vscode customize theme color for selected item in autocomplete popup - visual-studio-code

I know there's the experimental setting "workbench.experimental.colorCustomizations" but I can't find any subsetting to change the background color of the currently selected item in the autocomplete popup.
Is there any other way to change this color?

"editorSuggestWidget.background": "#424d66",// widget bg
"editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground": "#29b6f6",// <-- this one -->
"editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground": "#ff6a00",// typed(matching) symbols color


VS Code - How to set the foreground color of the context menu in vscode [duplicate]

I know there's the experimental setting "workbench.experimental.colorCustomizations" but I can't find any subsetting to change the background color of the currently selected item in the autocomplete popup.
Is there any other way to change this color?
"editorSuggestWidget.background": "#424d66",// widget bg
"editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground": "#29b6f6",// <-- this one -->
"editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground": "#ff6a00",// typed(matching) symbols color

how can i make the same style dropdown menu

How can i make this dropdown style in flutter,
also the CupertinoSwitch color change like this one ---background color white & Button color Amber.
You could probably use an AnimatedContainer in combination with the expandable package to achieve most of the UI for this widget.
As for the Cupertino switch, you have a property in the widget itself to set a color when the button is active:

how to change the color of text with different button in a listview items using flutter

Hi i'm wondering how to change text color of an item selected on a ListView ? I have a fragment who is a ListView and i wanted to change the color text when user click on button. I Tried something on function
when user click buton1 the text color change to green other button for red and other button for orange. Can you help me please ?
you should do something like
Color _color = Colors.red
then in the onClick function you can use setstate tochange the color
setState({_color = Colors.blue})

How can I change the default PopupMenu's text color?

I have a MaterialApp with TextFields, and they have the default popup menu (with items "cut", "copy" and "paste").
My problem is: Their text color is always white - so the items are all invisible because my background is also white!
How can I change the text color of the popup items?
I have found the culprit: My ButtonTheme defined a colorScheme: ColorScheme.dark(), which made the button text white. Removing the colorScheme line let the button text be black again.
In my case only helped to change the brightness of the Theme to Brightness.light
But be ready for number of UI changes after changing app's main theme...

Material UI - Change background color & other colors adjust?

The example I'm working with is the Drawer element in material-ui#next
Is there a way to change the background color of the drawer and have the elements nested beneath (List ListItem) adjust their color, hover animations, etc. to fit this new color?