My own (new) class not found after xcode update - iphone

I'm developing iphone app. Yesterday I updated my xcode to to newest version and clean build folders (deleted it), then created new class (nothing special):
#interface EnemyFactory : NSObject {
+(Enemy *)properReferenceForName: (NSString *) name;
Implementation is trivial and not important. What is happening now:
I've got sth like this:
Enemy *tempEnemy = [EnemyFactory properReferenceForName:#"enemyname"];
But code never reaches function properReferenceForName. I've got EXC_BAD_ACCESS with stack like this:
0 0x02a95e2b in realizeClass
1 0x02a96dad in _class_getNonMetaClass
2 0x02a90eb0 in _class_initialize
3 0x02a961f6 in prepareForMethodLookup
4 0x02a8f6c9 in lookUpMethod
5 0x02a8f836 in _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache
6 0x02a9dad3 in objc_msgSend
7 0x0000595d in -[GameLayer newEnemy:] at GameLayer.m:368
Before update. Xcode gives no warning or error. Symbols are declared.
What is interesting though is that: everything goes fine, when I debug step by step whole invocation...
I'm stuck with it for 8 hours.
Update 1:
[[EnemyFactory alloc] init] throws the same error
Update 2:
When I do this:
[EnemyFactory alloc] in some master class during initialization everything goes in flying colours.

Take a look at GameLayer.m line 368 something to do with [GameLayer newEnemy:]. I don't see anything wrong with the code you posted.

If the code is never reaching your class method, the problem is where the stack trace starts, i.e. [GameLayer newEnemy:]
Look for objects that you may need to retain but are not retaining within the newEnemy method.


PKHUD and objective c errors

getting errors now when trying to do PKHUD commands in objective c
#import PKHUD;
[PKHUD sharedHUD].contentView = [[PKHUDProgressView alloc] initWithTitle:nil subtitle:#"UPDATING"];
[[PKHUD sharedHUD] hideAfterDelay:1 completion:NULL];
error like
No visible #interface for 'PKHUDProgressView' declares the selector 'initWithTitle:subtitle:'
was working till I did a pod deintegrate and a pod install to fix another issue on a pod.
so this completely had me puzzled
solved by adding this to the class mentioned in the error,
to the class PKHUDProgressView
#objcMembers open class PKHUDProgressView: PKHUDSquareBaseView, PKHUDAnimating {
most likely you need to so same for
seems there is no tags for PKHUD on SO. hopefully google will catch this "PKHUD error"
last update to PKHUD was 5.3.0 2 years ago

What can cause this SIGSEGV error?

I received a crash log that I cannot explain. I have searched around and it appears that the SIGSEGV has something to do with memory. But in my case there is nothing of my own code except for the main.m in the stacktrace. Also it doesn't seem to symbolicate any of the system libraries.
The crash so far only happened on one iPhone. On other phones I haven't been able to reproduce it. Right now I'm completely stuck and don't know where to continue so if anyone has seen something like this before it would be good to hear their problem and resolution.
The crash log:
Incident Identifier: TODO
CrashReporter Key: TODO
Hardware Model: iPhone4,1
OS Version: iPhone OS 6.1.3 (10B329)
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: SIGSEGV
Exception Codes: SEGV_ACCERR at 0x41fd5903
Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3b0b9564 0x3b0b6000 + 13668
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3b0bb1d7 0x3b0b6000 + 20951
2 CoreFoundation 0x33396605 0x332d4000 + 796165
3 CoreFoundation 0x3339635d 0x332d4000 + 795485
4 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3b0bea65 0x3b0b6000 + 35429
5 libc++abi.dylib 0x3ab0b07b 0x3ab0a000 + 4219
6 libc++abi.dylib 0x3ab0b114 0x3ab0a000 + 4372
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x3ab0c599 0x3ab0a000 + 9625
8 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3b0be9d1 0x3b0b6000 + 35281
9 CoreFoundation 0x332dcf21 0x332d4000 + 36641
10 CoreFoundation 0x332dcd49 0x332d4000 + 36169
11 GraphicsServices 0x36eb52eb 0x36eb0000 + 21227
12 UIKit 0x351f2301 0x3519b000 + 357121
13 Stylbar 0x0007109f main (main.m:21)
Edit 3th of May:
The crash log is sent by a user. I haven't been able to reproduce the issue myself unfortunately, which is why it's so difficult for me to figure out what went wrong with just this crash log.
It appeared to have happened about 15 times in a row for the same user when opening a certain view controller. The view controller does several calls to a server to load a post, comments and images and profile pictures. All the code that's executed when this view controller is opened is probably over 2000 lines of code (excluding the RestKit and SBWebImage libraries that are used within this code). Posting that code here wouldn't help anyone I'm afraid.
The most simple and useful way to spend your time hunting for the cause of the crash is to look at your code and focus on places where UIKit has a delegate that points back into your code. For example, I found that the most common place this sort of thing would show up was in UITableView. The reason these problems are so hard to track down is that they might only happen in a low memory situation or in some uncommon UI condition that is very hard to reproduce. It is better to just do a code review and make sure that delegate that are set to point to your classes are set back to nil in your own object destructors. If you have many developers, it is often better to work on some higher level abstractions like a generic table and cell class that is used throughout the project than to have every developer coding up a UITableView and making mistakes like forgetting to nil out the delegate that are very difficult to find.
SIGSEGV is a problem the occurs when your application tries to access an address of memory that doesn't exists or some address where is already reserved to another program. I have the same issue with an application right now but I have to review my code to figure it out better. One clue for this kind of problem could be something equivalent to this (found in wikipedia):
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
char p = NULL; / p is a pointer to char that initializes poiting to "nowhere"*/
* p = 'x'; /* Tries to save the char 'x' in 'no address'*/
return 0;
I hope this can help someone.

Strange Core Data crash with _Unwind_SjLj_Resume after migrating

I am getting a strange crash from some of my beta testers that I am having trouble with. The symbolicated crash reports indicate that the crash is occurring in the simple allocation of a controller as a singleton, at the init call, but according to the stack trace, it appears that the code I have in init is not actually where the crash is. Here is the relevant code:
1534| + (UA[REDACTED]PlayerController*)sharedInstance
1535| {
1536| #synchronized(self)
1537| {
1538| if (sharedInstance == nil)
1539| sharedInstance = [[UA[REDACTED]PlayerController alloc] init];
1540| }
1541| return sharedInstance;
1542| }
This has never crashed before, and the code has not changed anytime recently. Here is the raised stack trace:
Thread 5:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x33bd52d4 __kill + 8
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x33bd52c4 kill + 4
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x33bd52b6 raise + 10
3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x33be9d26 __abort + 62
4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x33be9d7e abort + 62
5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x33bd7980 __assert_rtn + 152
6 libgcc_s.1.dylib 0x32acab4e _Unwind_SjLj_Resume + 26
7 [REDACTED] 0x00060b64 +[UA[REDACTED]PlayerController sharedInstance] (UA[REDACTED]PlayerController.m:1540)
8 [REDACTED] 0x00063e6c -[UA[REDACTED]PlayerViewController setupControlViews] (UA[REDACTED]PlayerViewController.m:224)
9 [REDACTED] 0x00062ce0 -[UA[REDACTED]PlayerViewController viewDidLoad] (UA[REDACTED]PlayerViewController.m:268)
10 UIKit 0x320a0270 -[UIViewController view] + 104
Any ideas as to what this cryptic crash is and where it might be coming from?
It appears it has to do with core data and migrations. I was able to duplicate it, but the root cause is still unknown. I have some automatic migrations that are in this version, and it appears that while some of the NSManagedObjects can be read, others are throwing this exception, particularly on a NSManagedObjects relationship. It might not be related to the PlayerController at all. Any Core-Data experts have some insight?
Here is the call stack of the crash after I have found a way to reproduce it
and the relevant code:
if (resultArray && [resultArray count]) {
for (MixAudio *ma in resultArray) {
Audio *audio = [ma valueForKey:LOCAL_MIX_AUDIO_AUDIO_KEY];
if (audio) {
[returnArray addObject:audio];
To help explain what I did to reproduce it, I have to explain the data structure a little. I have Mix and Audio items. Mixes have many Audio, Audio belongs to many Mixes. This is a simple relationship call on the MixAudio objects to get the Audio. Now, this has only been crashing here after I do a database restore to the new version.
Database backups in my setup means zipping up the database to save the data, then unzipping on restore. This crash only happens after the restore process. To make things more complicated, there are 3 database versions with mapping models. Because this process worked for me before the versioning, I feel that something in my versions is causing this crash.
All other data is fine and can be accessed, even saved. Somehow, this single fetch is causing issues. There are no errors or warnings when setting up the persistent store or managed object model. Furthermore, new Mix objects can be created and accessed fine, only older fetches (that were in the DB before the restore) are failing.
If I don't catch the error, the console prints:
Assertion failed: (_Unwind_SjLj_Resume() can't return), function _Unwind_SjLj_Resume, file /SourceCache/libunwind/libunwind-24.1/src/Unwind-sjlj.c, line 326.
Putting a try/catch around the crashing line allows me to inspect the root crash cause:
Error: NSRangeException: *** -[NSMutableArray objectAtIndex:]: index 4294967295 beyond bounds [0 .. 16]
but this makes no sense (to me at least) for a simple valueForKey call. 4294967295 = 2^32-1 which means the index var was probably set to −1 if that helps. I am lost here.
I was right about it being in the versioning :) I reread the section on versioning in Zarra's book and had a major DOH moment. This is the first time I have ever had an app with 3 database versions. I am using Mapping Models in my app and I naively assumed that core data would be able to map from 1-2 using one model, then 2-3 using the next. I literally hit my head when I realized I did not have a 1-3 mapping model. to test it out, I added one quickly and everything is as smooth as butter. Now I just have to go back and use his Progressive Data Migration samples to make my life easier as I go on with more version of this DB.
I am hoping Zarra drives by here and answers something… anything… so I can give him the points for this :)
While the OP was able to solve his own question, it is helpful to have a clear understanding of migrations.
When you create a second version of your data model, you need a mapping model from version one to version two.
When you create a third model you need a mapping model from one to two AND a map from one to three.
When you add a fourth model you need the following models:
And it gets more progress from there.

xcode debugging goes back and forth during stepping through the code

I have a really weird problem with Xcode 3.2.5
In a normal code sequence XCode steps couple of lines back then continues, then again sometimes back and continues again during step mode.
This only happens in one project, but there in all files. Here an example:
When jumping in this function Xcode goes through the lines in the following sequence:
2 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 ->5 -> 8 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 ->...
I dont understand what is going on here. Please do you have any idea?
Rebooting the machine and the iPhone doesn't help.
By the way, the complete code works fine and runs without errors. It seems that the cursor sometimes goes to lines where the code is not being executed. If a certain line is entered twice by the cursor, only the second time it changes the variables in assignments etc..
Really weird!
Thanks for any hint...
1 - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
// D_IN;
2 [super viewWillAppear:animated];
//get the dataManager global Object, so we always have a structured accesss to the data!
3 WebiAppDelegate *mainDelegate = (WebiAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
4 self.webiDataManager = mainDelegate.webiDataManager;
5 message.hidden = YES;
6 message.text = #"";
7 message.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
I agree with the comments. It looks like you're trying to debug optimized code. Try compiling with no optimization and the debugger should behave more sensibly.
e.g. gcc -O0 ...

iPhone UIImage - Image Randomizer Crashes If It Comes Across the Same Image Twice

I am building a game that pulls images randomly. After doing some testing I have realized if the same image is called twice, it crashes. I learned this by after completing the first game, I returned to the games main menu and selected to play again. I ended up getting an image which was already displayed to me in my previous game and a second later my app crashed. I did some testing and made the same image show up twice during my first game, and it crashed a second after the image was displayed a second time.
Here is a sample code. "idNum" and "timer" are declared in the .h file so they are global. As you can see I have NSTimer that runs every second to randomize a new image to be pulled. Works find until an image is trying to be shown for a second time. Say I get a random order of 1,3,2,5,3. It will crash on the second 3.
Can you not call an image twice? I can only think that this is a caching issue, I am not sure how to release the image cache. I get the error objc_msgSend. Sorry not very good at debugging crashes.
//idNum = the randomly generated integer
//pictures are called by numbers ex(1.jpg, 5.jpg)
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1 target:self selector:#selector(timeCounter) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
-(void)timeCounter {
time = time + 1;
idNum = (arc4random() % 5);
NSString * imgIDnum = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%d", idNum];
imgMain = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", imgIDnum, #".jpg"];
[imgIDnum release];
UIImage * daImg = [UIImage imageNamed:imgMain];
[imgView setImage:daImg];
You should provide more information about the crash. Is it in the +imageNamed: line above, or perhaps in -setImage:?
The most likely cause is that you are over-releasing the UIImage. For instance, if you're calling [daImg release] after the above code, then you would get this behavior because you would be over-releasing something that the UIImage class is caching. This wouldn't cause a crash until the situation you describe.
I've seen a really entertaining version of this bug: a teammate of mine was over-releasing an NSNumber (it happened to be for the integer 2 most of the time). NSNumbers are cached internally, so the next time he created an NSNumber for the integer 2, in an unrelated part of the program, it would crash. Any other number was fine, but try to NSLog() a 2, and boom.
Well I am sorry to say that I have fixed the issue and have no idea how. I ended up re-writing majority of that code, adding, removing and changing some snippets around to be more memory management friendly. When I went to run it again things were perfectly fine. Sorry for no solution. If someone else comes across this problem, let me know I will try and help.