AnyChart: Fit to include annotation line at price - annotations

I have a candlestick chart, and would like to draw an annotation line at a price that is just below the visible area of the chart.
How do I adjust the scale to get make the line visible?

You can apply the scale minimum or maximum. Or apply appropriate scale gaps to let the annotation be visible.


Rotating x axis label to vertical from horizontal in JasperReports Charts

How can I rotate the x-axis label from horizontal to vertical? The words are too long to be placed horizontally, vertically placing them will be able to display them.
Go to chart properties, set it to a numeric value in the properties "label rotation" -45.0 for example.

jfreechart pie chart fixed pie radius

I have dynamic pie set and if there are a lot of series then pie get small.
How to set fixed pie chart radius.
A PiePlot grows to fill the space available, so you'll need to give it room to grow. Some possible approaches:
Override getPreferredSize() and use a suitable layout, as shown here among other suggestions.
Display the legend items in an adjacent component, as shown here, leaving the chart alone to fill it's container.
Reposition the legend within the chart, as shown here for the default RectangleEdge.BOTTOM.

How to draw Pie chart like below by using coreplot?

How to draw Pie chart like below by using coreplot???
You'll need to use two pie charts to draw this—one for the inner ring and another one for the outer ring. Look at the Donut Chart plot in the Plot Gallery example app.
The pieRadius sets the radius of the outside of the ring and the pieInnerRadius property sets the inner radius. Use a negative labelOffset to put the labels inside the plot. Insert a newline ('\n') character between the word and the number to make the two-line labels for the inner plot. Set the textAlignment of the label text style to CPTTextAlignmentCenter to center align the multi-line labels.
You can use the default color scheme for the pie slices, but it only has 10 colors. If you want more or different slice colors, implement the -sliceFillForPieChart:recordIndex: datasource method and return the desired fill (which can be a color, gradient, or image) for each slice.
I hope It Will Help ful to you

plotsymbol label

I'm playing with core-plot to generate a scatter plot. I've added a plot symbol and want to add a label near every symbol.
I able to do that but want to change the position of this label. I can set the offset but it move the label only vertically, I need to move the label horizontally.
Any way to do that?
this picture shows what i'd like.
screen shot
The automatic labels will always appear above the point. You can create annotations to label your data points. For each label, use CPTPlotSpaceAnnotation, anchor it to the coordinates of the data point, and set the displacement and content anchor.
To put the labels to the right of the point, set the displacement to (x, 0) where x is the number of pixels between the label and the center of the data point. Set the content anchor to (0, 0.5).

how to set custom interval to horizontal axis in Flex Charts

I am trying to set custom step (interval) to my Line Chart's horizontal axis.
The chart gets its data from a grid. The grid has a lot of data and it is displayed accurately but because there are so many data points the horizontal axis is screwed up. I wanted to set a step on horizontal axis so that you get an idea when you see the graph without hovering the mouse on a data point!
thanks for any help!
Flexi Comment Box
heylo people!
I have solved the mystery!!!
just add a horrizontalAxisRenderers to your Chart
and set the property canDropLabels to true!
<mx:AxisRenderer axis="{horiAxis_B}" canDropLabels="true"/>
axis being the name of the axis
you are done!!
but if you still have questions, you can always contact me here: