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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a MATLAB code generator that creates openCL or CUDA GPU code from MATLAB?
I know of the C++ code generator, and of the MATLAB Parallel Computing toolbox that can run on the GPU, but I couldn't find any documentation as to code generation.
Can anyone shed light on the subject?
Not now, but GPU code generation is an upcoming feature.
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Closed 9 days ago.
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I want to run and simulate system verilog code in VS code. I know one way is to use TerosHDL extension but it seems to be too complicated for a beginner like me.
For verilog files, I use Icarus verilog and gtkwave in VScode through an extension - Verilog HDL by leafvmaple. I wanted to know if there are similar extensions or workarounds for system verilog files.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I learn Scala programming language and
I have interest in machine learning.
Which ML toolboxes are popular in Scala programming?
you can use spark which is part of Hadoop and has a scala API and machine Learning Library (ML LIB).
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm searching a tool for visualize trajectories like this:
The picture shows the Dynamic-time-warping algorithm.
I found the solution by myself. I can use Matlab by giving the distance/dtw matrix of the DTW-Algorithm and use the surf method:
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm currently learning how to create my own OS and am choosing which kernel to go for. I have heard of Monolithic Kernels, Microkernels, Hybrid Kernels, Nano Kernels and Exokernels.
The thing is, I don't understand what Wikipedia has on Nano and Exokernels.
Can someone please explain to me (in English) what the difference between these two kernels to something like a Monolith kernel?
Thanks in advance,
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to find source code to create violin plots in Matlab. Functionality does not exist in the statistics toolbox nor does a simple Google result in anything useful.
Have a look at DISTRIBUTIONPLOT. I apologize for the name: I called the function like that because I didn't know that they were otherwise known as violin plots at the time.