Jasper-reports: Error: operator does not exist date = boolean - postgresql

[EDIT: This problem was a result of a bug within version 3.7.6]
The following postgresql query is returning an error:
operator does not exist date = boolean.
I can't figure out why. Here is the postgresql code that is giving me the error:
(s.population - s.online) as non_hb_pop,
s.online as hb_pop,
s.population as full_pop,
dwh.rpt_cu_private_kli_summary s, dwh.rpt_sgmt_clients c
s.partner_id::integer = $P{rpt_cu}
and s.rep_date = $P{rpt_date_beg}
and s.userid=c.userid
group by
c.source, s.term_desc, s.name, s.grouping,
s.population, s.online, s.kli, s.rep_date
order by
full_pop desc,
What does the above error message mean?

What is the value for $P{rpt_date_beg} ? That's where things go wrong. Check the real query, might be in the errorlog, and do some debugging. Maybe some quotes ' are missing around the date value.


DB2 Assign result of with clause to variable

I am using DB2 LUW and want to a assign a result of a With clause to a variable in a stored procedure.
I got the exception
{0:0} An unexpected token "AS" was found following "l = (WITH BASE". Expected tokens may include: "JOIN".. SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, DRIVER=4.28.11
Is it possible to assign the result on this way or should I have to solve it with a cursor?
DECLARE result CLOB(8M);
SET result = (WITH BASE AS (
SELECT JSON_ARRAY (select json_objects FROM ITEMS format json) FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1);
Use instead the syntax style:
with ctename AS ( ... ) SELECT ... INTO ... FROM ctename;

mismatched input 'as'. Expecting: ',', <expression>

My query in PRESTO returns this error
Query failed (#20220506_153121_03035_vycq3): line 6:41: mismatched
input 'as'. Expecting: ',',
I don't know why, anybody could find the issue?
droh.created_by as deliverymen_email,
count(distinct o.order_number) as deliveries,
sum(case when o.last_status = 10 then 1 else 0 end) quantity_canceled,
cast(sum(quantity_canceled as decimal))/cast(count(deliveries as decimal)) as
from sensitive_raw_courier_api.deliveryman_route_order_history droh
left join raw_courier_api."order" o
on droh.order_number = o.order_number and droh.state = 'DM_PICKED_UP'
where 1=1
and o.created_date >= {{date_begin}}
and droh.created_at >= {{date_end}}
and o.customer_email = {{costumer_email}}
group by 1
order by 2 desc
There is an error with the position of 2 brackets.
We count(~) first and then cast( count(~) ) the result.
cast(sum(quantity_canceled as decimal))/cast(count(deliveries as decimal)) as
should be
cast(sum(quantity_canceled) as decimal)/cast(count(deliveries) as decimal) as
Without the context and further information, it's not sure if this is your only issue in this query, but you can't "mix" a cast with a sum or a count like you do. You need to do the cast first and then sum or count the values (or vice versa). So as example this syntax in your query is incorrect:
CAST(SUM(quantity_canceled AS DECIMAL))
It should be this one instead:
SUM(CAST(quantity_canceled AS DECIMAL))
Or this one:
CAST(SUM(quantity_canceled) AS DECIMAL)
You must fix all occurences of this mistake and then check if the query is correct or contains further problems.
A last note: Doing a division could always end in a division by zero exception if you don't prevent this. So you should take care of this.

User defined variable in postgresql query not working

Please can anyone help to solve the problem of the PostgreSQL query? It's expected to return the result in the image but it returns nothing:
SET foo.date_1 = '2021-01-04';
select interface_name, max(time_stamp) as date, message,api_request from central
where application = 'OMS to DW'
and time_stamp like ''''||'%' || current_setting('foo.date_1')||'%'||''''
and message not like 'succe%'
group by interface_name,message,api_request
Thank you all for trying to help. The problem now it's solved, the correct code should be:
SET foo.date_1 = '2021-01-04';
select interface_name, max(time_stamp) as date, message,api_request from central
where application = 'OMS to DW'
and time_stamp like '%' || current_setting('foo.date_1')||'%'
and message not like 'succe%'
group by interface_name,message,api_request

PostgreSQL: return message after count = 0

I have maybe easy question, but I'm completely stucked.
I have script
SELECT COALESCE(COUNT(id), 0) as MyFiels from table
It works fine and when I have zero value it shows 0.
But I want that instead of 0, I can see one line = "NO RESULTS" for example.
I tried:
SELECT COALESCE(to_char(COUNT(id), 'NO RESULT')) as MyFiels from table
And PostgreSQL shows error message:
ERROR: "E" is not supported
SQL state: 0A000
Where I'm incorrect? Any ideas?
I see what is the error, you are trying to use coalesce to convert 0 to string, and coalesce convert null to something. You need use a CASE
END as field
FROM Table

SQL Command failed with: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying?

i am trying to get values from database by using following query
SELECT Distinct org.name AS org, sto.ad_org_id AS wh_nearstoredetails_id, sum(sto.qtyonhand) AS qty, pro.name AS product
FROM ad_org org, m_storage_detail sto, m_product pro
WHERE sto.ad_org_id::text = org.ad_org_id::text
AND (sto.m_locator_id::text IN ( select cast(m_locator.m_locator_id as text)
from m_locator,m_warehouse
where m_warehouse.isactive = cast('Y' as varchar)
and m_warehouse.em_ai_warehouseparent::text not like cast('' as text)
and m_warehouse.m_warehouse_id::text = m_locator.m_warehouse_id::text
and m_locator.isdefault = cast('Y' as varchar)))
AND sto.m_product_id::text = pro.m_product_id::text
AND sto.qtyonhand >= cast(1 as numeric)
AND sto.ad_org_id::text IN ( SELECT cast(m_warehouse.ad_org_id as text)
FROM m_warehouse
WHERE m_warehouse.em_ai_warehouseparent::text not like cast('' as text))
GROUP BY org.name,sto.ad_org_id,pro.name
ORDER BY org.name, pro.name;
after creating this i also created a class to call this query and get data but when i deploy my project i am getting following error
WARN - SQL Command failed with: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying !
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
please help to solve this issue.
i finally found the mistake what i made.
the problem in the above query is i'm trying to make type cast of null value
now i changed the condition to check 'is not null' than "not like ''"
and even i don't need to add cast operation it's useless.
anyways thanks for you response. :)