how can i access terminal in visual studio code which is not working? - visual-studio-code

I opened terminal in vs code but the path is not coming. On clicking the terminal also the text is not appearing which I am typing. I am not able to type anything in terminal.

Go to the View menu of VScode. Then click on the menu option "Integrated Terminal". This will open the terminal window at bottom of VScode window.


Is there a Visual Studio Code command for Developer: Reload Webviews?

Is there a VSC command that is related to Developer: Reload Webviews?
It is the workbench.action.webview.reloadWebviewAction command.
You can confirm this if you open the Command Palette, search for the Developer: Reload Webviews command and hit the gear icon at right. It will open the Keyboard Shortcuts panel, filtered with #command:workbench.action.webview.reloadWebviewAction.
Hope this helps

Whenever I open terminal in visual studio code the terminal is blank and cant type a single word in it

Whenever I try to open terminal of visual studio code my terminal remains blank and I am not able to type anything in the terminal I have switched power shell to command prompt but the same issue persist I have included the screenshot
Try opening VSC as an administrator

How to unfreeze the terminal in VScode after CTRL+S?

I purposefully froze my terminal with CTRLS in visual studio code, so that I could inspect the fast log messages scrolling through. Normally, you can unfreeze it again with CTRLQ.
However, it seems that vscode catches this second shortcut and instead of unfreezing my terminal, it opens this popup in the middle of the screen - which disappears as soon as I release the keys...
This seems to be called the "Quick Open View".
I assume that there is a way to send the "unfreeze" signal to the terminal. How?
My solution for now was to detach tmux in vscode, then connect over ssh using a normal terminal, attach tmux, send the CTRLQ there, detach and exit again, and re-attach in vscode.
you can remove any shortcuts you want. go to file > preference > keyboard shortcuts
type "ctrl q"
and adapt as you wish
I also ran into this issue,
I found that if you go into File -> Preferences -> keyboard shortcuts
When you find the Ctrl-q shortcut, you can right click it and choose to remove it,
then the Ctrl-q will work to resume the terminal

(vs code) kill terminal button disappeared

I do not how I changed the settings, but kill terminal button disappeared from panel tab in vscode.
Can anyone tell me how to reset the terminal button settings.
vs code terminal
remove the following line in setting.json
"terminal.integrated.tabs.enabled": true

Can't get "View in Browser" or tool tip to work in Visual Studio Code editor

I can't get two features in Microsoft's Visual Studio Code to work.
1) I can't activate the "View in Browser" extension.
2) The tool tip feature isn't displayed in the editor.
Thanks in advance.
I would suggest you re-install the latest version from vscode
Open vscode, press F1, then type 'ext install[space]', [space] = space key;
Select "Extensions: Install Extension", then type 'view in browser'; Click bottom right 'tree' like logo to install extension; then Restart Now.
Open vscode, create an html file, then press Ctrl + F1 to view the html in your default browser.
Instead of using View in browser extension, I suggest you to use View in Default Application Extension.
Press F1 and narrow down the list commands by typing extension
Select the Extensions: Install Extension command.
Search for this extension by typing in the text view in default application
Once installed, you will be prompted to restart your instance of Visual Studio Code to use the extension
After saving your HTML file, press first ctrl+k and then ctrl+b.Your HTML file will be open in your default browser
Go To File - > Settings.
It will open a new window to the right.
Add your proxy settings there as:
"http.proxy" : "value".
Restart the Visual Studio Code.
It should work.