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Closed 9 days ago.
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I want to run and simulate system verilog code in VS code. I know one way is to use TerosHDL extension but it seems to be too complicated for a beginner like me.
For verilog files, I use Icarus verilog and gtkwave in VScode through an extension - Verilog HDL by leafvmaple. I wanted to know if there are similar extensions or workarounds for system verilog files.
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Closed 9 months ago.
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I'm novice at OpenSCAD, is there an editor with language supports for OpenSCAD? I need the code auto-completion.
The built-in editor does have auto-complete support but limited to the language features.
There's other options like:
VSCode support
Plugin for JetBrains IDEs
You can also check the section in the Manual about Using an external Editor for some extra info.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a MATLAB code generator that creates openCL or CUDA GPU code from MATLAB?
I know of the C++ code generator, and of the MATLAB Parallel Computing toolbox that can run on the GPU, but I couldn't find any documentation as to code generation.
Can anyone shed light on the subject?
Not now, but GPU code generation is an upcoming feature.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm currently learning how to create my own OS and am choosing which kernel to go for. I have heard of Monolithic Kernels, Microkernels, Hybrid Kernels, Nano Kernels and Exokernels.
The thing is, I don't understand what Wikipedia has on Nano and Exokernels.
Can someone please explain to me (in English) what the difference between these two kernels to something like a Monolith kernel?
Thanks in advance,
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Closed 4 years ago.
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In the of android update file update-binary executable files is present in the path META-INF/com/google/android/. The will be downloaded by the system and later update will be installed in the system. I need help in understanding the update-binary file and its uses. Can any body help me out with this as well as the corresponding source code? It will be good if any body share the source code link.
This script language is called Edify and the update-binary code is here:
More about it:
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am using Atlassian Fisheye/Crucible ("fecru") for MATLAB code review and fecru is obviously missing a syntax scheme support for matlab code. Apparently there is a mechanism to support a user-defined scheme, one just has to place it into folder syntax/.. and register in (also see here).
Maybe some one has already implemented matlab.def file? Would appreciate if you can share it.
For now my best starting point is java.def.
I was able to produce a somewhat modified python.def to highlight MATLAB syntax on jsp-side of fecru:
Put this into matlab.def
syntaxdef matlab {
and link it in
"**/*.m" matlab.def "MATLAB"
make sure it does not conflict with
# "**/*.m" objc.def "Objective C"
You will have to restart fecru for changes to take place.