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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there a way for FMU import/export to/from Simulink and Modelica models?
If anyone could help in FMU would be much appreciated.
FMI import and Export is very tool specific.
Regarding Simulink import / export: which tooling do you want to use?
Native support by Mathworks (for newer Simulink versions)?
Export: (needs runtime installation and licese)
Export with Simulink Compiler
(needs addditional license):,
for fixed-step solver only
Or e.g. FMI-Kit (open source) from Dassault Systems (export with Simulink Coder for fixed-step solvers):
Or another third party solution?
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Closed 9 days ago.
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I want to run and simulate system verilog code in VS code. I know one way is to use TerosHDL extension but it seems to be too complicated for a beginner like me.
For verilog files, I use Icarus verilog and gtkwave in VScode through an extension - Verilog HDL by leafvmaple. I wanted to know if there are similar extensions or workarounds for system verilog files.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've developed a Matlab toolbox of my own and what to share it with a community of Matlab developers. Are there any open-source Matlab package management tools (like conda or pip for Python) that I could use?
There is a freely-available tbxmanager supported by a single person but the list of packages in the related repository is short. The package manager is built for MPT3 (Multi-parametric toolbox).
There is also a project for a pip-style access to the Matlab file exchange:
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a MATLAB code generator that creates openCL or CUDA GPU code from MATLAB?
I know of the C++ code generator, and of the MATLAB Parallel Computing toolbox that can run on the GPU, but I couldn't find any documentation as to code generation.
Can anyone shed light on the subject?
Not now, but GPU code generation is an upcoming feature.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am fairly new to modelica. I would like to know if there are any simple libraries that are easily understandable available for download? Libraries that have examples whose total equations do not go beyond 100 or so?
Take a look at the IntroductoryExamples library available with SystemModeler. It shows some of the important parts of building your own library. There's a guide that will guide you through the process called Getting Started.
You could try DrModelica in OpenModelica Notebook. It comes with OpenModelica and is sort of interactive Modelica tutorial. Just start OpenModelica Notebook.
My book, "Modelica by Example", is available for free online. In the second part, "Object-Oriented Modeling", you'll find a complete discussions of how to build connectors, components, packages, subsystems and architectures.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new in the field of neural networks and would like to learn how to implement NNs in MATLAB. Can I have links for some step-by-step explanation of NNs using MATLAB?
It would be really helpful if applications deal with examples in Civil Engineering.
You can take a course of Andrew Ng (I believe he made most of us young people discover machine learning and become interested in this field):
The homework includes the neural network coding by matlab.
IF you're using 2013a or later you can try typing in command window:
They have a lot of examples with various data and different types of problems, and also after training you can have all the code you need to write the same thing on your own.
Also, you can check here the same thing, code with explanation:
Matlab Neural Network Toolbox