Need to remove (grey) background color When select event occurred in Material-ui Select Component - select

Code link
Here Is the Code of the Select Componenet that i've been trying

I assume you mean the background color transition in focus state? Add disableRipple prop to your MenuItem components:
<MenuItem disableRipple value="nearby">


Keep Mui IconButton selected

I have a Mui-IconButton in my code, and I am without success trying to keep it selected also afted I clicked on another part of the page.
<IconButton> <MoreVertIcon/> </IconButton>
I want to achieve the same as with the.Mui-selected class, but IconButtons do not have this option

Change text/icon color in top bar

How do I change the color of the text and icon's in the very top bar. I want to change the backgroundcolor of that bar to a light color, which I know how to do, I can't figure out how to make the text/icon's darker.
You can use StatusBarBehavior from MAUI toolkit package, as a Behavior at a ContentPage level:
<toolkit:StatusBarBehavior StatusBarColor="LightGreen" StatusBarStyle="DarkContent" />
or by calling the provided methods:
StatusBarBehavior docs

how can i make the same style dropdown menu

How can i make this dropdown style in flutter,
also the CupertinoSwitch color change like this one ---background color white & Button color Amber.
You could probably use an AnimatedContainer in combination with the expandable package to achieve most of the UI for this widget.
As for the Cupertino switch, you have a property in the widget itself to set a color when the button is active:

Material UI change opacity of background when Drawer is open

I would like to know how to set another background color and change the opacity of the background when the Material UI drawer is opened. I didn't find something about this in the docs. I'm using React and TS.
This will solve your problem:
<Drawer BackdropProps={{style:{backgroundColor:"red", opacity:2}}}>

vscode customize theme color for selected item in autocomplete popup

I know there's the experimental setting "workbench.experimental.colorCustomizations" but I can't find any subsetting to change the background color of the currently selected item in the autocomplete popup.
Is there any other way to change this color?
"editorSuggestWidget.background": "#424d66",// widget bg
"editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground": "#29b6f6",// <-- this one -->
"editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground": "#ff6a00",// typed(matching) symbols color