vsCode does not accept the $JAVA_HOME UBUNTU 20.04 - visual-studio-code

I have already found many answers and also tried, unfortunately none worked for me.
I am trying to install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 20.04. And so far it always went very smoothly. Unfortunately this time not.
My approach was:
I installed vscode
i installed java
i added it to the home(echo $JAVA_HOME
/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64) and the Path(echo $PATH
/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin) variables
When it didn't work, I put it in ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json (A different path than in $JAVA_HOME Because I tried something but that didn't work either)
After all these operations vscode still didn't regest it.
My question is, why not, did I forget something?

You can set the setting java.home to /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64

I don't know why but it suddenly works. I installed Java one more time and now it works. Maybe something went wrong with the first java installation.
But thanks to all who took the time.


Problem with editing LaTex in VS Code with TexLive after uninstalling MikTex

I'm a noob at setting up LaTeX and I'm completely stuck. I had a broken MikTex + TexStudio setup that the previous owner of my work computer left behind (I also mention that I recently upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11). Unable to fix it, I decided to just wipe out everything and start clean. I uninstalled TexStudio and MikTex (also deleted all the files in AppData, etc.) and I installed TexLive (and gave the PC a restart as prescribed) to use it in VS Code (which I already had). All the guides I found say that once I install the LaTex Workshop extension in VS Code, everything should work on it's own (or at least no one mentions that there are problems that could arise).
However, when I try to compile a tex file I get the following error:
11 [0x00002528] INFO latexmk null - this process (19956) started by 'Code' with command line: latexmk -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf "-outdir=c:/Users/.../texfile_locationfolder" "c:/Users/.../texfile"
It seems that this is a fresh TeX installation.
Please finish the setup before proceeding.
For more information, visit:
The fact that it mentions MikTex makes me think something messed up and VS Code is trying to use MikTex instead of TexLive. How can I fix this?
PS: I've tried to look at the settings for the VS Code extension, but there are dozens of settings options and, fairly enough, I don't have any idea what most of them do.
I found a fix: I went into the Environment Variables list and found that MikTex was still in there. After deleting everything related to MikTex in the PATH Environment Variables, all was working well. Yeey!
I had the same issue (on Windows). Resolved by deleting a MikTex folder, found by searching for MikTex in File Explorer.
Then, I deleted this folder from the recycling bin and restarted my computer. LaTeX Workshop detected TeXLive and works as expected.

Why do no programs run in visual studio code?

I recently got a new computer and reinstalled visual studio code but I haven't been able to run any of my files. The error has occurred with both python and C++, so I feel as though it is the IDE that is the problem. I have looked online and there are no straight answers as I have tried following some solutions which have resulted in different errors.
The error above comes up when I run (F5) a simple line of code in c++. Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks, Jacob
For my python files to work I have to manually select 'Python: current file' but for c++ files they still have the same error.
First step, uninstall python from this machine.
Second, reinstall and make sure that you check the box "add to path".
It's pretty easy to miss as it's a small box, and I missed it my first time installing python earlier in the year. Here's the box you may have missed while installing.
It could be your extensions.
I had a similar error message and simply updated all of my extensions and then my SDK. I was then able to run my code within the IDE. I was using VSCode for c++ and also updated my GCC compiler along with the extensions.
Also look into your computer's environment variables, if you have changed the %PATH variables it may be affecting your ability to run/compile programs.

Vs code blank terminal problem, can't enter anything

I'm user using Visual Studio code.
A few days ago, I've gone through some problems.
It's about "blank terminal". I'm not sure what trigger this problem.
I guess it's related with vs code updated 1.39 version. I attached the picture below.
enter image description here
I've tried searching solution in order to solve this problem. but I failed.
1. remove the 1.39 version. and re install vscode. (remove vscode file)
- sudo apt remove vscode, sudo apt autoremove
- I searched .vscode and then remove all( some setting file left.)
2. I tried to install vscode by snap, but result was same.
3. I started with root
- sudo code --user-data-dir => teminal is possible to see but environments not working => fail
4. I tried down grade.
- version 38,37 => failed (it's same result)
- version 32 => success (but it's old version, limited several utilities)
**Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS , 64 bit
Anyone having same problems and working out, Please tell some methods.
I look forward to getting reply. Thanks.
Setting "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv" to true in settings.json solved this problem for me.
I think it is related to this bug
You need to select a default shell. Where it says 1:, click the down arrow and select your shell.
I was running into this issue with vscode that was installed through the ubuntu software center
I uninstalled it and deleted any settings using this https://superuser.com/questions/1113022/how-do-i-remove-vs-code-settings-from-ubuntu
I then installed through anaconda since I was already using it. This install worked fine.

VSCode - TypeScript language service died unexpectedly 5 times in the last 5 minutes

This error message keeps sliding down from the top every few seconds. I click on the close button and it comes back again. I am not and don't plan on using TypeScript in any of my projects.
Is there a way to "silent" this warning message?
Is there a way to change the frequency that the warnings slide down on the screen?
This is happening in VSCode 1.8.1 and 1.9 on Windows 10 and Windows 8.
I work on TypeScript for VSCode.
The TypeScript language service powers language features for both TypeScript and JavaScript code. Without it, you do not get any suggestions or intellisense or any other nice language support.
Please open an issue against VSCode if you are seeing this error. You can also try upgrading the version of TypeScript that VS Code uses to pick up the latest fixes and features: https://code.visualstudio.com/Docs/languages/typescript#_using-newer-typescript-versions
(I'm also looking into a better way to handle this message since it can be very spammy when the TypeScript service crashes continually)
I resolve my problem by use this way:
first, open your typescript.tsserver.log to "verbose"
restart vscode, and open ts log
and you will find when make your tsserver so slow, as for me, jest_cache is the problem. so I add a exclude in my tsconfig.json
restart, and the problem solve.
I the same problem with VSCode using a workspace Yarn and Typescript. After a couple months without a solution, I tried updating the Yarn VSCode SDK using yarn dlx #yarnpkg/sdks vscode as part of these instructions and that fixed my problem.
you can try to install this vscode extension to make vscode use latest typescript version
To people getting here using WSL2 & Ubuntu(?)
rm -rf ./vscode-server worked for me
Disabling the "JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly" extension worked for me.
The error always said that the workspace was using an old verison of typescript and that I should upgrade although I was up to date. It looks the workspace was using the latest dev build of typescript because of the extension or something like that maybe caused the error.
For a temprary solution you need to rollback to an older version. In my case it worked with: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_39.
upgrading to TypeScript v3.7.3 and using VSCode Insider's Edition seems to fix the issue for me.
There are multiple ways to upgrade. One way is:
yarn add -D typescript#3.7.3
Here is my solution which I spent 1 week.
Fallback version to Version: 1.61.2 (Universal)
Rmove your local VsCode totaly.
quit it
remove it from your Application folder
remove the file ~/.vscode
rm -rf ~/.vscode
Install the vsCode v1.61.2 and open it;
Close the aoto update. it's important
find the menu Code > preferences > settings
search keyword of update
set Application/Update/update > mode > none
Open your ts project
Hope help you
took me a few confusing days, as it kept trying to default to 16.8 which I had not installed via nvm
I installed and un-installed 16.8, set the default and system aliases (always alias to a version number without any letters ['v']
Finally I found a posting that said, no matter what you have installed for nvm MacOS will always use the system Node if there is one.
So: brew uninstall node got rid of a version that I didn't was on my mac... I've been using nvm for many years, so I don't know how it got there. Perhaps it came in as a dependency...
Since I use nvm, and always want the typescript support I pinned it to a particular version of node that I know has typescript installed globally
tsdk: /Users/ajoslin/.nvm/versions/node/v16.14.0/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/
In my case, I didn't have the typescript compiler (tsc) installed on my system. So npm install -g typescript resolve my problem.

Eclipse Popping in Unexpected error [duplicate]

I recently decided to start trying Android app development, so I downloaded the Java SE Development Kit 8 (x86) for Windows (I got Windows 8 64bit, but my guide recommends getting the 32bit one), the Android SDK, and the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (x86).
However, my Eclipse won't launch when I double click eclipse.exe! Instead, I get the following error message:
I tried adding Java to my Path variable in my Environment variables as suggested in some of the solutions I looked up, but it still doesn't launch properly.
Anyone know what else I can try? Also, if possible, please do not use super-technical vocabulary as I'm new to these kinds of stuff and will not understand you...thank you haha :D
I had the same issue and was trying to install different versions of JDK: 1.6, 1.7, 1.8.
It didn't help much.
The problem was resolved when I changed PATH variable by removing
In command prompt I also ran following commands:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin;%PATH%
But I think the most important was to remove C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath; from the PATH.
I know exactly how to solve your problem. Go to search and put in environment, a prompt will come up and ask you to "Edit environmental variables for your account" click that and a window will pop up. There will be the current paths which are running on the top (you should have your JDK version running, mine is 1.8) and on the bottom part there will be paths to choose from. Select (on the bottom part) the java path and delete it, then click okay. This should work.
If it didn't work, You may also add a new path to the java bin folder which worked for me.
Here is an alternative:
As described here, make sure that you have the -vm option set in your eclipse.ini file.
It must be an absolute path and on 2 separate lines:
<Absolute Path>\javaw.exe
Save your .ini and relaunch Eclipse
One line answer, remove 'C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;' from your path variable. It will start to work.
Most errors with starting eclipse happen due to multiple JRE or JDK version which makes the installer go nuts.
Solution: Go to Control Panel -> Uninstall Programs
If you're running 64-bit java, then uninstall all Java without the 64bit indicator. If 32-bit, then uninstall all that have 64-bit
It works like magic!
What worked for me was having installed adoptopenjdk11 using Chocolatey package manager:
choco install adoptopenjdk11