how to set custom interval to horizontal axis in Flex Charts - charts

I am trying to set custom step (interval) to my Line Chart's horizontal axis.
The chart gets its data from a grid. The grid has a lot of data and it is displayed accurately but because there are so many data points the horizontal axis is screwed up. I wanted to set a step on horizontal axis so that you get an idea when you see the graph without hovering the mouse on a data point!
thanks for any help!
Flexi Comment Box

heylo people!
I have solved the mystery!!!
just add a horrizontalAxisRenderers to your Chart
and set the property canDropLabels to true!
<mx:AxisRenderer axis="{horiAxis_B}" canDropLabels="true"/>
axis being the name of the axis
you are done!!
but if you still have questions, you can always contact me here:


ios-charts - problems using autoScaleMinMaxEnabled

I try to auto scale the y-axis for an LineChart. If I set the option autoScaleMinMaxEnabled, followed by an notifyDataSetChanged no auto scale occurs.
Also toggeling autoScaleMinMaxEnabled in ChartsDemo seems not to work. Is there a special trick?
Many thanks! - Tino
The "trick" is that min/max of the Y-axis is determined dynamically, during scrolling, depending on the y-values that are contained in the visible x-range.
If you want to see it working in the demo, then zoom in, enable autoScaleMinMaxEnabled, and then scroll to the right. Watch the Y-axis.

Telerik Reporting Graph

I'm trying to evaluate 2 reporting tools, SQL reporting and Telerik reporting, One of the thing my report should create are some charts. Here comes my problem. I would like to get a line chart that looks like this one created on my RDLC that is how I need it.
With Telerik I almost got the same graph but I still have some problems.
I can't eliminate the margins on the X axis (blue squares)
I can't find how to manually set the X axis interval (green square), searching on forums somebody sais that changing the scale property to DateTime Scale (It crashes my designer)
It is possible to move the axis with the ticks at the bottom of the chart (purple square) like it is on the rdlc chart?
At the end I got an answer on the telerik forum how to set the properties I was missing, if somebody is facing a similar problem the solution can be found here
Chart Xaxis Margin and label interval
The problem in the purple square is solved by selecting the Y axis, from the scale property select CrossAxisPosition, add an element to the collection and set the position atminimum.

how to change the position of the axis label on a fusionchart?

Here i am trying to change the position of the axis labels for the fusioncharts. I am using fusioncharts to generate the reports.The problem is the labels for the axes(both x and y) are not at the position i want to them.I want to change the position of those labels.Is there any way to do this without affecting the fusioncharts in any way?
This is what i want to achieve:
![Required Image][1]
![Original Image][2]
FusionCharts does not provide axis name alignment configurations. This is primarily because non-center alignment of axis names can cause ambiguity while perceiving the chart.

is it possible to create dojo chart without axis?

I'm using a dojo chart to display data in a bubble chart. However, I don't need the axis but if I remove the axis, it screws up the display of the data. I can fudge axis not being there by hiding labels and coloring the lines white but then there's still this large margin on the left and bottom of the chart. How do you make a dojo chart without the axis while still having the min/max set correctly?
chart1.addAxis("x",{ type : 'Invisible' /*, .... */ });
Matthew, if you are still looking to tweak the margins, the solution here:
dojox charting: remove the padding around the chart
worked for me. charts: Legend overlapping with X-axis

I am creating a Chart (DataVisualization.Charting.Chart) programmatically, which is a Stacked Bar chart.
I am also adding Legend entries programmatically to it. I want to show the Legend at the bottom of the chart.
But, while doing so, the Legend overlapps with the X-axis of the chart.
Here is the code I am using:
Private Function GetLegend(ByVal legendName As String, ByVal s As Single) As System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend
Dim objLegend As System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend = New System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend()
objLegend.Name = legendName
objLegend.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Verdana", s)
objLegend.IsDockedInsideChartArea = False
objLegend.Docking = Docking.Bottom
Return objLegend
End Function
Below statement adds that Legend to the chart
_msChart.Legends.Add(GetLegend("SomeValue1", 10.0F))
Any idea, what is missing? I want to show the legend at the bottom only, but it should not overlapp with the X-axis.
I had the same problem today. Try adding:
objLegend.Position.Auto = true
objLegend.DockedToChartArea = "yourChartAreaName"
That did not help me but I found on the net that this might be helpful (and clean solution).
What actually worked for me was moving chart area to make space for legend so it no longer overlaps. My legend was on top so this code worked for me:
chart.ChartAreas[0].Position.Y = 15
You can try resizing it instead, forcing it to be for example 20 pixels shorter than chart.Size.
Hope this helps.
I had an overlapping legend/chart area problem as well but none of the other suggestions here seemed to make any difference. I think the problem stems from legend text wrapping to two lines and the sizing algorithms not taking account of this.
The ideas here got me thinking more clearly about the problem though, and I was able control the size and position of the chart area using the following.
Chart1.ChartAreas[0].InnerPlotPosition = new ElementPosition(15, 5, 90, 75);
There's not much intellisense on those parameters, but as well as I could deduce, the parameters are all percentages of the total chart area (I initially thought they might be pixel values and got some very odd results). So what I've written above would set the plot area to start at 15% in from the left edge of the chart image and 5% down from the top, and have a width of 90% and a height of 75%.