How is the full substring different from using .text()? - substring

I'm failing to see how taking the full substring is different from just using .text()?
This is a snippet of a larger code set that I'm trying to understand but failing:
$(this).text().substring(0, ($(this).text().length - 1))
Substring takes a portion of the full text/string, but in this case it is taking the whole string, correct?

No, here substring is returning characters 0 to n-1 of an n length string.
x = "hello";
>>> "hello"
x.substring(0, x.length - 1)
>>> "hell"
From the MDN documentation linked:
substring extracts characters from indexA up to but not including indexB. In particular:
If indexA equals indexB, substring returns an empty string.
If indexB is omitted, substring extracts characters to the end of the string.
If either argument is less than 0 or is NaN, it is treated as if it were 0.
If either argument is greater than stringName.length, it is treated as if it were stringName.length.


Regex expression in q to match specific integer range following string

Using q’s like function, how can we achieve the following match using a single regex string regstr?
q) ("foo7"; "foo8"; "foo9"; "foo10"; "foo11"; "foo12"; "foo13") like regstr
>>> 0111110b
That is, like regstr matches the foo-strings which end in the numbers 8,9,10,11,12.
Using regstr:"foo[8-12]" confuses the square brackets (how does it interpret this?) since 12 is not a single digit, while regstr:"foo[1[0-2]|[1-9]]" returns a type error, even without the foo-string complication.
As the other comments and answers mentioned, this can't be done using a single regex. Another alternative method is to construct the list of strings that you want to compare against:
q)match:{x in y,/:string z[0]+til 1+neg(-/)z}
q)match[str;"foo";8 12]
If your eventual goal is to filter on the matching entries, you can replace in with inter:
q)match:{x inter y,/:string z[0]+til 1+neg(-/)z}
q)match[str;"foo";8 12]
A variation on Cillian’s method: test the prefix and numbers separately.
q)range:{x+til 1+y-x}.
q)s:"foo",/:string 82,range 7 13 / include "foo82" in tests
q)match:{min(x~/:;in[;string range y]')#'flip count[x]cut'z}
q)match["foo";8 12;] s
Note how unary derived functions x~/: and in[;string range y]' are paired by #' to the split strings, then min used to AND the result:
q)flip 3 cut's
"foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo"
"82" ,"7" ,"8" ,"9" "10" "11" "12" "13"
q)("foo"~/:;in[;string range 8 12]')#'flip 3 cut's
Compositions rock.
As the comments state, regex in kdb+ is extremely limited. If the number of trailing digits is known like in the example above then the following can be used to check multiple patterns
q)str:("foo7"; "foo8"; "foo9"; "foo10"; "foo11"; "foo12"; "foo13"; "foo3x"; "foo123")
q)any str like/:("foo[0-9]";"foo[0-9][0-9]")
Checking for a range like 8-12 is not currently possible within kdb+ regex. One possible workaround is to write a function to implement this logic. The function range checks a list of strings start with a passed string and end with a number within the range specified.
/ checking for strings starting with string y
s:((c:count y)#'x)like y;
/ convert remainder of string to long, check if within range
d:("J"$c _'x)within z;
/ find strings satisfying both conditions
Example use:
q)range[str;"foo";8 12]
q)str where range[str;"foo";8 12]
This could be made more efficient by checking the trailing digits only on the subset of strings starting with "foo".
For your example you can pad, fill with a char, and then simple regex works fine:
("."^5$("foo7";"foo8";"foo9";"foo10";"foo11";"foo12";"foo13")) like "foo[1|8-9][.|0-2]"

Converting a hex to string in Swift formatted to keep the same number of digits

I'm trying to create a string from hex values in an array, but whenever a hex in the array starts with a zero it disappears in the resulting string as well.
I use String(value:radix:uppercase) to create the string.
An example:
Here's an array: [0x13245678, 0x12345678, 0x12345678, 0x12345678].
Which gives me the string: 12345678123456781234567812345678 (32 characters)
But the following array: [0x02345678, 0x12345678, 0x02345678, 0x12345678] (notice that I replaced two 1's with zeroes).
Gives me the string: 234567812345678234567812345678 (30 characters)
I'm not sure why it removes the zeroes. I know the value is correct; how can I format it to keep the zero if it was there?
The number 0x01234567 is really just 0x1234567. Leading zeros in number literals don't mean anything (unless you are using the leading 0 for octal number literals).
Instead of using String(value:radix:uppercase), use String(format:).
let num = 0x1234567
let str = String(format: "%08X", num)
Explanation of the format:
The 0 means to pad the left end of the string with zeros as needed.
The 8 means you want the result to be 8 characters long
The X means you want the number converted to uppercase hex. Use x if you want lowercase hex.

String to Integer (atoi) [Leetcode] gave wrong answer?

String to Integer (atoi)
This problem is implement atoi to convert a string to an integer.
When test input = " +0 123"
My code return = 123
But why expected answer = 0?
And if test input = " +0123"
My code return = 123
Now expected answer = 123
So is that answer wrong?
I think this is expected result as it said
Requirements for atoi:
The function first discards as many whitespace characters as necessary until the first non-whitespace character is found. Then, starting from this character, takes an optional initial plus or minus sign followed by as many numerical digits as possible, and interprets them as a numerical value.
Your first test case has a space in between two different digit groups, and atoi only consider the first group which is '0' and convert into integer

Read specific character from cell-array of string

I have an cell-array of dimensions 1x6 like this:
A = {'25_2.mat','25_3.mat','25_4.mat','25_5.mat','25_6.mat','25_7.mat'};
I want to read for example from the A{1} , the number after the '_' i.e 2 for my example
Using cellfun, strfind and str2double
out = cellfun(#(x) str2double(x(strfind(x,'_')+1:strfind(x,'.')-1)),A)
How does it work?
This code simply finds the index of character one number after the occurrence of '_'. Lets call it as start_index. Then finds the character one number lesser than the index of occurrence of '.' character. Lets call it as end_index. Then retrieves all the characters between start_index and end_index. Finally converts those characters to numbers using str2double.
Sample Input:
A = {'2545_23.mat','2_3.mat','250_4.mat','25_51.mat','25_6.mat','25_7.mat'};
>> out
out =
23 3 4 51 6 7
You can access the contents of the cell by using the curly braces{...}. Once you have access to the contents, you can use indexes to access the elements of the string as you would do with a normal array. For example:
test = {'25_2.mat', '25_3.mat', '25_4.mat', '25_5.mat', '25_6.mat', '25_7.mat'}
character = test{1}(4);
If your string length is variable, you can use strfind to find the index of the character you want.
Assuming the numbers are non-negative integers after the _ sign: use a regular expression with lookbehind, and then convert from string to number:
numbers = cellfun(#(x) str2num(x{1}), regexp(A, '(?<=\_)\d+', 'match'));

Function to split string in matlab and return second number

I have a string and I need two characters to be returned.
I tried with strsplit but the delimiter must be a string and I don't have any delimiters in my string. Instead, I always want to get the second number in my string. The number is always 2 digits.
Example: 001a02.jpg I use the fileparts function to delete the extension of the image (jpg), so I get this string: 001a02
The expected return value is 02
Another example: 001A43a . Return values: 43
Another one: 002A12. Return values: 12
All the filenames are in a matrix 1002x1. Maybe I can use textscan but in the second example, it gives "43a" as a result.
(Just so this question doesn't remain unanswered, here's a possible approach: )
One way to go about this uses splitting with regular expressions (MATLAB's strsplit which you mentioned):
str = '001a02.jpg';
C = strsplit(str,'[a-zA-Z.]','DelimiterType','RegularExpression');
Results in:
C =
'001' '02' ''
In older versions of MATLAB, before strsplit was introduced, similar functionality was achieved using regexp(...,'split').
If you want to learn more about regular expressions (abbreviated as "regex" or "regexp"), there are many online resources (JGI..)
In your case, if you only need to take the 5th and 6th characters from the string you could use:
D = str(5:6);
... and if you want to convert those into numbers you could use:
E = str2double(str(5:6));
If your number is always at a certain position in the string, you can simply index this position.
In the examples you gave, the number is always the 5th and 6th characters in the string.
filename = '002A12';
num = str2num(filename(5:6));
Otherwise, if the formating is more complex, you may want to use a regular expression. There is a similar question matlab - extracting numbers from (odd) string. Modifying the code found there you can do the following
all_num = regexp(filename, '\d+', 'match'); %Find all numbers in the filename
num = str2num(all_num{2}) %Convert second number from str