see how sparsity is a useful feature to add to table().

what is array-backed data structure?

what is "array-backed" data structure?
I googled it, may be it is an array implemented as linked list
which could be easily appended and prepended.
Please correct me and share more updates about saddle library.
An array-backed data structure is any data structure where the underlying values are stored in an array. For example, a ring data structure of fixed sized can be backed by an array of that size (along with start and end indices). Image data can have pixel values packed into an array. Matrices (in the mathematical sense) fit naturally in arrays.
Other choices for data structures include linked lists, tries, maps (hashmaps or others); all of these have various tradeoffs. Array-backed data structures generally work well for going through sizable chunks of data sequentially, but not for random insertion and removal of elements.

In preprocessing data with high cardinality, do you hash first or one-hot-encode first?

Hashing reduces dimensionality while one-hot-encoding essentially blows up the feature space by transforming multi-categorical variables into many binary variables. So it seems like they have opposite effects. My questions are:
What is the benefit of doing both on the same dataset? I read something about capturing interactions but not in detail - can somebody elaborate on this?
Which one comes first and why?
Binary one-hot-encoding is needed for feeding categorical data to linear models and SVMs with the standard kernels.
For example, you might have a feature which is a day of a week. Then you create a one-hot-encoding for each of them.
1000000 Sunday
0100000 Monday
0010000 Tuesday
0000001 Saturday
Feature-hashing is mostly used to allow for significant storage compression for parameter vectors: one hashes the high dimensional input vectors into a lower dimensional feature space. Now the parameter vector of a resulting classifier can therefore live in the lower-dimensional space instead of in the original input space. This can be used as a method of dimension reduction thus usually you expect to trade a bit of decreasing of performance with significant storage benefit.
The example in wikipedia is a good one. Suppose your have three documents:
John likes to watch movies.
Mary likes movies too.
John also likes football.
Using a bag-of-words model, you first create below document to words model. (each row is a document, each entry in the matrix indicates whether a word appears in the document).
The problem with this process is that such dictionaries take up a large amount of storage space, and grow in size as the training set grows.
Instead of maintaining a dictionary, a feature vectorizer that uses the hashing trick can build a vector of a pre-defined length by applying a hash function h to the features (e.g., words) in the items under consideration, then using the hash values directly as feature indices and updating the resulting vector at those indices.
Suppose you generate below hashed features with 3 buckets. (you apply k different hash functions to the original features and count how many times the hashed value hit a bucket).
bucket1 bucket2 bucket3
doc1: 3 2 0
doc2: 2 2 0
doc3: 1 0 2
Now you successfully transformed the features in 9-dimensions to 3-dimensions.
A more interesting application of feature hashing is to do personalization. The original paper of feature hashing contains a nice example.
Imagine you want to design a spam filter but customized to each user. The naive way of doing this is to train a separate classifier for each user, which are unfeasible regarding either training (to train and update the personalized model) or serving (to hold all classifiers in memory). A smart way is illustrated below:
Each token is duplicated and one copy is individualized by concatenating each word with a unique user id. (See USER123_NEU and USER123_Votre).
The bag of words model now holds the common keywords and also use-specific keywords.
All words are then hashed into a low dimensioanl feature space where the document is trained and classified.
Now to answer your questions:
Yes. one-hot-encoding should come first since it is transforming a categorical feature to binary feature to make it consumable by linear models.
You can apply both on the same dataset for sure as long as there is benefit to use the compressed feature-space. Note if you can tolerate the original feature dimension, feature-hashing is not required. For example, in a common digit recognition problem, e.g., MINST, the image is represented by 28x28 binary pixels. The input dimension is only 784. For sure feature hashing won't have any benefit in this case.

Extract correct data of a file in Matlab

During an integration process with variable stepsize (in concrete, ode113 integrator is used) the position of a body is determined through its acceleration which is stored in a file along with time (i.e. two columns, one for time and the remaining for the acceleration). However, because of there are failed integration steps through the mentioned process, the file for the acceleration data has more rows than the corresponding one for the position data. How I could to extract the correct data of the acceleration data and create a new file for it with the same rows as the position data file?
Is the incorrect data always distributed in a logical way? You can create a search function, looking at the indices of the matrix. Thus cut out the correct data by copying them to a new variable of the now correct length. possibly expensive interms of run time and data storage but definately surefire.