Flutter: Firebase Auth UI stuck on verification screen - flutter

I want to use the firebase_ui_auth package and i am testing with the example app in the repository. When i register a user with email and password the verify email screen is pushed and the issue i am facing is that after i click on the url to verify, the app remains in the loading state. I have connected the app to a firebase project, are there any other settings that I need to make?
Thanks in advance.


Why can't Firebase Emulator trigger an Flutter event for EmailVerifiedAction?

I am using Firebase Emulator to test for User Registration of my Flutter app based on the example code: https://github.com/firebase/flutterfire/blob/master/packages/firebase_ui_auth/example/lib/main.dart
The Firebase Auth emulator successfully generated the link, something like this:
When I paste this link to browser, the emulator switches the "Verified email?" flag for the user to true, which tells me the link is valid. However, this link redirects to Sign-in screen (/#), instead of profile page (/#/profile) which means the user is logged in and email verified. I think it's something to deal with the url of the ActionCodeSettings but I cannot manage to make it work.
Conversely, it works fine if I connect directly to Firebase server, i.e. it can verify the email and then go to the profile screen after clicking on the "Continue" button. Is this a known issue for Flutter to work with Firebase emulator?

How to make Test account for app gallery?

I want to submit an app to the app gallery, but it required a test account and I don't know how to add one like the firebase console.
enter image description here
You just have to provide an account for the person that's going to test manually your app to validate it for the store.
If you are using Firebase, you can just create an account by going to Firebase Console, choosing the project linked to your app, and going to the "Authentication" service in the "Build" category.
Then, just click on the "Add user" button. You'll have to have to user/password provider activated on Firebase.
Enter test credentials and share them on the form that App Gallery is asking to start your review process.

Android Device Verification not working in Flutter

I am trying to do get OTP without Verifying you are not a robot screen using firebase in a flutter.
I added the SHA-256 key in firebase and enabled the Android Device Verification in console developer google. But still after entering the phone number for OTP that Verifying you are not a robot screen was showing and redirecting to the app. Did I miss something or it will take time to activate Android Device Verification.
Make sure your app is Registered via SafetyNet at:
Firebase Console > Project Settings > App Check > Your app
Secondly, try to test it on a real device. If you are testing phone authentication on an emulator then reCAPTCHA screen will be still shown but for real devices it won’t be shown anymore as stated in the official documentation.
Addition: It will always be shown in rooted devices.
Edit: If this is happening only to your playstore downloaded application, then you probably didn't add your playstore signing SHA1 and SHA256 to your firebase.
Go to your playstore account, app signing under integrity and copy these keys and add them to your firebase project.

Flutter app displays black screen after trying to add a google account and then returning to app screen

Using the google_sign_in package to allow users to sign in to firebase using a Google account. I discovered a bug that displays a black screen in the background instead of the application after trying to sign in with an added account and returning to the main screen without completing the sign-in process.
Steps to reproduce:
Login Screen Click on Sign In with Google
Google Sign In Options Click on add another account
Add account screen Navigate back to the app before creating a new account
Google Sign In Options with black screen
The issue is here I do not want the screen to be black but to be the same as the previous Google Sign In Options image. I have doubts that it might be due to the loss of the context but I am not sure what is causing the issue.
The function I am using is the signIn() method from the google_sign_in package on version 4.5.4
All other aspects of the package are functioning correctly. I am able to sign in with an account and have it authenticate the user through to the homepage
< style name="LaunchTheme" parent="#android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar">
use this in styles.xml

Login app using fingerprint instead of password

I am working on Flutter login screen but I want to register app using a fingerprint instead of the password. We have local_auth in Flutter but that is fore unlocking app using a fingerprint or touch id. What are the available methods to do that?
What you can do is to refer the plugin local_auth available on Pub and authenticate with local authentication. It is the fastest way to handle it. The package is maintained by the official flutter team, so no need to worry about the updates.
Check the repository and examples here: