Fish seems to remember things through reinstallation - fish

I'm trying to troubleshoot something with fish shell, so I uninstalled it from my Mac, including deleting everything from ~/.config/fish and reinstalled it. I found that it seems to remember some things, such as its autocomplete history. Is there some file I've missed in the uninstall process? Or is fish sharing autocomplete/history data with zsh?

The documentation says:
By default interactive commands are logged to $XDG_DATA_HOME/fish/fish_history (typically ~/.local/share/fish/fish_history)


Can you take terminal commands and use them in a Python program?

In another thread, there is an excellent step by step to completely uninstall VSCode off my Mac so I could truly start over. The steps work perfectly. In my question to try a lot of configurations and extensions, I mess up VSCode pretty often.
Is there a way to build Python file so when I need to uninstall, I can open a terminal window and run a program and be ready to try again? It is not the end of the world to have to type one line at a time, I'm just assuming this is common and been fixed. I'm just not able to find the how.
After doing some studying of Python, I found the OS module. Once you import it, most, if not all the commands to clean up directories, delete files, etc. are in there. I took the list of commands that ran in a ZSH terminal and converted them to os.[relevantcommand] and it worked fine. Now, I can easily clean out a VSCode install by running my and start over.

VSCode on Linux Mint, integrated terminal not able to type anything

Hi I'm running Linux Mint 19 and I have just installed vscode using the snapd package manager. I've not used vscode on linux before as my usual editor is emacs. However, on a fresh new install of vscode, the integrated terminal does not work, there is just a non blinking cursor in the top left of the screen, but no prompt and no keyboard strokes are registering. This appears to be a common problem as there are a lot of posts about it if googled, but they are all for Windows versions and none of the solutions that I'm able to try do anything. I've tried to open a new terminal window, but the same thing happens I just get two terminal windows that I now cannot use. I've also tried checking the box that says Code-runner: Run In Terminal, but that does nothing either. What can I do to get this to work please, I looks to me like it is just not connected to either a bash or Zsh(which I normally use). Any help on this would be appreciated.
Instead of starting vscode with its default shell script (usually located on /usr/share/code/bin/code), the integrated terminal only works for me when starting it directly from the compiled binary (typically found on /usr/share/code/code, which is the same as the launcher created by the installer:
/usr/share/code/code --no-sandbox --unity-launch %F
While I searched for a solution in the past I've also noticed that lots of folks solved similar problems just by adding --disable-gpu flag, so might be worth checking out as well.

zsh autocompletion appears to only work with built in commands

I'm new to zsh, just switched over from fish. I'm trying to get autocomplete working so it displays argument/flag options for commands upon pressing tab.
Currently this works, but it only appears to work for built in commands. For example, it works for ls, grep, git, etc. but does not work for programs I have added myself. For example, fd-find, exa, and nvm all do not work.
For nvm, I have enabled the nvm plugin using Oh My Zsh. I know the plugin is working in general, because nvm itself is working (and it wasn't before enabling the plugin).
For fd-find, I see the auto-completion file in /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_fd
For exa, I manually downloaded and placed the autocompletion file in /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_exa as instructed by the site.
All 3 of these programs do not show me the typical arguments/flags autocomplete menu the way built in commands do. I'm not sure what is wrong.
I echoed the fpath environment variable to make sure /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions was in there. It is, along with /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/
When I run which nvm, I get:
_nvm () {
# undefined
builtin autoload -XUz
Which is actually what I get for all of _nvm, _exa, _fd.
Not sure what else to try.
Any suggestions for how to get autocomplete working properly?
Other info: I'm on a System76 Darter Pro laptop running Pop!_OS.
I found a fix that worked for me. After searching through zsh issues related to autocomplete on github, this solution worked for me. Credit was given to the original source of the solution on stackexchange.
The solution was simply to remove all zcompdump files:
rm ~/.zcompdump*
After running the above command, autocomplete works and expands out the possible flags/arguments for non-builtin programs!

Emacs OSX 10.13 configuration issue

Recently I pass to Emacs org because is really convenient to me to write note there.
So I installed all packages I needed (principally ORG and EVIL) but I didn't understand how to setup everything.
I installed emacs from brew without using cask, I linked it, and I'm sure that I'm using the version that I installed (26.1).
So in my ~/ folder I have a .emacs file in which I set up evil mode, and I have a /.emacs.d/ in which I have a lot of file. The problem is: whatever I wrote in a ~/.emacs.d/init.el seems doesn't effect emacs.
So I said "whatever, I'm going on github and I installed some complete configurations and then I customized them myself". I tried to install these two configurations.
But for some reason, after doing exactly what they say on
nothing happens.
In particular the second link, after install and open emacs said I need to have ~/.cask/.cask.el but I don't have it.

VSCode Powershell integrated terminal hangs when starting

I am using VSCode version 1.12.2 in Windows 10 x64 build 16193. I am trying to debug Powershell in VSCode, but I cannot get the PowerShell Integrated Terminal working. Every time I started the terminal, here's what I see:
And then it hangs in that stage. I can still debug, start, step in, step out..., but I cannot view my variable or run any expression.
My VSCode is using powershell x64 here:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\Sysnative\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe"
So this is a known issue with this version of windows 10. Workaround here:
It's possible it's getting stuck on something while loading your profile(s). Try adding this to your settings to skip this:
"powershell.enableProfileLoading": false
I have had a similar problem, it seems. I cannot be sure it is the same, but when I would "load a file with VSCode" (user installer confirmed, system installer unconfirmed), it would hang. The following avenues tested:
Double-clicking on a PS1 file (the association to Code being made)
Starting VsCode empty and then loading the file
Starting VsCode from the command-line with a file-designation parameter
Using the --verbose switch, I got a listing which lead me to believe that VsCode seemed to be checking on updates using NPM (I could be wrong here).
Whatever the underlying problem, I did a lot of prodding and probing, and the cure I found was this.
Delete the directory called C:\Users\YourUserId\.vscode.
This directory is rather large, is not wiped by software removal, and may be corrupted apparently. After deleting it, the problem disappeared.