Issues in making a .sh script run on each boot with cloud-init - cloud-init

I supply the below cloud-init script through Azure portal in creating a VM. and the script never runs. appreciate if anyone can suggest what's wrong with my #cloud-config upload.
observation - is written is NOT written in home directory
/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg doesn't show the change of [scripts-user, always] in final modules.
package_upgrade: true
- owner: afshan:afshan
path: /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/
permissions: '0755'
content: |
cat > testCat < /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/
- owner: afshan:afshan
path: /home/afshan/
permissions: '0755'
content: |
echo "test"
- rightscale_userdata
- scripts-vendor
- scripts-per-once
- scripts-per-boot
- scripts-per-instance
- [scripts-user, always]
- ssh-authkey-fingerprints
- keys-to-console
- phone-home
- final-message
- power-state-change

write_files runs before any user/group creation. Does the afshan user exist when write_files is being run? If not, attempting to set the own on the first file will throw an exception, and the write_files module will exit before attempting to create the second file. You can see if this is happening by checking /var/log/cloud-init.log on your instance.
/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg won't get updated by user data. It will stay as-is on disk, but your user data changes will get merged on top of it.
scripts-user refers to scripts written to /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts. You haven't written anything there, so I'm not sure the purpose of your [scripts-user, always] change. If you're just looking to run a script every boot, the scripts-per-boot module (without any changes) should be fine. Every boot, it will run what's written to /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot


How to access Bitrise iOS test results from Swift DangerFile?

I'm trying to implement danger-swift but I don't know where I can access test results and flag failing ones from Bitrise.
I'm using a plugin for danger-swift called DangerXCodeSummary but I don't know where Bitrise stores test results from xcode-test#2.
import Danger
import DangerXCodeSummary
import Foundation
let danger = Danger()
let testReportPath = "??" // What's the path for the test results?
XCodeSummary(filePath: testReportPath).report()
Bitrise script:
- _ensure_dependencies
- _add_build_result_to_pr
- xcode-test#2: {} # What's the file path for the test results?
- deploy-to-bitrise-io#1: {}
- ots:
is_expand: false
- opts:
is_expand: false
description: Unit Tests running at every commit.
- script#1:
title: Commenting on the PR
is_always_run: true
- content: |-
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# fail if any commands fails
set -e
echo "################### DANGER ######################"
echo "Install Danger"
brew install danger/tap/danger-swift
echo "Run danger"
danger-swift ci
echo "#################################################"
You can see what outputs the step generates on the Workflow Editor UI, and alternatively in the Step's repository in step.yml. For Xcode Test step specifically:
Am I right that you're looking for the xcresult test output? If you are, you can read it from the BITRISE_XCRESULT_PATH environment variable (, which is the output of Xcode Test (once Xcode Test is finished, it sets this environment variable to the xcresult's path). Keep in mind this is in .xcresult format (the official Xcode test result format).

Argo Events file event source does not detect file

I am building a processing pipeline for genomic data for my master thesis and I am using Argo.
Basically, I have a fully functioning processing workflow implemented in Argo Workflows and now I am trying to create an EventSource for detecting when a folder is written by the sequencer (then the folder name should be passed to the workflow through a Sensor).
The first problem is that the sequencer takes some time to write all the data, thus I cannot start the workflow as soon as the base directory is created. Therefore, the idea is to wait for a specific file inside the new run folder to be created, then start the workflow.
For simulating this, I am coping an old run folder inside the watched directory.
Now, I have implemented the following EventSource, which does not listen to the specific file mentioned before, but just to the run folder and it works, the event is detected.
kind: EventSource
name: directory-event-source
namespace: tesi-fabrici
- mountPath: /test_dir
name: test-dir
- name: test-dir
path: /tesi_fabrici
directory: "/test_dir/watched_dir/"
path: "210818_M70903_0027_000000000-JVRB4"
# pathRegexp: TODO with regex
eventType: CREATE
Now, I simulated what was said before, by copying all the data except for that one file and lastly, copying that file. Following the script for doing this.
rsync -hr --progress "$inputDirPath$inputDirName" $outputPath --exclude $sampleSheet
rsync -hr --progress "$inputDirPath${inputDirName}/$sampleSheet" "$outputPath$inputDirName"
And I run it from a pod in the cluster (with the same nfs folder mounted) as below:
./ 210818_M70903_0027_000000000-JVRB4 /external_prod_dir/AREA/MiSeqDx/ SampleSheet.csv /external_test_dir/watched_dir/
The file in question is the SampleSheet.csv. Now I modified the EventSource as it follows in order to listen to the creation of the sample sheet:
directory: "/test_dir/watched_dir/"
path: "210818_M70903_0027_000000000-JVRB4/SampleSheet.csv"
# pathRegexp: TODO with regex
eventType: CREATE
The data gets copied correctly, but in this case, the EventSource is not detecting the creation of the SampleSheet.csv.
By doing some testing, I noticed that the field path: expects a file or a folder, but the EventSource does not work when I use a path, like in my case.
Solving this particular case could be easy, I change the EventSource as it follows
directory: "/test_dir/watched_dir/210818_M70903_0027_000000000-JVRB4/"
path: "SampleSheet.csv"
# pathRegexp: TODO with regex
eventType: CREATE
and the creation of the sample sheet gets caught, but there is going to be only what's written in path: and I would need also the run folder name.
But the problem is, in a real scenario, the run folder names change but follow the same pattern as the folder I am using here (210818_M70903_0027_000000000-JVRB4). Therefore my plan was to use a regex to capture [path_of_new_run_folder]/SampleSheet.csv, and I don't think I can use a regex in the directory: but only in pathRegexp:
I hope I was pretty clear in what my problem is and please let me know how can I solve this.

unable to trigger job in concourse

I was new to concourse, and set up the environment in my centos7.6 like below.
$ wget
$ docker-compose up -d
Then login by `fly --target example login --team-name main --concourse-url -u test -p test`
I can see below.
[root#centostest ~]# fly targets
name url team expiry
example main Sun, 16 Jun 2019 02:23:48 UTC
I used below yaml.xml named with 2.yaml
- name: my-git-repo
type: git
branch: basic-helloworld
- name: hello-world-job
public: true
- get: my-git-repo
- task: task_print-hello-world
file: my-git-repo/ci/task-hello-world.yml
Then I run below commands step by step.
fly -t example sp -c 2.yaml -p pipeline-01
fly -t example up -p pipeline-01
fly -t example tj -j pipeline-01/hello-world-job --watch
But i just hang on there , no useful response like below.
[root#centostest ~]# fly -t example tj -j pipeline-01/hello-world-job --watch
started pipeline-01/hello-world-job #3
Theoretically, it should print something like below.
Cloning into '/tmp/build/get'...
Fetching HEAD
292c84b change task name
running echo hello world
hello world
Where I did wrong? thanks.
welcome to Concourse!
One thing that can be confusing when starting with Concourse is understanding when Concourse detects that the pipeline has changed and what happens if the pipeline is one file or multiple files.
Your pipeline (as the majority of real-world pipelines) is "nested": main pipeline file 2.yaml refers to a task file named my-git-repo/ci/task-hello-world.yml
What sets Concourse apart from other CI systems is that:
the main pipeline file (2.yaml) can reside everywhere, also in a different repository.
Due to 1, Concourse is unable to detect a change to the main pipeline file, you have to tell Concourse that the file has changed, either with fly set-pipeline or with automatic means such as the concourse-pipeline-resource.
So the following errors happen often:
Changing the main pipeline file, committing and pushing, and expecting Concourse to pick up the change. Missing: you have to do fly set-pipeline
Once doing fly set-pipeline becomes second nature, you can stumble upon the opposite error: Change both the main pipeline file and the nested task file, not pushing, doing set-pipeline. In this case, the only changes picked up by Concourse will be the ones to the main pipeline file, not to the task file. Missing: commit and push.
From the description of your problem, I have the feeling that it is a mixture of the gotchas I mentioned.

How to force Devel::Cover to ignore a folder when using perl-helpers via Travis CI

The MetaCPAN Travis CI coverage builds are quite slow. See This is likely in part because we're not successfully ignoring the /local folder that gets created by Carton as part of our build. See
We're using perl-helpers to help with our Travis configuration. I thought I should be able to use the DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS environment variable in order to fix this, but I guess I don't have the correct incantation. I've included the entire config below because a few snippets out of context seemed misleading.
language: perl
- "5.22"
fast_finish: true
# Carton --deployment only works on the same version of perl
# that the snapshot was built from.
- DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS="-ignore ^local/"
# Get one passing run with coverage and one passing run with Test::Vars
# checks. If run together they more than double the build time.
- git clone git:// ~/travis-perl-helpers
- source ~/travis-perl-helpers/init
- npm install -g less js-beautify
# Pre-install from backpan to avoid upgrade breakage.
- cpanm -n
- cpanm -n App::cpm Carton
- cpan-install --coverage # installs converage prereqs, if enabled
- 'cpm install `test "${USE_CPANFILE_SNAPSHOT}" = "false" && echo " --resolver metadb" || echo " --resolver snapshot"`'
- coverage-setup
# Devel::Cover isn't in the cpanfile
# but if it's installed into the global dirs this should work.
- carton exec prove -lr -j$(test-jobs) t
- coverage-report
on_success: change
on_failure: always
irc: ""
# Use newer travis infrastructure.
sudo: false
- local
The syntax for the Devel::Cover options on the command line is weird. You need to put stuff comma-separated. At least when you use PERL5OPT.
See for example, where it's a whole lot of stuff with commas.
PERL5OPT=-MDevel::Cover=-ignore,"t/",+ignore,"prove",-coverage,statement,branch,condition,path,subroutine prove -lrs t

How can I hide skipped tasks output in Ansible

I have Ansible role, for example
- name: Deploy app1
include: deploy-app1.yml
when: 'deploy_project == "{{app1}}"'
- name: Deploy app2
include: deploy-app2.yml
when: 'deploy_project == "{{app2}}"'
But I deploy only one app in one role call. When I deploy several apps, I call role several times. But every time there is a lot of skipped tasks output (from tasks which do not pass condition), which I do not want to see. How can I avoid it?
I'm assuming you don't want to see the skipped tasks in the output while running Ansible.
Set this to false in the ansible.cfg file.
display_skipped_hosts = false
Note. It will still output the name of the task although it will not display "skipped" anymore.
UPDATE: by the way you need to make sure ansible.cfg is in the current working directory.
Taken from the ansible.cfg file.
ansible will read ANSIBLE_CONFIG,
ansible.cfg in the current working directory, .ansible.cfg in
the home directory or /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg, whichever it
finds first.
So ensure you are setting display_skipped_hosts = false in the right ansible.cfg file.
Let me know how you go
Since ansible 2.4, a callback plugin name full_skip was added to suppress the skipping of task names and skipping keyword in the ansible output. You can try the below ansible configuration:
stdout_callback = full_skip
Ansible allows you to control its output by using custom callbacks.
In this case you can simply use the skippy callback which will not output anything on a skipped task.
That said, skippy is now deprecated and will be removed in ansible v2.11.
If you don't mind losing colours you can elide the skipped tasks by piping the output through sed:
ansible-playbook whatever.yml | sed -nr '/^TASK/{h;n;/^skipping:/{n;b};H;x};p'
If you are using roles, you can use when to cancel the include in main.yml
# roles/myrole/tasks/main.yml
- include: somefile.yml
when: somevar is defined
# roles/myrole/tasks/somefile.yml
- name: this task will only run (and be seen in the output) if somevar is defined
msg: "Hello World"