PKHUD and objective c errors - swift

getting errors now when trying to do PKHUD commands in objective c
#import PKHUD;
[PKHUD sharedHUD].contentView = [[PKHUDProgressView alloc] initWithTitle:nil subtitle:#"UPDATING"];
[[PKHUD sharedHUD] hideAfterDelay:1 completion:NULL];
error like
No visible #interface for 'PKHUDProgressView' declares the selector 'initWithTitle:subtitle:'
was working till I did a pod deintegrate and a pod install to fix another issue on a pod.
so this completely had me puzzled

solved by adding this to the class mentioned in the error,
to the class PKHUDProgressView
#objcMembers open class PKHUDProgressView: PKHUDSquareBaseView, PKHUDAnimating {
most likely you need to so same for
seems there is no tags for PKHUD on SO. hopefully google will catch this "PKHUD error"
last update to PKHUD was 5.3.0 2 years ago


Synchronizing issues of MBO in SUP 2.1.3

I am trying to run an iOS application which is migrated from SUP2.1.2 to SUP2.1.3. An application is working fine with device registration and connection, but the problem arises when i try to synchronize 3 MBO synchronization group. The synchronization is working fine for the first time, but when i click over different item to synchronize its detail i am getting following error:
*** -[CFString retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x6465650
I think problem is coming under the following MBO method
+ (ITEMSSynchronizationParameters*)getSynchronizationParameters
return (ITEMSSynchronizationParameters*)[(SUPSyncParamEntityDelegate*)([[ITEMDATABASE delegate] getDelegate:#"ITEMSSynchronizationParameters"]) getSynchronizationParameters];
and i am calling this method while synchronizing app details as follows
ITEMSynchronizationParameters *syncParam = [ITEMSynchronizationParameters getSynchronizationParameters];
[syncParam setSYNC_NO:#"101"];
[syncParam save];
While It also not allowing me to delete sync parameter so that on each items click i should get different information details as [syncParam delete] is causing the same * -[CFString retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x6465650 error. I have used patch 01 and 02 but the problem is still present. Any help would be appreciated.
we had the same Problem.
In my case the answer for this problem was to create a locale property for the SynchronizationParameters and work with the Property. I don't know why but now the delicate error is gone.
#property (nonatomic, retain) ITEMSynchronizationParameters *item_sp;
item_sp = [Item getSynchronizationParameters];
item_sp.syncparam = #"XXXXX";
[item_sp save];

when ever i use OpenCVClientViewController it treats as mistake

I integrated my project in to the below link
There OpenCVClientViewController.h, and OpenCVClientAppDelegate.h,
Here Problem Comes up when i do the following:
i need to call one method named -(void)processFrame in
it gives the following error as the image shown below.
Even the changes what i did removed then also the errors are not clear.
Problem comes when ever i use like below
OpenCVClientViewController *svc=[[OpenCVClientViewController alloc]initWithNibName:#"OpenCVClientViewController" bundle:nil];
[svc processFrame];
If i remove the code what i placed above even though the errors are not removed
(Looks like a small error but i did not get where the mistake is)

Sudzc with iOS 5 and ARC

I've been trying to get a webservices working using Sudzc. Whenever I convert my WSDL to obj-c without automatic reference counting it works just fine. The problem is, we are building all our applications in iOS 5 now and all our code uses ARC. Sudzc now also allows you to create a bundle with ARC enabled but when I run this code it always returns null.
I tried debugging the Sudzc code and it does receive a correct xml response back from the service. Somewhere something is lost in translation. I tried converting the working Sudzc code without ARC into code with ARC enabled but as soon as I've fixed all errors it returns null again.
Did anyone encounter this and know what is going wrong? Would save me loads of time not having to debug the whole Sudzc code by myself.
In my case (SUDZC with ARC for IOS), I have replaced the folowing code in SoapRequest.m file;
CXMLNode* element = [[Soap getNode: [doc rootElement] withName:#"Body"] childAtIndex:0];
CXMLNode* element = [[Soap getNode: [doc rootElement] withName:#"soap:Body"] childAtIndex:0];
Somehow the respective function is searching for the root element with name "Body". After inspecting the soap envelope it is easy to see the root element's name is "soap:Body".
My webService was create in Java with Axis Eclipse.
FOR ARC I use : "soapenv:Body"
And in the file SoapObject.m I add
#import "Soap.h"
#import "SoapObject.h"
In my case "env:Body" worked. Check your return xml (by printing) and replace appropriately
In my case it was an .Net web service (WCF) and I had to use s:Body:
Found out by printing the CXML document:
CXMLNode* test = [doc rootElement];
Here I got this:
<CXMLElement 0x68c1a50 [0x68c1b10] s:Envelope <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><**s:Body**><GetUserIDResponse xmlns=""><GetUserIDResult>8</GetUserIDResult></GetUserIDResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>>
Thanks to previous posts I was able to find it out and posted the complete answer again on my blog:

iPhone - OARequestHeader warnings

I am trying to upload a picture to TwitPic using GSTwitPicEngine.
I have included all the requirements but it seems that some functions used in OARequestHeader class are not recognized. Here is an example:
[chunks addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"realm=\"%#\"", [realm encodedURLParameterString]]];
The "encodedURLParameterString" function is not recognized. realm variable is a NSString.
Do you have any idea what I have done wrong?
You are missing one file or missed to include it (it's part of OAuthConsumer).
Simply download
and add the #import line into the file, where the error appeared:
#import "NSString+URLEncoding.h"
This will add "encodedURLParameterString" to NSStrings selectors.

My own (new) class not found after xcode update

I'm developing iphone app. Yesterday I updated my xcode to to newest version and clean build folders (deleted it), then created new class (nothing special):
#interface EnemyFactory : NSObject {
+(Enemy *)properReferenceForName: (NSString *) name;
Implementation is trivial and not important. What is happening now:
I've got sth like this:
Enemy *tempEnemy = [EnemyFactory properReferenceForName:#"enemyname"];
But code never reaches function properReferenceForName. I've got EXC_BAD_ACCESS with stack like this:
0 0x02a95e2b in realizeClass
1 0x02a96dad in _class_getNonMetaClass
2 0x02a90eb0 in _class_initialize
3 0x02a961f6 in prepareForMethodLookup
4 0x02a8f6c9 in lookUpMethod
5 0x02a8f836 in _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache
6 0x02a9dad3 in objc_msgSend
7 0x0000595d in -[GameLayer newEnemy:] at GameLayer.m:368
Before update. Xcode gives no warning or error. Symbols are declared.
What is interesting though is that: everything goes fine, when I debug step by step whole invocation...
I'm stuck with it for 8 hours.
Update 1:
[[EnemyFactory alloc] init] throws the same error
Update 2:
When I do this:
[EnemyFactory alloc] in some master class during initialization everything goes in flying colours.
Take a look at GameLayer.m line 368 something to do with [GameLayer newEnemy:]. I don't see anything wrong with the code you posted.
If the code is never reaching your class method, the problem is where the stack trace starts, i.e. [GameLayer newEnemy:]
Look for objects that you may need to retain but are not retaining within the newEnemy method.