Why does db2 timestampdiff return error SYSFUN:07? - db2

Given a query like this one:
select timestampdiff(4, char(ORDER_DT - ORDER_DT)) as TEST
from mytable;
Using IBM DB2 z/OS 12 with IDAA, you may get this error:

In some cases the char cast may return a leading space, so the timestampdiff argument will be something like ' 00000000000000.000000'. This argument will return the SYSFUN:07 error in certain circumstances.
The fix is to cast to char(22):
select timestampdiff(4, cast(ORDER_DT - ORDER_DT as char(22))) as TEST
from mytable;


In Postgres how do I apply UPPER/LOWER on a list of strings? I am able to apply UPPER/LOWER on a single String

However when I tried on a list of String it is throwing error.
select distinct(tx.sub_tran_type)
from tran.txn tx
where tx.sub_tran_type = UPPER('homede')
limit 100
This query runs fine . However if you look at
select distinct(tx.sub_tran_type)
from tran.txn tx
where tx.sub_tran_type in UPPER('homede','online','omni-online','amznow')
limit 100
It throws this error:
SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error at or near "UPPER"`
This is just a trick. You can try this with your case:
select distinct tx.sub_tran_type
from tran.txn tx
where tx.sub_tran_type in (SELECT upper(unnest(array['homede','online','omni-online','amznow'])))
limit 100

Database-migration ms sql to postgresql

I am getting a syntax error when converting between SQL Server to PostgreSQL. Any thoughts?
IF (var_port_with_bmrk_total_mv != 0 AND var_bmrk_info IS NOT NULL) THEN
insert into t$tmp_diff
select #asof_dt asof_dt,#choiceID choiceID ,p.input_array_type ,p.group_order, CONVERT(DECIMAL(32,10),p.port_value/#var_port_total_mv) port_value,convert(decimal(32,10), isnull(bmrk_value/#port_with_bmrk_total_mv,0)) bmrk_value
from t$tmp_port_sum p, t$tmp_bmrk_sum b
where p.input_array_type=b.input_array_type and p.group_order = b.group_order
Original before conversion
insert into #tmp_other_diff
select #asof_dt asof_dt,#choiceID choiceID , b.input_array_type,b.grouping,convert(decimal(32,10),0) port_value, (bmrk_value/#port_with_bmrk_total_mv) bmrk_value
from #tmp_bmrk_other_sum b
where b.key_value not in ( select p.key_value from #tmp_port_other_sum p)
Error message:
Error occurred during SQL query execution
SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error at or near ","
Position: 9030
the relevant comma being:
There is no convert() function in Postgres. Use the SQL standard cast or the Postgres extension ::data type. In this case:
...., cast(0 as decimal(30,10)) port_value, ....
...., 0::decimal(30,10) port_value, ...
Note: No comma after the expression. In the original port_value is the column alias. You need to keep it that way.

LPAD function errors when used in WITH variable in Redshift

Can you tell me why this is throwing an error in Redshift?
WITH Testing_PADDING AS (SELECT '12345678' AS column1)
SELECT LPAD(column1, 9,'0') FROM Testing_PADDING;
Here is the error I receive:
"Invalid operation: failed to find conversion function from "unknown" to text;"
Redshift can't determine data type from the context, so you need to explicitly set it
WITH Testing_PADDING AS (SELECT '12345678'::text AS column1)
LPAD(column1, 9, '0')
I suspect that one of your strings isn't being seen as text - likely the column1 text. (Sorry don't have a cluster up not to test)
WITH Testing_PADDING AS (SELECT '12345678'::text AS column1)
SELECT LPAD(column1, 9,'0'::text) FROM Testing_PADDING;

SQL Command failed with: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying?

i am trying to get values from database by using following query
SELECT Distinct org.name AS org, sto.ad_org_id AS wh_nearstoredetails_id, sum(sto.qtyonhand) AS qty, pro.name AS product
FROM ad_org org, m_storage_detail sto, m_product pro
WHERE sto.ad_org_id::text = org.ad_org_id::text
AND (sto.m_locator_id::text IN ( select cast(m_locator.m_locator_id as text)
from m_locator,m_warehouse
where m_warehouse.isactive = cast('Y' as varchar)
and m_warehouse.em_ai_warehouseparent::text not like cast('' as text)
and m_warehouse.m_warehouse_id::text = m_locator.m_warehouse_id::text
and m_locator.isdefault = cast('Y' as varchar)))
AND sto.m_product_id::text = pro.m_product_id::text
AND sto.qtyonhand >= cast(1 as numeric)
AND sto.ad_org_id::text IN ( SELECT cast(m_warehouse.ad_org_id as text)
FROM m_warehouse
WHERE m_warehouse.em_ai_warehouseparent::text not like cast('' as text))
GROUP BY org.name,sto.ad_org_id,pro.name
ORDER BY org.name, pro.name;
after creating this i also created a class to call this query and get data but when i deploy my project i am getting following error
WARN - SQL Command failed with: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying !
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
please help to solve this issue.
i finally found the mistake what i made.
the problem in the above query is i'm trying to make type cast of null value
now i changed the condition to check 'is not null' than "not like ''"
and even i don't need to add cast operation it's useless.
anyways thanks for you response. :)

Jasper-reports: Error: operator does not exist date = boolean

[EDIT: This problem was a result of a bug within version 3.7.6]
The following postgresql query is returning an error:
operator does not exist date = boolean.
I can't figure out why. Here is the postgresql code that is giving me the error:
(s.population - s.online) as non_hb_pop,
s.online as hb_pop,
s.population as full_pop,
dwh.rpt_cu_private_kli_summary s, dwh.rpt_sgmt_clients c
s.partner_id::integer = $P{rpt_cu}
and s.rep_date = $P{rpt_date_beg}
and s.userid=c.userid
group by
c.source, s.term_desc, s.name, s.grouping,
s.population, s.online, s.kli, s.rep_date
order by
full_pop desc,
What does the above error message mean?
What is the value for $P{rpt_date_beg} ? That's where things go wrong. Check the real query, might be in the errorlog, and do some debugging. Maybe some quotes ' are missing around the date value.