How to interpret indexof expression and functions in Azure Data Factory - azure-data-factory

I'm trying to understand the indexof expression(function) of Azure Data Factory.
This example finds the starting index value for the "world" substring in the "hello world" string:
indexOf('hello world', 'world')
And returns this result: 6
I'm confused by what is meant by the 'index value' and how the example arrived at the result 6.
Also, using the above example, can someone let me know what would be the answer for the following expression?
'Config' represents a field in sql database

Per the docs:
Return the starting position or index value for a substring. This function is not case-sensitive, and indexes start with the number 0.
hello world
+--- "world" found starting at position 6
Regarding the 2nd part of your question. Here's the expression re-written for a bit of clarity:
#if( greater(indexof(string(pipeline().parameters.Config),'FilenameMask'),0)
which can be read as follows:
if the index of the string "FilenameMask" within x is greater than 0 then
return x.Filenamemask
return an empty string
where x is pipeline().parameters.Config, which is the value of your "Config" column from the database table. It will hold values such as
The ADF expression can also be read as follows:
if the JSON in the Config column contains a "FilenameMask" key then
return the value of the FilenameMask key
return an empty string


SSRS nested IIF/CStr explanation

Could someone let me know if the IIF statement below means output any value that starts with a 4 please?
=IIF(LEFT(CStr(Fields!CLOCK_NUMBER.Value),1)="4",Fields!JOB_NO.Value, "")
The short answer is yes.
Starting from the middle and working outwards this expression is doing the following..
Get the value of the field CLOCK_NUMBER
Convert this to a string (the CSTR function)
Take the 1st character (LEFT function with 1 as the seconds parameter)
If the equals "4" return the Value that is in JOB_NO
Otherwise return an empty string
If this is not working for some reason, try converting the job_no to a string before returning, that way you ensure you always return a string (in case JOB_NO is numeric). You can simply wrap the job_no in a CSTR like this CSTR(Fields!JOB_NO.Value)
Translates to..."try to" convert the field CLOCK_NUMBERS's native value to a string and take the LEFT(1) most significant digit(s) and if that value is "4" then return the JOB_NO Fields's value. else return empty string.
So, it is, if the first digit is 4 then return JOB_NO.

How do I find a partial string in a Mongo database using a superset string?

If my database contains entries with the following string values for the "key" field:
And I have a string like this:
How do I find the entries where the value of the key field matches the start of my string? E.g. I want to find the entry where the value of the key field is "a,b,c".
How do I find the entries where the value of the key field matches any part of my string? E.g. I want to find the entries where the value of the key field is "a,b,c" and "d,e,f,g".
To give some context in case anyone thinks this is a pointless task, I want to do stack matching. I will have entries in a database that identify bugs by the first N frames of the stack and then I want to identify bug(s) by the stack obtained from a core dump.
The answer is to use the $where operator. An example in Python, where search_string is the string we want to find matches with, is:
search_string = 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h'
js_check = 'function () { var search_string=\'' + search_string + '\'; return search_string.indexOf(this.key) >= 0; }'
matches = my_collection.find({'$where': js_check})

String to Integer (atoi) [Leetcode] gave wrong answer?

String to Integer (atoi)
This problem is implement atoi to convert a string to an integer.
When test input = " +0 123"
My code return = 123
But why expected answer = 0?
And if test input = " +0123"
My code return = 123
Now expected answer = 123
So is that answer wrong?
I think this is expected result as it said
Requirements for atoi:
The function first discards as many whitespace characters as necessary until the first non-whitespace character is found. Then, starting from this character, takes an optional initial plus or minus sign followed by as many numerical digits as possible, and interprets them as a numerical value.
Your first test case has a space in between two different digit groups, and atoi only consider the first group which is '0' and convert into integer

How is the full substring different from using .text()?

I'm failing to see how taking the full substring is different from just using .text()?
This is a snippet of a larger code set that I'm trying to understand but failing:
$(this).text().substring(0, ($(this).text().length - 1))
Substring takes a portion of the full text/string, but in this case it is taking the whole string, correct?
No, here substring is returning characters 0 to n-1 of an n length string.
x = "hello";
>>> "hello"
x.substring(0, x.length - 1)
>>> "hell"
From the MDN documentation linked:
substring extracts characters from indexA up to but not including indexB. In particular:
If indexA equals indexB, substring returns an empty string.
If indexB is omitted, substring extracts characters to the end of the string.
If either argument is less than 0 or is NaN, it is treated as if it were 0.
If either argument is greater than stringName.length, it is treated as if it were stringName.length.

find whether a string is substring of other string in SML NJ

In SML NJ, I want to find whether a string is substring of another string and find its index. Can any one help me with this?
The Substring.position function is the only one I can find in the basis library that seems to do string search. Unfortunately, the Substring module is kind of hard to use, so I wrote the following function to use it. Just pass two strings, and it will return an option: NONE if not found, or SOME of the index if it is found:
fun index (str, substr) = let
val (pref, suff) = Substring.position substr (Substring.full str)
val (s, i, n) = Substring.base suff
if i = size str then
Well you have all the substring functions, however if you want to also know the position of it, then the easiest is to do it yourself, with a linear scan.
Basically you want to explode both strings, and then compare the first character of the substring you want to find, with each character of the source string, incrementing a position counter each time you fail. When you find a match you move to the next char in the substring as well without moving the position counter. If the substring is "empty" (modeled when you are left with the empty list) you have matched it all and you can return the position index, however if the matching suddenly fail you have to return back to when you had the first match and skip a letter (incrementing the position counter) and start all over again.
Hope this helps you get started on doing this yourself.