LPAD function errors when used in WITH variable in Redshift - amazon-redshift

Can you tell me why this is throwing an error in Redshift?
WITH Testing_PADDING AS (SELECT '12345678' AS column1)
SELECT LPAD(column1, 9,'0') FROM Testing_PADDING;
Here is the error I receive:
"Invalid operation: failed to find conversion function from "unknown" to text;"

Redshift can't determine data type from the context, so you need to explicitly set it
WITH Testing_PADDING AS (SELECT '12345678'::text AS column1)
LPAD(column1, 9, '0')

I suspect that one of your strings isn't being seen as text - likely the column1 text. (Sorry don't have a cluster up not to test)
WITH Testing_PADDING AS (SELECT '12345678'::text AS column1)
SELECT LPAD(column1, 9,'0'::text) FROM Testing_PADDING;


ERROR: Teradata prepare: Syntax error when usign date format 'ddmmyyy'd in SAS

I'm using this code to extract information from this database. However, it is showing me this error:
ERROR: Teradata prepare: Syntax error, expected something like ')' between a string or a Unicode character literal and the word
'd'. SQL statement was: WITH vmher102ult as ( select cod_cte, max(fec_consulta) as max_fec_consulta from
klarmxpw_her.vmher102 where cod_cte not in ('','0','00000000') and fec_consulta>='01MAR2021'd group by cod_cte) select t1.*
from klarmxpw_her.vmher101 as t1 inner join vmher102ult as t2 on t1.cod_cte=t2.cod_cte and
The code I'm using for this pass through is the following:
proc sql;
connect to teradata as tera (user=&tuser. password=&tpass. server='TDMX03');
create table vmher101_m as
select * from connection to tera (
WITH vmher102ult as (
select cod_cte, max(fec_consulta) as max_fec_consulta
from klarmxpw_her.vmher102
where cod_cte not in ('','0','00000000')
and fec_consulta>='01MAR2021'd
group by cod_cte)
select t1.*
from klarmxpw_her.vmher101 as t1
inner join vmher102ult as t2
on t1.cod_cte=t2.cod_cte and t1.fec_consulta=t2.max_fec_consulta);
disconnect from ter;
Does anybody know what can I do?
You need to use TERADATA code inside the () after from connection to tera.
and fec_consulta>= DATE '2021-03-01'
Teradata Documentation

It can't calculate count(*) in a query onto DB2 database

I want to do a count(*) of the number of a rows fom a DB2 database.
The basic query is the following:
from "Request_Analisys"
"Sample_Date_and_Time">=1200323230000000 and "Sample_Date_and_Time"<1200332300000000
and "Request_Detail" <> '[Summary]'
and "Request_Detail" not like 'WS:%'
Now I'd like to do a count(*) of the resulting rows, but if I do a query like this:
from "Request_Analisys"
"Sample_Date_and_Time">=1200323230000000 and "Sample_Date_and_Time"<1200332300000000
and "Request_Detail" <> '[Summary]'
and "Request_Detail" not like 'WS:%'
It gives the error:
18:51:58 FAILED [SELECT - 0 rows, 0.032 secs] 1) [Code: -119, SQL State: 42803] An expression starting with "Request_Detail" specified in a SELECT clause, HAVING clause, or ORDER BY clause is not specified in the GROUP BY clause or it is in a SELECT clause, HAVING clause, or ORDER BY clause with a column function and no GROUP BY clause is specified.. SQLCODE=-119, SQLSTATE=42803, DRIVER=4.22.29
2) [Code: -727, SQL State: 56098] An error occurred during implicit system action type "2". Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE "-119", SQLSTATE "42803" and message tokens "Request_Detail".. SQLCODE=-727, SQLSTATE=56098, DRIVER=4.22.29
How could I do to get the count of the rows?
Which Request_Detail line's substr would you think it shows after the count?
If you count the lines, the result set will be a single line, and using any columns in it makes no sense.
If you want multiple lines, with a count for each found substr, you need to GROUP BY this substr.
This may work...
from "Request_Analisys"
"Sample_Date_and_Time">=1200323230000000 and "Sample_Date_and_Time"<1200332300000000
and "Request_Detail" <> '[Summary]'
and "Request_Detail" not like 'WS:%'
But if not this should..
with cte as (
-LOCATE('/',"Request_Detail"))) as mydetail
from "Request_Analisys"
"Sample_Date_and_Time">=1200323230000000 and "Sample_Date_and_Time"<1200332300000000
and "Request_Detail" <> '[Summary]'
and "Request_Detail" not like 'WS:%'
select count(*) from cte
I suggest you use REGEXP_EXTRACT to pick what you want out of your "Request_Detail" column. This is more flexable than using SUBSTR and LOCATE, and will avoid the statement was not executed because a numeric argument of a scalar function is out of range.. error
, SUBSTR("Request_Detail",LOCATE('/',"Request_Detail")+1,LOCATE('/',"Request_Detail",LOCATE('/',"Request_Detail")+1)-LOCATE('/',"Request_Detail"))
FROM TABLE(VALUES('aaaa/bbbb/ccc')) AS T("Request_Detail")
1 |2
bbbb/ |bbbb/
so, you could then do this
, REGEXP_EXTRACT("Request_Detail",'.*/(.+/)',1,1,'',1)
for example

PostgreSQL ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1e+06"

The full error message is:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1e+06"
SQL state: 22P02
Context: In PL/R function sample
The query I'm using is:
WITH a as
SELECT a.tract_id_alias,
array_agg(a.pgid ORDER BY a.pgid) as pgids,
array_agg(a.sample_weight_geo ORDER BY a.pgid) as block_weights
FROM results_20161109.block_microdata_res_joined a
WHERE a.tract_id_alias in (66772, 66773, 66785, 66802, 66805, 66806, 66813)
AND a.bldg_count_res > 0
GROUP BY a.tract_id_alias
1 * b.year,
) as pgid
LEFT JOIN results_20161109.initial_agent_count_by_tract_res_11 b
ON a.tract_id_alias = b.tract_id_alias
ORDER BY b.year, a.tract_id_alias, pgid;
And the shared.sample function I'm using is:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION shared.sample(ids bigint[], size integer, seed integer DEFAULT 1, with_replacement boolean DEFAULT false, probabilities numeric[] DEFAULT NULL::numeric[])
RETURNS integer[] AS
if (length(ids) == 1) {
s = rep(ids,size)
} else {
s = sample(ids,size, with_replacement,probabilities)
COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION shared.sample(bigint[], integer, integer, boolean, numeric[])
OWNER TO "server-superusers";
I'm pretty new to this stuff, so any help would be appreciated.
Not a problem of the function. Like the error messages says: The string '1e+06' cannot be cast to integer.
Obviously, the columns n_agents in your table results_20161109.initial_agent_count_by_tract_res_11 is not an integer column. Probably type text or varchar? (That info would help in your question.)
Either way, the assignment cast does not work for the target type integer. But it does for numeric:
Does not work:
SELECT '1e+06'::text::int; -- error as in question
SELECT '1e+06'::text::numeric::int;
If my assumptions hold, you can use this as stepping stone.
Replace b.n_agents in your query with b.n_agents::numeric::int.
It's your responsibility that numbers stay in integer range, or you get the next exception.
If that did not nail it, you need to look into function overloading:
Is there a way to disable function overloading in Postgres
And function type resolution:
PostgreSQL function call
The schema search path is relevant in many related cases, but you did schema-qualify all objects, so we can rule that out.
How does the search_path influence identifier resolution and the "current schema"
Your query generally looks good. I had a look and only found minor improvements:
SELECT NULL::int AS agent_id -- never omit the AS keyword for column alias
, a.tract_id_alias
, b.year
, s.pgid
SELECT tract_id_alias
, array_agg(pgid) AS pgids
, array_agg(sample_weight_geo) AS block_weights
FROM ( -- use a subquery, cheaper than CTE
SELECT tract_id_alias
, pgid
, sample_weight_geo
FROM results_20161109.block_microdata_res_joined
WHERE tract_id_alias IN (66772, 66773, 66785, 66802, 66805, 66806, 66813)
AND bldg_count_res > 0
ORDER BY pgid -- sort once in a subquery. cheaper.
) sub
) a
LEFT JOIN results_20161109.initial_agent_count_by_tract_res_11 b USING (tract_id_alias)
, b.n_agents
, b.year -- why "1 * b.year"?
, true
, a.block_weights)) s(pgid) ON true
ORDER BY b.year, a.tract_id_alias, s.pgid;

COALESCE command issue in Hive

I am trying to run a hive query using COALESCE function to create a view. But it is throwing error like
cannot recognize input near '(' 'SELECT' 'realvalue' in expression specification
The query is given below. Please help and mention what is wrong in this.
CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS exampledb.`ara_service` AS
SELECT T1.EntityId, T1.entityname AS EntityName,
COALESCE (T1.`aaa`, (SELECT `realvalue` FROM exampledb.`aba_service`
WHERE `id` = '333')) AS `CombinedValue`,
Please help. The error is in the usage of the select statement inside COALESCE .
NoViableAltException(231#[435:1: precedenceEqualExpression : ( ( LPAREN precedenceBitwiseOrExpression COMMA )=> precedenceEqualExpressionMutiple | precedenceEqualExpressionSingle );])
if all you need is a default value, you could do
CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS exampledb.`ara_service` AS
SELECT T1.EntityId, T1.entityname AS EntityName,
COALESCE (T1.`aaa`, def.`realvalue` ) AS `CombinedValue`,
FROM your_table T1
SELECT `realvalue`
FROM exampledb.`aba_service` WHERE `id` = '333') def

SQL Command failed with: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying?

i am trying to get values from database by using following query
SELECT Distinct org.name AS org, sto.ad_org_id AS wh_nearstoredetails_id, sum(sto.qtyonhand) AS qty, pro.name AS product
FROM ad_org org, m_storage_detail sto, m_product pro
WHERE sto.ad_org_id::text = org.ad_org_id::text
AND (sto.m_locator_id::text IN ( select cast(m_locator.m_locator_id as text)
from m_locator,m_warehouse
where m_warehouse.isactive = cast('Y' as varchar)
and m_warehouse.em_ai_warehouseparent::text not like cast('' as text)
and m_warehouse.m_warehouse_id::text = m_locator.m_warehouse_id::text
and m_locator.isdefault = cast('Y' as varchar)))
AND sto.m_product_id::text = pro.m_product_id::text
AND sto.qtyonhand >= cast(1 as numeric)
AND sto.ad_org_id::text IN ( SELECT cast(m_warehouse.ad_org_id as text)
FROM m_warehouse
WHERE m_warehouse.em_ai_warehouseparent::text not like cast('' as text))
GROUP BY org.name,sto.ad_org_id,pro.name
ORDER BY org.name, pro.name;
after creating this i also created a class to call this query and get data but when i deploy my project i am getting following error
WARN - SQL Command failed with: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying !
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
please help to solve this issue.
i finally found the mistake what i made.
the problem in the above query is i'm trying to make type cast of null value
now i changed the condition to check 'is not null' than "not like ''"
and even i don't need to add cast operation it's useless.
anyways thanks for you response. :)