How to disassociate anaconda from VScode? - visual-studio-code

I used to use VScode in conjunction with anaconda, but later I started to appreciate the light weight stuff. So, I would like to uninstall anaconda. I have tried to do so using all the methods suggested in the forum, including using the designated anaconda-clean. None of them really works. This helped a little bit to the point I could successfully install the cleaner. But as I proceed to actually remove anaconda, nothing really happened.
Please see the thread attached as below.
Conda is surprisingly still there. So I figured an alternative would be to just disassociate anaconda or conda from VScode? How would you do so? Thank you!
Trying to use conda install to get anaconda-clean but environment fails to solve and a very slow analysis of conflicts starts

I butchered the anaconda in my mac. Very unelegant. I manually deleted as much of it as possible. That way VScode is freed from anaconda. I would still appreciate an elegant other than just manually removing which is a pain in the rear.


python interpreter citing zen of python in the terminal window

I run vscode version 1.65.2.
Today it started citing the whole "The Zen of Python" in the terminal window every time I run a python script in the debugger.
EDIT: It turns out that it is the python interpreter that does it, not vscode. The problem apparently came after I updated ipykernel to version 6.11.0. I run python version 3.9.1 on Windows.
How can I turn it off?
I havent been able to find an answer to this anywhere.
It turned out that an import statement had found its way into my code: "import this as d", and removing it solved the problem. It is a mystery how it ended up there, I certainly haven't put it there knowingly. But problem solved!
That's really odd. I just had the exact same thing. Even the import this as d was on the first line before everything. I use vscode as well. Removing it does help. But I didn't update a kernel prior to this. It happened while I was writing code I think. Python 3.8.10 on Linux.

Fish seems to remember things through reinstallation

I'm trying to troubleshoot something with fish shell, so I uninstalled it from my Mac, including deleting everything from ~/.config/fish and reinstalled it. I found that it seems to remember some things, such as its autocomplete history. Is there some file I've missed in the uninstall process? Or is fish sharing autocomplete/history data with zsh?
The documentation says:
By default interactive commands are logged to $XDG_DATA_HOME/fish/fish_history (typically ~/.local/share/fish/fish_history)

vsCode does not accept the $JAVA_HOME UBUNTU 20.04

I have already found many answers and also tried, unfortunately none worked for me.
I am trying to install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 20.04. And so far it always went very smoothly. Unfortunately this time not.
My approach was:
I installed vscode
i installed java
i added it to the home(echo $JAVA_HOME
/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64) and the Path(echo $PATH
/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin) variables
When it didn't work, I put it in ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json (A different path than in $JAVA_HOME Because I tried something but that didn't work either)
After all these operations vscode still didn't regest it.
My question is, why not, did I forget something?
You can set the setting java.home to /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
I don't know why but it suddenly works. I installed Java one more time and now it works. Maybe something went wrong with the first java installation.
But thanks to all who took the time.

Why do no programs run in visual studio code?

I recently got a new computer and reinstalled visual studio code but I haven't been able to run any of my files. The error has occurred with both python and C++, so I feel as though it is the IDE that is the problem. I have looked online and there are no straight answers as I have tried following some solutions which have resulted in different errors.
The error above comes up when I run (F5) a simple line of code in c++. Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks, Jacob
For my python files to work I have to manually select 'Python: current file' but for c++ files they still have the same error.
First step, uninstall python from this machine.
Second, reinstall and make sure that you check the box "add to path".
It's pretty easy to miss as it's a small box, and I missed it my first time installing python earlier in the year. Here's the box you may have missed while installing.
It could be your extensions.
I had a similar error message and simply updated all of my extensions and then my SDK. I was then able to run my code within the IDE. I was using VSCode for c++ and also updated my GCC compiler along with the extensions.
Also look into your computer's environment variables, if you have changed the %PATH variables it may be affecting your ability to run/compile programs.

Why don't I see Anaconda libraries in eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Javascript 2019-06 and Miniconda3. When I setup the interpreter I don't see any libraries under the packages. I've seen this problem on 2 different windows PC's in completely different environments and can't for the life of me figure out what is going on.
Tried messing around with the paths, uninstall reinstall of both anaconda, miniconda and eclipse.
Figures after hours banging my head on this I figured it out 10 mins after posting this. When installing Anaconda or Miniconda there is an option to add it to your environment path. It recommends against this so you have to go against the advice and ignore the scary red text when you select it.