jfreechart pie chart fixed pie radius - jasper-reports

I have dynamic pie set and if there are a lot of series then pie get small.
How to set fixed pie chart radius.

A PiePlot grows to fill the space available, so you'll need to give it room to grow. Some possible approaches:
Override getPreferredSize() and use a suitable layout, as shown here among other suggestions.
Display the legend items in an adjacent component, as shown here, leaving the chart alone to fill it's container.
Reposition the legend within the chart, as shown here for the default RectangleEdge.BOTTOM.


is There any way we can display more Legends in a chart

I Am using Stacked Bar 2D chart (https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-attributes/stackedbar2d) for a requirement of mine. In this i have a fixed height for the chart but the number of bars in the chart is dynamic. When i have more number of bars, the bars do appear in the chart but their legends are not. For example if i force 10 bars in a smaller height chart., i do see all 10 bars but only 5 legends are appearing. Is there anyway i can force all legends to appear ? I dont mind if the font size is going smaller also. But irrespective of the height of chart all bars that are being displayed on the chart should have its own legends.Is there any attribute which forces that ?

Chart.js doughnut and pie chart at same canvas mixed

Can I display together two different types of chart together. I need to have a doughnut chart with about 70%, and another pie chart section over the first (doughnut) chart that will be just a thin line going from center of the circle to the doughnut's edge. I want to make a speed-o-meter this way.
A pie chart is a doughnut chart with cutoutPercentage:0. Try using a doughnut chart, setting cutoutPercentage:0, and adding two datasets.

Horizontal aligning of nvd3 legends

I have an nvd3 pie chart like the one given below:
As you can see,the legends are automatically aligned vertically. If the numerical values doesnt reach higher numbers the legends would be placed horizontally.
What I need is to place all the legends horizontally,no matter what the values in the numerical fields are.
Can anybody help me on this?

Change pie chart color in Kibana

One of my uses of Kibana is related to displaying some information in certain cases only (say when a value is unexpected and exceeds a defined range). This element is therefore either shown or hidden from the dashboard, and displaying it could be considered as displaying an alert. I would prefer if the related pie chart was filled in red, rather than the default green.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Assuming you are describing Kibana 3, if you want terms panels pie charts to use different colors, you will need to make a code change.
There is a way to have custom colors for your pie chart. In order to do that you'll need to create a "hits" panel and pick the "pie chart" as the display. The color of the pie slices will be determined by the color that you chose for the queries that they track:

is it possible to create dojo chart without axis?

I'm using a dojo chart to display data in a bubble chart. However, I don't need the axis but if I remove the axis, it screws up the display of the data. I can fudge axis not being there by hiding labels and coloring the lines white but then there's still this large margin on the left and bottom of the chart. How do you make a dojo chart without the axis while still having the min/max set correctly?
chart1.addAxis("x",{ type : 'Invisible' /*, .... */ });
Matthew, if you are still looking to tweak the margins, the solution here:
dojox charting: remove the padding around the chart
worked for me.