I was new to concourse, and set up the environment in my centos7.6 like below.
$ wget https://concourse-ci.org/docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up -d
Then login by `fly --target example login --team-name main --concourse-url -u test -p test`
I can see below.
[root#centostest ~]# fly targets
name url team expiry
example main Sun, 16 Jun 2019 02:23:48 UTC
I used below yaml.xml named with 2.yaml
- name: my-git-repo
type: git
uri: https://github.com/ruanbekker/concourse-test
branch: basic-helloworld
- name: hello-world-job
public: true
- get: my-git-repo
- task: task_print-hello-world
file: my-git-repo/ci/task-hello-world.yml
Then I run below commands step by step.
fly -t example sp -c 2.yaml -p pipeline-01
fly -t example up -p pipeline-01
fly -t example tj -j pipeline-01/hello-world-job --watch
But i just hang on there , no useful response like below.
[root#centostest ~]# fly -t example tj -j pipeline-01/hello-world-job --watch
started pipeline-01/hello-world-job #3
Theoretically, it should print something like below.
Cloning into '/tmp/build/get'...
Fetching HEAD
292c84b change task name
running echo hello world
hello world
Where I did wrong? thanks.
welcome to Concourse!
One thing that can be confusing when starting with Concourse is understanding when Concourse detects that the pipeline has changed and what happens if the pipeline is one file or multiple files.
Your pipeline (as the majority of real-world pipelines) is "nested": main pipeline file 2.yaml refers to a task file named my-git-repo/ci/task-hello-world.yml
What sets Concourse apart from other CI systems is that:
the main pipeline file (2.yaml) can reside everywhere, also in a different repository.
Due to 1, Concourse is unable to detect a change to the main pipeline file, you have to tell Concourse that the file has changed, either with fly set-pipeline or with automatic means such as the concourse-pipeline-resource.
So the following errors happen often:
Changing the main pipeline file, committing and pushing, and expecting Concourse to pick up the change. Missing: you have to do fly set-pipeline
Once doing fly set-pipeline becomes second nature, you can stumble upon the opposite error: Change both the main pipeline file and the nested task file, not pushing, doing set-pipeline. In this case, the only changes picked up by Concourse will be the ones to the main pipeline file, not to the task file. Missing: commit and push.
From the description of your problem, I have the feeling that it is a mixture of the gotchas I mentioned.
I have a test pipeline on concourse with one job that runs a set of luigi tasks. My problem is: failures in the luigi tasks do not rise up to the concourse job. In other words, if a luigi task fails, concourse will not register that failure and states that the concourse job completed successfully. I will first post the code I am running, then the solutions I have tried.
class Pipeline1(luigi.WrapperTask):
def requires(self):
yield Task1()
yield Task2()
yield Task3()
class Task1(luigi.Task):
def requires(self):
return None
def output(self):
return luigi.LocalTarget('stuff/task1.csv')
def run(self):
#uncomment line below to generate task failure
print('task 1 complete...')
t = pd.DataFrame()
with self.output().open('w') as outtie:
# Tasks 2 and 3 are duplicates of this, but with 1s replaced with 2s or 3s.
config file
# codes are in increasing level of severity (for most applications)
set -e
export PYTHONPATH='.'
luigi --module luigi-tasks Pipeline1 --local-scheduler
echo $?
# <resources, resource types, and docker image build job defined here>
#job of interest
- name: run-docker-image
- get: timer
trigger: true
- get: docker-image-ecr
passed: [build-docker-image]
- get: run-git
- task: run-script
image: docker-image-ecr
- name: run-git
platform: linux
dir: ./run-git
path: /bin/bash
args: ["begin.sh"]
I've introduced errors in a few ways: assertions/raising an exception (ValueError) within an individual task's run() method and within the wrapper, and sys.exit(luigi.retcodes.retcode().unhandled_exception). I also tried failing all tasks. I did this in case the error needed to be generated in a specific manner/location. Though they all produced a failed task, none of them produced an error in the concourse server.
At first, I thought concourse just gives a success if it can run the file or command tasked to it. I'm not sure it's that simple, though. Interestingly, when I run the pipeline on my local computer (luigi --modules luigi-tasks Pipeline1 --local-scheduler) I get an appropriate return code (e.g. 30), but when I run the pipeline within the concourse server, I get a return code of 0 after the luigi tasks complete (from echo $? in the bash script).
Would appreciate any insight into this problem.
My suspicion is that luigi doesn't see your config file with return codes. Its default behavior is to return 0, whether tasks fail or succeed.
This experiment should help to debug that:
Force a failed job: add an exit 1 at the end of begin.sh
Hijack the job: fly -t <target> i -j <pipeline>/<job> -> select run-script
cd ./run-git; /bin/bash begin.sh
Ensure the luigi config is present and named appropriately, e.g. luigi.cfg
Re-run the command: LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=luigi.cfg bash ./begin.sh
Check output: echo $?
My ultimate goal is to have tests run automatically anytime a container is updated. For example, if update /api, it should sync the changes between local and the container. After that it should automatically run the tests... ultimately.
I'm starting out with Hello World! though per the example:
# DevSpace --version = 5.16.0
version: v1beta11
- command: |
echo Hello World!
imageSelector: ${APP-NAME}/${API-DEV}
events: ["after:initialSync:${API}"]
I've tried all of the following and don't get the desired behavior:
At best I can just get Hello World! to print on the initial run of devspace dev -b, but nothing after I make changes to the files for /api which causes files to sync.
You will need a post-sync hook for this, which is separate from the DevSpace lifecycle hooks. You can define it with the dev.sync directly and it looks like this:
- imageSelector: john/devbackend
command: bash
- -c
- "echo 'Hello World!' && other commands..."
More information in the docs: https://devspace.sh/cli/docs/configuration/development/file-synchronization#onupload
My gitlab CI pipeline is setup to run maven tests from a docker image created from my maven project.
I have tested the pipeline on my master branch and it worked fine and ran the test.
However I have created a new feature branch and now running the pipeline yet again, however I now get this error
error checking push permissions -- make sure you entered the correct tag name, and that you are authenticated correctly, and try again: getting tag for destination: repository can only contain the runes `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-./`: it2901/cs344-maven:feature/produce-allocation-pdf
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
I can't seem to pinpoint the problem at all. I have also pushed the tag: tut3 to the feature branch as well.
Here is my .gitlab-ci.yml: https://controlc.com/7a94a00f
Based on what you shared, you have this configured:
VERSIONLABELMETHOD: "tut3" # options: "","LastVersionTagInGit"
It should be either:
VERSIONLABELMETHOD: "OnlyIfThisCommitHasVersion"
When you specify "tut3", the script takes it as if it was "" (empty string). Assuming you didn't define $VERSIONLABEL anywhere $ADDITIONALTAGLIST will also be empty.
And later in the code you can see that this gets executed:
Assuming $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH is set to master if you use a separate branch mybranch the code above won't get executed so it's likely that the Kaniko command line doesn't have any a neither a valid $FORMATTEDTAGLIST or $IMAGE_LABELS.
You can debug by seeing their output on the script which is happening at the end before calling Kaniko:
mkdir -p /kaniko/.docker
A hack would be to override $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH with your custom branch.
I'm using Buildbot V.0.9.0rc3
My Buildbot triggers when I send a change via command line or if I receieve an http Post request to the correct address.
Currently I'm sending changes to Buildbot in two different ways:
$ buildbot sendchange -m localhost:9999 -a example-user:pass -W me -C default
curl -X POST -d author=aalvz -d comments=mycomment -d project=my_project -d category=default -d repository=some
My schedulers are defined like this:
c['www'] = dict(port=8020,
plugins=dict(waterfall_view={}, console_view={}),
'base': True,
'somehook': {'option1':True,
And my Step in factory cloning a repo looks like this:
factory.addStep(steps.Git(repourl='git#github.com:AAlvz/my_repo.git', mode='full', workdir='newFolder', branch='my_branch', submodules=True, clobberOnFailure=True))
I would like to receive a POST with some data and use that data to trigger different commands. Something like: (using $ to make the variables noticeable)
factory.addStep(steps.Git(repourl=$myjson.name, mode='full', workdir=$myjson.path, branch=$myjson.branch, submodules=True, clobberOnFailure=True))
That way I could send a JSON like:
{myjson: {name: github/myrepo.git, path: /tmp/my/path, branch: my_branch}}
and be able to clone the repository provided by the JSON.
Thanks in advance! I hope the question is clear enough. I can provide with logs or any needed configuration. Thanks!
This is solved Using Buildbot Properties.
You cand send them via command line (with PBChangeSource) using the flag
buildbot sendchange ... --properties=my_property:myvalue
The flag can be used multiple timpes if multiple properties are needed.
I have Ansible role, for example
- name: Deploy app1
include: deploy-app1.yml
when: 'deploy_project == "{{app1}}"'
- name: Deploy app2
include: deploy-app2.yml
when: 'deploy_project == "{{app2}}"'
But I deploy only one app in one role call. When I deploy several apps, I call role several times. But every time there is a lot of skipped tasks output (from tasks which do not pass condition), which I do not want to see. How can I avoid it?
I'm assuming you don't want to see the skipped tasks in the output while running Ansible.
Set this to false in the ansible.cfg file.
display_skipped_hosts = false
Note. It will still output the name of the task although it will not display "skipped" anymore.
UPDATE: by the way you need to make sure ansible.cfg is in the current working directory.
Taken from the ansible.cfg file.
ansible will read ANSIBLE_CONFIG,
ansible.cfg in the current working directory, .ansible.cfg in
the home directory or /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg, whichever it
finds first.
So ensure you are setting display_skipped_hosts = false in the right ansible.cfg file.
Let me know how you go
Since ansible 2.4, a callback plugin name full_skip was added to suppress the skipping of task names and skipping keyword in the ansible output. You can try the below ansible configuration:
stdout_callback = full_skip
Ansible allows you to control its output by using custom callbacks.
In this case you can simply use the skippy callback which will not output anything on a skipped task.
That said, skippy is now deprecated and will be removed in ansible v2.11.
If you don't mind losing colours you can elide the skipped tasks by piping the output through sed:
ansible-playbook whatever.yml | sed -nr '/^TASK/{h;n;/^skipping:/{n;b};H;x};p'
If you are using roles, you can use when to cancel the include in main.yml
# roles/myrole/tasks/main.yml
- include: somefile.yml
when: somevar is defined
# roles/myrole/tasks/somefile.yml
- name: this task will only run (and be seen in the output) if somevar is defined
msg: "Hello World"