when ever i use OpenCVClientViewController it treats as mistake - iphone

I integrated my project in to the below link
There OpenCVClientViewController.h, OpenCVClientViewController.mm and OpenCVClientAppDelegate.h, OpenCVClientAppDelegate.mm
Here Problem Comes up when i do the following:
i need to call one method named -(void)processFrame in OpenCVClientViewController.mm
it gives the following error as the image shown below.
Even the changes what i did removed then also the errors are not clear.
Problem comes when ever i use OpenCVClientViewController.mm like below
OpenCVClientViewController *svc=[[OpenCVClientViewController alloc]initWithNibName:#"OpenCVClientViewController" bundle:nil];
[svc processFrame];
If i remove the code what i placed above even though the errors are not removed
(Looks like a small error but i did not get where the mistake is)


Connecting FluidEnter/FluidExit at run-time

I am toying with the FluidEnter/FluidExit. So in a simple form, here is what I am trying to do:
I created in Main an empty population of agent called Terminal. For now, in Terminal, there is only a fluidEnter connected to a fluidExit (very simple)
enter image description here
Now, on startup, I want to fill this population and set up the proper connections (the terminals are ordered).
So, on startup, I call a function init(), whose body start with Terminal t = add_terminals(); (I have only one terminal for now, just toying with things)
In Main, obviously, I also have a fluidEnter and a fluidExit. I would like to connect the fluidExit of Main to the fluidEnter of the terminal t, and the fluidExit of the terminal t to the fluidEnter of Main, so code (still in init()) looks like
I get an exception so obviously, I am doing something wrong. Any idea?
I think the set_fluidEnter function is deprecated or just non-functional.
Instead, you should do:
So just replace set_fluidEnter with connect... nothing else.
That should do the trick
I was going down the same path as you a couple of months ago. Yes... .connect() works great. It even works as a gate. If it is disconnected, then fluid stops at the exit. Once connected, fluid starts to flow again. It is very slick.

In Pure Data is there any way to track down a "signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)" error?

I have a Pd patch which calls in a second patch as an abstraction.
The second patch works fine by itself. But when I try to use it from inside the first, I'm seeing this
signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)
error. But I can't see WHERE it's happening.
Doing "Find last error" just gives me.
... sorry, I couldn't find the source of that error.
How can I find out which two objects Pd is referring to with that outlet / inlet?
(The outlets of the subpatches are being wired into [dac~] in the main patch)
These subpatches USED TO work, until I tried to add Open Sound Control to them with udpreceive. And, like I say, they still do work, accepting the OSC if I run them on their own.
actually, Pd (>=0.43) became quite good at locating the source of errors, but unfortunately this is little known (and less documented).
if you get a findable error (usually those in red; and the error you get is one of them!), you can click on the error-line and it will take you to the object that complained (and select it)
the actual click-sequence is OS-dependent:
linux: Ctrl+LeftMouseButton
w32 : Ctrl+LeftMouseButton
OSX : ⌘+LeftMouseButton
alternatively you can get to the error, by clicking on the error-message and then hitting
(Enter should work as well).

the svnpoller is not triggered (warning in the twistd.log)

I am not sure what is going on, but i get this weird issue with buildbot.
The SVNPoller is configured as it should (checked various config example files), when i run the buildbot checkconfig it says that everything is fine....but it won't work at all.
If i trigger a build via the scheduler class it works fine, i can retrieve the source updates and build without problems (tried with a 1h timeframe).
The problem thou is that the poller is not working, so even if i build each hour, the changes column stays empty (i get the changes for the various versions thou, so if i click on the build detail i can see the sourcestamp carrying the right and most recent revision everytime that i modify the codebase); so I have no way to know if the build fails who did the last change.
Another peculiar thing is that in the twistd.log i see this line:
Warning: no ChangeSources specified in c['change_source']
And i am not sure why it wouldn't work since the checkconfig does not raise any error.
The result of this is of course that the only thing built is the hourly one, leaving me without the poller, and without knowing who is putting code in each build.
This is the code for the poller:
c['change source']=SVNPoller
svnbin = '/usr/bin/svn')
So far it looks good, so I am not really sure what is wrong here...why the SVNPoller is not triggering any build.
Anyone that has some suggestions about why is this happening ? Is there any other way to get changes from an SVN server? I am a total newbie at BuildBot and I am not really getting too much out of the manual; that looks much more like a scholastic book instead of being a manual that shows you how you do stuff :)
Ok, silly me :) the problem is the missing underscore on change_source...once added it the problem is solved
c['change_source'] = SVNPoller (svnurl=source_svn_url,
svnbin= '/usr/bin/svn'
this will poll the svn codebase at source_svn_url (just put your svn:// path); and will check every minute to see if anyone has done changes; and will keep 10 changes in the record list (any change after the 10th will not show up so use it carefully if you do a lot of commits).
Hope that this helps who uses buildbot!

Exception when running on simulator 3.2

I'm testing my app on simulator 3.1.3, it runs fine.
When it come to simulator 3.2, it crashes right from the beginning:
2010-06-24 16:35:29.208 MyTestApp[6991:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'This coder requires that replaced objects be returned from initWithCoder:'
2010-06-24 16:35:29.213 MyTestApp[6991:207] Stack: (
As far as I know, I do not use the "initWithCoder" method (do not really know what this is though).
How can I know where the exception is thrown so I could have a better understanding of what is causing the problem?
ps: I have added an exception in Breakpoint: objc_exception_throw (with location libobjc.A.dylib, strangely I had to enter the location manually, I expected xcode to find it for me when I added objc_exception_throw). But still the same trace and no more information.
This page should provide some helpful info: Debugging Tips for Objective-C
Of particular interest is the console command info line *. Every one of those numbers listed by the exception log is an address on the stack. Those bottom ones in the 10,000 and below range are usually located in the app's main method, for example. The highest ranged addresses tend to represent the default libraries.
Using the command info line *10678 would likely return some info about a specific line in the main method, which doesn't help very much. Normally the trick is to find the highest address before the default libraries begin. I'm unsure how much this will help your problem in particular, seeing as there's a huge gap between the expected small addresses and the next highest up. In any case, start with the smallest address above the bottom two (3555255 from what I can see in the log you posted) and see if it returns a line from one of your own code files. If it does, check the one above it, and so on until you find the last address from your own code. Hope this helps.
I figured out the reason of this error. I had created an object of type NSDictionnary within IB and it seems it was not the correct way to do this. Instead I have programmatically created this same object in XCode and this works fine. Seems like it was some kind of persistent problem.

UIPrintErrorDomain error 4 while printing on the same printer

I have an application that uses AirPrint and currently, after the first printing I get the following error:
UIPrintErrorDomain error 4
I keep the UIPrinter in a variable that will be used on the next prints(as Apple advice) and when I do a contactPrinter, it actually says that it's available. Even that, it doesn't work.
The only solution is to bring back again the UIPrinterPickerController, choose the printer and then, it will work.
Am I doing something wrong?