How can I hide skipped tasks output in Ansible - plugins

I have Ansible role, for example
- name: Deploy app1
include: deploy-app1.yml
when: 'deploy_project == "{{app1}}"'
- name: Deploy app2
include: deploy-app2.yml
when: 'deploy_project == "{{app2}}"'
But I deploy only one app in one role call. When I deploy several apps, I call role several times. But every time there is a lot of skipped tasks output (from tasks which do not pass condition), which I do not want to see. How can I avoid it?

I'm assuming you don't want to see the skipped tasks in the output while running Ansible.
Set this to false in the ansible.cfg file.
display_skipped_hosts = false
Note. It will still output the name of the task although it will not display "skipped" anymore.
UPDATE: by the way you need to make sure ansible.cfg is in the current working directory.
Taken from the ansible.cfg file.
ansible will read ANSIBLE_CONFIG,
ansible.cfg in the current working directory, .ansible.cfg in
the home directory or /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg, whichever it
finds first.
So ensure you are setting display_skipped_hosts = false in the right ansible.cfg file.
Let me know how you go

Since ansible 2.4, a callback plugin name full_skip was added to suppress the skipping of task names and skipping keyword in the ansible output. You can try the below ansible configuration:
stdout_callback = full_skip

Ansible allows you to control its output by using custom callbacks.
In this case you can simply use the skippy callback which will not output anything on a skipped task.
That said, skippy is now deprecated and will be removed in ansible v2.11.

If you don't mind losing colours you can elide the skipped tasks by piping the output through sed:
ansible-playbook whatever.yml | sed -nr '/^TASK/{h;n;/^skipping:/{n;b};H;x};p'

If you are using roles, you can use when to cancel the include in main.yml
# roles/myrole/tasks/main.yml
- include: somefile.yml
when: somevar is defined
# roles/myrole/tasks/somefile.yml
- name: this task will only run (and be seen in the output) if somevar is defined
msg: "Hello World"


Where actually is the syntax error in my github actions yml file

I am actually implementing CI/CD for my application. I want to start the application automatically using pm2. So I am getting the syntax error on line 22.
This is my yml file
This is the error I am getting on github
The problem in the syntax here is related to how you used the - symbol.
With Github actions, you need at least a run or uses field inform for each step inside your job, at the same level of the name field (which is not mandarory), otherwise the github interpreter will return an error.
Here, from line 22, you used something like this:
- name: ...
- run: ...
- run: ...
- run: ...
So there are two problems:
First, the name and the run field aren't at the same yaml level.
Second, your step with the name field doesn't have a run or uses field associated with it (you need at least one of them).
The correct syntax should be:
- name: ...
run: ...
- run: ...
- run: ...
Reference about workflow syntax

How to exclude artifact files after web deployment?

We have a build/release pipeline that is finally working correctly, but the developer asked that we exclude the stage config files (Web.Dev.config, Web.Test.config, Web.Prod.config) as well as the artifact archive itself from the site/wwwroot.
As you can see, every time we deployed, these zip files have been getting stored in the site root as well. They aren't harmful but it doesn't look good:
This is the Release App Service Web Deploy YAML:
- task: AzureRmWebAppDeployment#4
displayName: 'Azure App Service Deploy: project-123'
azureSubscription: 'Azure Dev Service Connection'
WebAppName: 'project-123'
packageForLinux: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Project123 Dev Build Artifact/Release'
enableCustomDeployment: true
enableXmlTransform: true
How do we exclude those files after successful deployment?
Kudu dir structure:
Building on #theWinterCoder answer, Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a way to honor the MSDeploySkipRules defined in the csproj file. Instead, files and folders can be skipped by defining the AdditionalArguments parameter of the Azure App Service Deploy (AzureRmWebAppDeployment) task.
Since there doesn’t appear to be any official documentation for the -skip rules, and the MSDeploy.exe documentation that Azure Pipelines references is out-of-date, in 2012, richard-szalay wrote a useful article, “Demystifying MSDeploy skip rules”, which provides a lot of details for anyone requiring additional control.
Brief Explanation:
The dirPath argument represents the Web Deploy Provider to skip a directory whilst the filePath argument is used to skip an individual file.
The dirPath starts at wwwroot.
For ASP.NET Core applications, there’s another wwwroot under wwwroot; as such, the absolutePath in that case would look like this: absolutePath=wwwroot\\somefoldername which would map to D:\home\site\wwwroot\wwwroot\somefoldername
Therefore, since I’m skipping files, i set the web deploy provider to filePath, and since we’re not using .NET Core, we set absolutePath to Web.Dev.config. That would map to D:\home\site\wwwroot\Web.Dev.config.
The same thing applies for the zip artifact, however, if we don’t prepend \\ before the wildcard it will fail with following error:
Error: Error: The regular expression '.zip’ is invalid. Error: parsing ".zip" - Quantifier {x,y} following nothing. Error count: 1.
or with regular expression:
Thats it 😃
You can add an additional arguments line to the yml that will tell it to skip certain files. It will look something like this:
AdditionalArguments: '-skip:objectName=dirPath,absolutePath=wwwroot\\Uploads'
More details can be found in this thread

Issues in making a .sh script run on each boot with cloud-init

I supply the below cloud-init script through Azure portal in creating a VM. and the script never runs. appreciate if anyone can suggest what's wrong with my #cloud-config upload.
observation - is written is NOT written in home directory
/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg doesn't show the change of [scripts-user, always] in final modules.
package_upgrade: true
- owner: afshan:afshan
path: /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/
permissions: '0755'
content: |
cat > testCat < /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/
- owner: afshan:afshan
path: /home/afshan/
permissions: '0755'
content: |
echo "test"
- rightscale_userdata
- scripts-vendor
- scripts-per-once
- scripts-per-boot
- scripts-per-instance
- [scripts-user, always]
- ssh-authkey-fingerprints
- keys-to-console
- phone-home
- final-message
- power-state-change
write_files runs before any user/group creation. Does the afshan user exist when write_files is being run? If not, attempting to set the own on the first file will throw an exception, and the write_files module will exit before attempting to create the second file. You can see if this is happening by checking /var/log/cloud-init.log on your instance.
/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg won't get updated by user data. It will stay as-is on disk, but your user data changes will get merged on top of it.
scripts-user refers to scripts written to /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts. You haven't written anything there, so I'm not sure the purpose of your [scripts-user, always] change. If you're just looking to run a script every boot, the scripts-per-boot module (without any changes) should be fine. Every boot, it will run what's written to /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot

Gitlab CI pipeline failing: a tag issue

My gitlab CI pipeline is setup to run maven tests from a docker image created from my maven project.
I have tested the pipeline on my master branch and it worked fine and ran the test.
However I have created a new feature branch and now running the pipeline yet again, however I now get this error
error checking push permissions -- make sure you entered the correct tag name, and that you are authenticated correctly, and try again: getting tag for destination: repository can only contain the runes `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-./`: it2901/cs344-maven:feature/produce-allocation-pdf
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
I can't seem to pinpoint the problem at all. I have also pushed the tag: tut3 to the feature branch as well.
Here is my .gitlab-ci.yml:
Based on what you shared, you have this configured:
VERSIONLABELMETHOD: "tut3" # options: "","LastVersionTagInGit"
It should be either:
VERSIONLABELMETHOD: "OnlyIfThisCommitHasVersion"
When you specify "tut3", the script takes it as if it was "" (empty string). Assuming you didn't define $VERSIONLABEL anywhere $ADDITIONALTAGLIST will also be empty.
And later in the code you can see that this gets executed:
Assuming $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH is set to master if you use a separate branch mybranch the code above won't get executed so it's likely that the Kaniko command line doesn't have any a neither a valid $FORMATTEDTAGLIST or $IMAGE_LABELS.
You can debug by seeing their output on the script which is happening at the end before calling Kaniko:
mkdir -p /kaniko/.docker
A hack would be to override $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH with your custom branch.

Using ftp-deploy with load-grunt-tasks causes errors

I've split my Gruntfile into multiple files using load-grunt-tasks but seem to get an error when using ftp-deploy. I've tried some different things, but I reason that the hyphen (-) in the "ftp-deploy" might cause problems.
I'm getting the following error:
Running "ftp-deploy:theme" (ftp-deploy) task
Verifying property ftp-deploy.theme exists in config...ERROR
>> Unable to process task.
Warning: Required config property "ftp-deploy.theme" missing. Use --force to continue.
When running:
grunt "ftp-deploy:theme" --verbose
My ftp-deploy script looks as follows:
# -------
module.exports =
host: ''
port: 21
authKey: 'key'
src: 'drupal/sites/all/themes/theme_name'
dest: 'www/'
I've tried running it without incapsulating it inside the "theme:" object which works, but is essentially not what I want to do as I have different folders I want to transfer.
Any ideas to what a solution might be?
I found the answer myself.
Should of course not be included in the file.