How do I change the color of the text and icon's in the very top bar. I want to change the backgroundcolor of that bar to a light color, which I know how to do, I can't figure out how to make the text/icon's darker.
You can use StatusBarBehavior from MAUI toolkit package, as a Behavior at a ContentPage level:
<toolkit:StatusBarBehavior StatusBarColor="LightGreen" StatusBarStyle="DarkContent" />
or by calling the provided methods:
StatusBarBehavior docs
How can i change color of statusbar and navigation bar when dialog box show in flutter i already try the SystemChrome.setSystemUiOverlay is there any other method available to change the color of statusbar and navigation bar in flutter
Here i Post picture to Image
Maybe it'll work for you.
A package can help you to change your flutter app's statusbar's color or navigationbar's color programmatically.
This is a fork of the original package flutter_statusbarcolor migrated to support null-safety.
I am using SliverAppBar widget with some background image behind it. Since the image I will load will be dynamic, sometimes it can have light colors and can cause the back button (or any other action button) to be hardly visible.
As you can see in the screenshot below, I gave a little shadow to the app bar title using TextStyle & Shadow widgets, so it is much more visible than the back button.
You can try use "elevation" here is the Flutter link for more clarification:
I do not know how it is called but I want to remove what you see on the picture (the darker grey part). I want that the grey square outline disappears when I click on something.
In is the splash color..
For ex: if we consider RaisedButton
you can do something like this..
spashColor:, //your desired color
child: Text("hello"),
You can do the same for FlatButton also..
If you don't want any color..then you can set it to "Colors.transparent"
Given that you state the widget seen in the image is a BottomNavigationBar, you can set the background color via the backgroundColor attribute.
You can set this attribute to the desirer color or a transparency (which would reveal the underlying scaffold color instead)
However, if the widget in question turns out to be a shifting background navigation bar the background color of the inner item's will overwite that. In which case you would instead need to set the background color of the specific item.
Source :
I couldn't find an attribute in the Scaffold or AppBar classes to do this. Is it possible?
You can change the text color of the status bar from light to dark using SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle. For example, to make the status bar font black:
However, the AppBar widget also calls setSystemUIOverlayStyle in its build function and may interfere with you. If you're building an app that uses AppBar widget, you should probably set the brightness on your AppBar to be Brightness.dark (if you want a light text status bar) or Brightness.light (if you want a dark text status bar).
To hide the status indicator entirely, use SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays.
I'm not sure if Flutter has an API for customize the text opacity or background color. There isn't a background at all on iOS, but you could draw one yourself.
// set status bar color with opacity
statusBarColor: Color(0x22CACACA)
You can set status bar color(CACACA part after 0x22).
You can set color opacity(22 part after 0x).
It looks like a Toolbar is a more customizable version of the AppBar. I would like to stick a few icons into the AppBar. I would like to replace the AppBar with a Toolbar. However, I'm currently using the lightUITheme.
It looks like Toolbars look different. Is there a way I can style a Toolbar just like an Appbar and still honor the theme so that if the theme changes, my toolbar still looks like an Appbar?
You can use the style property of the Toolbar.
For example:
const toolbarStyle = {
backgroundColor: indigo500
<Toolbar style={toolbarStyle}>
<ToolbarGroup firstChild={true}>
<ToolbarTitle text="Options" />
<RaisedButton onTouchTap={this.handleOpenMenu} label="Downloads" />
If you use the built in colours then be sure to include them too e.g.:
import {indigo500} from 'material-ui/styles/colors';