SSRS nested IIF/CStr explanation - tsql

Could someone let me know if the IIF statement below means output any value that starts with a 4 please?
=IIF(LEFT(CStr(Fields!CLOCK_NUMBER.Value),1)="4",Fields!JOB_NO.Value, "")

The short answer is yes.
Starting from the middle and working outwards this expression is doing the following..
Get the value of the field CLOCK_NUMBER
Convert this to a string (the CSTR function)
Take the 1st character (LEFT function with 1 as the seconds parameter)
If the equals "4" return the Value that is in JOB_NO
Otherwise return an empty string
If this is not working for some reason, try converting the job_no to a string before returning, that way you ensure you always return a string (in case JOB_NO is numeric). You can simply wrap the job_no in a CSTR like this CSTR(Fields!JOB_NO.Value)

Translates to..."try to" convert the field CLOCK_NUMBERS's native value to a string and take the LEFT(1) most significant digit(s) and if that value is "4" then return the JOB_NO Fields's value. else return empty string.
So, it is, if the first digit is 4 then return JOB_NO.


Issue with conversion from string to double

I am not able to convert my string to double.I am getting below error
conversion from string to double is not valid
I have tried below approach but all are giving me same error. I am using Assign activity in uipath with intvalue defined as double and row.Item("TaxResult") retrieves the value from excel
intval = Val(row.Item("Tax Result").ToString.Trim)
intVal = Double.Parse(row.Item("Tax Result").ToString.Trim , double)
intVal = cDbl(row.Item("Tax Result").ToString.Trim)
Out of the above three first one is returning to me 0 value while the below two is giving me an error
"conversion from string to double is not valid"
Tax Result column in excel stores the value like (5.2, 19.8, 98.87). I want to sum all these value as part of my requirement
First, you don't need the .Item after row, it should just be row("Tax Result")
Ideally you should use a Double.TryParse() to try and avoid any exceptions if it cant convert to Double.
This can be achieved using an If Statement as seen below, if the Try Parse is successful the string can be converted using Double.Parse(row("Tax Result").ToString.Trim) and on failure I have assigned intval to 0 but you could put handling here to handle if it can't convert the number

Convert Character to Integer in Swift

I am creating an iPhone app and I need to convert a single digit number into an integer.
My code has a variable called char that has a type Character, but I need to be able to do math with it, therefore I think I need to convert it to a string, however I cannot find a way to do that.
In the latest Swift versions (at least in Swift 5) there is a more straighforward way of converting Character instances. Character has property wholeNumberValue which tries to convert a character to Int and returns nil if the character does not represent and integer.
let char: Character = "5"
if let intValue = char.wholeNumberValue {
print("Value is \(intValue)")
} else {
print("Not an integer")
With a Character you can create a String. And with a String you can create an Int.
let char: Character = "1"
if let number = Int(String(char)) {
// use number
The String middleman type conversion isn’t necessary if you use the unicodeScalars property of Swift 4.0’s Character type.
let myChar: Character = "3"
myChar.unicodeScalars.first!.value - Unicode.Scalar("0")!.value // 3: UInt32
This uses a trick commonly seen in C code of subtracting the value of the char ’0’ literal to convert from ascii values to decimal values. See this site for the conversions:
Also there are some implicit unwraps in my answer. To avoid those, you can validate that you have a decimal digit with CharacterSet.decimalDigits, and/or use guard lets around the first property. You can also subtract 48 directly rather than converting ”0” through Unicode.Scalar.

String to Integer (atoi) [Leetcode] gave wrong answer?

String to Integer (atoi)
This problem is implement atoi to convert a string to an integer.
When test input = " +0 123"
My code return = 123
But why expected answer = 0?
And if test input = " +0123"
My code return = 123
Now expected answer = 123
So is that answer wrong?
I think this is expected result as it said
Requirements for atoi:
The function first discards as many whitespace characters as necessary until the first non-whitespace character is found. Then, starting from this character, takes an optional initial plus or minus sign followed by as many numerical digits as possible, and interprets them as a numerical value.
Your first test case has a space in between two different digit groups, and atoi only consider the first group which is '0' and convert into integer

How to check if value in field is decimal and not string (DATASTAGE)?

How to check if value in field is decimal and not string (DATASTAGE) ?
I am using with Datastage Version 8.
Try using IsValid() with the 'decimal' sub-type on the incoming string.
If IsValid("decimal" , in.value_string ) Then in.value_tring Else SetNull()
You can use Alpha & num function inside transformer which gives you whether the given value contains only alphabets.
If alpha(column) is 1 then its purely alphabetical.
Else check if Num(column) is 1, if this true then it is purely a number.
Reference to official doc-

How to split string with trailing empty strings in result?

I am a bit confused about Scala string split behaviour as it does not work consistently and some list elements are missing. For example, if I have a CSV string with 4 columns and 1 missing element.
"elem1, elem2,,elem 4".split(",") = List("elem1", "elem2", "", "elem4")
Great! That's what I would expect.
On the other hand, if both element 3 and 4 are missing then:
"elem1, elem2,,".split(",") = List("elem1", "elem2")
Whereas I would expect it to return
"elem1, elem2,,".split(",") = List("elem1", "elem2", "", "")
Am I missing something?
As Peter mentioned in his answer, "string".split(), in both Java and Scala, does not return trailing empty strings by default.
You can, however, specify for it to return trailing empty strings by passing in a second parameter, like this:
String s = "elem1,elem2,,";
String[] tokens = s.split(",", -1);
And that will get you the expected result.
You can find the related Java doc here.
I believe that trailing empty spaces are not included in a return value.
JavaDoc for split(String regex) says: "This method works as if by invoking the two-argument split method with the given expression and a limit argument of zero. Trailing empty strings are therefore not included in the resulting array."
So in your case split(String regex, int limit) should be used in order to get trailing empty string in a return value.