Flutter app displays black screen after trying to add a google account and then returning to app screen - flutter

Using the google_sign_in package to allow users to sign in to firebase using a Google account. I discovered a bug that displays a black screen in the background instead of the application after trying to sign in with an added account and returning to the main screen without completing the sign-in process.
Steps to reproduce:
Login Screen Click on Sign In with Google
Google Sign In Options Click on add another account
Add account screen Navigate back to the app before creating a new account
Google Sign In Options with black screen
The issue is here I do not want the screen to be black but to be the same as the previous Google Sign In Options image. I have doubts that it might be due to the loss of the context but I am not sure what is causing the issue.
The function I am using is the signIn() method from the google_sign_in package on version 4.5.4
All other aspects of the package are functioning correctly. I am able to sign in with an account and have it authenticate the user through to the homepage

< style name="LaunchTheme" parent="#android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar">
use this in styles.xml


Flutter: Firebase Auth UI stuck on verification screen

I want to use the firebase_ui_auth package and i am testing with the example app in the repository. When i register a user with email and password the verify email screen is pushed and the issue i am facing is that after i click on the url to verify, the app remains in the loading state. I have connected the app to a firebase project, are there any other settings that I need to make?
Thanks in advance.

Unable to use Google Assistant App on Work Profile

I am trying to use the Work Profile version of the Google Assistant app, but I cannot get past the "set default assist app" screen in order to start using Google Assistant. It works on some phones, but not on my Pixel 3 or a Pixel 2 XL that I tested it on.
Steps to reproduce:
Tap on the Work Profile Google Assistant app, and a screen appears to prompt the me to set the default assist app
Tap on "Settings".
When I tap on "Assist App", the "Permission Controller" screen opens briefly and then closes immediately.
Finally any more taps on "Assist App" again has touch feedback show nothing.
Image of screen
Make sure that your work account as permission to access your voice.
Go to the Activity Controls page.
Sign in with your Google account
Enable the following permissions:
Web & App Activity
Under Web & App Activity, check the box next to Include Chrome history and activity from sites, apps, and devices that use Google services.
If that doesn't work, this can be due to limitations or restrictions with work accounts. Contact your admin.

Setting up oAuth Consent Screen

Hello I am developing Flutter App that fetches the Steps from Google Fit Rest API but I am facing the problem in setting up the oAuth Contest Screen, I am developing a mobile app so what value should I enter for authorized domains. Can someone guide me here, please?
Check the image

How to share smart home app to other users before it published?

I am developing a smart home app and want to share it to another Google account before it published.
I follow the steps in https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/testing-deploying#sharing_your_project
Add a new member xxx#gmail.com and role set to project -> viewer.
But my smart home app does not appear in the home control section of Google Home app when I use the Google account xxx#gmail.com.
When I switch back to my own Google account, my smart home app appears in the Google Home app.
Is anyone encountering this issue?
For sharing your smart home actions with other users, follow theses steps,
Click the "3-dots" icon in the upper right corner of the console (https://console.actions.google.com/)
Click Manage user access (this redirects you to the Google Cloud Platform IAM permissions page)
Click ADD at the top of the page
Enter the email address of the user you want to add
Click Select a role and choose Project > Viewer
Click SAVE
In order to add users to a project, you need to be an owner of the project and after you're done with the above steps then all the added users will be able to see the Actions on their Google console. Additionally the users that have shared access to your Action can test it on Assistant-enabled devices such as their smartphones. But, before they can test the smart home Action, the added users must set up for testing. In order to test that Action device testing must be enabled for that device and after doing that it should be linked to the correct Google account. Performing this setup allows users to test on Google Assistant surfaces and on the Google Home app, using the same account you used to sign in to the Actions console. Find out more about setting up testing at https://developers.google.com/assistant/smarthome/develop/testing?hl=en#setup

Twitter Sign up screen

My question is two fold. Firstly the screen that gets generated when the user does not have a twitter account and clicks on the sign up button in (Native Twitter iPhone App) like the image below. Is it Default screen or is it created programmatically?
If it is default iOS Screen, then how do i get my app to generate it.
If it isn't then what process will I be following exactly to sign the user up with Twitter given I have his credentials
Thanks in advance
It is default screen. No need to add extra code for it. If you call twitter share and you weren't signed in, in twitter it will show a dialog box. click settings will navigate to twitter sign in.Clicking create new account will navigate to sign up page. There is a bug in twitter app in older versions of iPhone simulator.but in new iPhone simulator you can sign in , dont know sign up actually works.