Autorest code customization does not work - code-generation

What i am doing wrong, when code customization does not work?
require: $(this-folder)/../
input-file: $(this-folder)/../../swagger/TaxManagementAPI/swagger.yaml
output-folder: ./Generated
csharp: true
namespace: TaxManagement.RestClient
using Azure.Core;
namespace TaxManagement.RestClient.Models
public partial class MessageBaseTest { }
Then i run
autorest --use:#autorest/csharp#3.0.0-beta.20210210.4 .\
and nothing has changed in Generated/MessageBase.cs.
I also tried it in sample repo. However, the result was the same.


How to use an mvvmcross plugin such as the file plugin

I'm using mvvmcross version 6.4.1 to develop an app for IOS, Android, and WPF.
I've searched all over for my to use plugins. There seems to be no code examples. The documentation said to install the nuget in both my core and ui application projects. Which I did. Is there any special IOC registration/setup/or loading that needs to be done before I can use the plugin and how do I go about using the plugin? Do they get injected in the constructor or Do I have to manually pull them from the IOC container or new () them up.
I've installed nuget for the File plugin into my WPF UI and Core project. I added the IMvxFileStore to one of my core project's service constructor thinking it automagically gets added to the DI container, but it doesn't seem to get injected.
namespace My.Core.Project.Services
public class SomeService : ISomeService
private IMvxFileStore mvxFileStore;
public SomeService(IMvxFileStore mvxFileStore)
this.mvxFileStore = mvxFileStore;
public string SomeMethod(string somePath)
mvxFileStore.TryReadTextFile(somePath, out string content);
return content;
using MvvmCross.Core;
using MvvmCross.Platforms.Wpf.Views;
public partial class App : MvxApplicatin
protected override void RegisterSetup()
using MvvmCross;
using MvvmCross.ViewModels;
using My.Core.Project.Services;
public class App: MvxApplication
public override void Initialize()
Mvx.IocProvider.RegisterType<ISomeService, SomeService>();
using MvvmCross.Exceptions;
using MvvmCross.Navigation;
using MvvmCross.ViewModels;
using My.Core.Project.ViewModels;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class AppStart : MvxAppStart
public AppStart(IMvxApplication application, IMvxNavigationService navigationService) : base(application, navigationService)
public override Task NavigateToFirstViewModel(object hint = null)
try {
return NavigationService.Navigate<FirstPageViewModel>();
} catch {
throw e.MvxWrap("Some error message {0}", typeof(FirstPageViewModel).Name);
Setup.cs in WPF project
using MvvmCross;
using MvvmCross.Base;
using MvvmCross.Platforms.Wpf.Core;
using MvvmCross.Plugin.File;
using MvvmCross.Plugin.Json;
using MvvmCross.ViewModels;
using My.Wpf.Project.Services;
public class Setup<T> : MvxWpfSetup
public Setup() : base() {}
protected override IMvxApplication CreateApp()
return new Core.App();
protected override void InitializeFirstChange()
Mvx.IocProvider.RegisterType<ISomeWpfSpecificService>(() => new SomeWpfSpecificService());
protected override void InitializeLastChange()
I'm expecting my service to load but instead, I get the error message
MvxIoCResolveException: Failed to resolve parameter for parameter mvxJsonConverter of type IMvxJsonConverter
NOTE: I get the same error message for both File and Json plugin, The plugin that gets listed first in the constructor gets the error message when the app trys to load.
Am I properly using or loading the plugin?
UPDATE: I manually registered the Plugins in the UI Setup.cs and it is working but I am not sure if this is the proper way to do it.
WPF UI project Setup.cs
using MvvmCross;
using MvvmCross.Base;
using MvvmCross.Platforms.Wpf.Core;
using MvvmCross.Plugin.File;
using MvvmCross.Plugin.Json;
using MvvmCross.ViewModels;
using My.Wpf.Project.Services;
public class Setup<T> : MvxWpfSetup
public Setup() : base() {}
protected override IMvxApplication CreateApp()
return new Core.App();
protected override void InitializeFirstChange()
Mvx.IocProvider.RegisterType<ISomeWpfSpecificService>(() => new SomeWpfSpecificService());
Mvx.IoCProvider.RegisterType<IMvxFileStore, MvxFileStoreBase>();
Mvx.IoCProvider.RegisterType<IMvxJsonConverter, MvxJsonConverter>();
protected override void InitializeLastChange()
Yes you are using the plugin properly and I think that for now your solution to manually register your plugin is viable.
The root of the problem is located in the MvxSetup class. This class contains the method LoadPlugins which is responsible for loading the MvvmCross plugins which are referenced by your UI project. This is how LoadPlugins determines what plugins to load:
Get all assemblies that have been loaded into the execution context of the application domain.
Find types within these assemblies which contain the MvxPluginAttribute.
Now the problem occurs in step 1. In a .NET framework project, by default, your referenced assemblies won't be loaded into the execution context until you actually use them in your code. So if you don't use something from your MvvmCross.Plugin.File reference in your UI project it won't be loaded into your execution context and it won't be found in step 1 and thus it won't be registered by LoadPlugins. (good read: when does a .NET assembly Dependency get loaded)
One way I have tested this is by doing this:
protected override void InitializeFirstChance()
// Because a type of the MvvmCross.Plugin.File.Platforms.Wpf reference is
// used here the assembly will now get loaded in the execution context
var throwaway = typeof(Plugin);
With the above code you don't have to manually register the Plugin.
There has been a pull request to fix this in the MvvmCross framework but this has been reverted later since it caused problems on other platforms.
In other platforms the plugin assemblies will get loaded into the execution context without any tricks so I would say updating the MvvmCross documentation stating you have to register your plugin manually for WPF would be useful for other developers in the future.

How can I make a symfony 4 command to be registered only in dev environment and disabled in prod?

In my App I have a helper class App\Command\GenerateFixturesCommand that provides a command named my-nice-project:generate-fixtures.
This command consumes a service of my own project named App\Services\CatalogFixtureGenerator that generates 1000 random PDF documents for testing while developing the app.
To do so, this service uses the joshtronic\LoremIpsum class which is required in composer only in dev. LoremIpsum is a third-party library. I require it under composer's require-dev.
So the injection is:
I run my GenerateFixturesCommand.
Before that, the system transparently locates my CatalogFixtureGenerator and to inject it into the command.
Before that, the system transparently locates the LoremIpsum third party service to inject it into my fixture generator service.
All is autowired.
When I deploy to prod and do composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader of course the LoremIpsum class is not installed.
But when I clear the cache with APP_ENV=prod php bin/console cache:clear the framework finds the command and cannot inject the autowired dependencies.
[WARNING] Some commands could not be registered:
In CatalogsFixtureGenerator.php line 26:
Class 'joshtronic\LoremIpsum' not found
This my-nice-project:generate-fixtures command is never going to be used in the production server.
How can I "disable" the command in prod?
I mean: How can I tell the framework that the class GenerateFixturesCommand should not be loaded nor its autowired dependencies, and neither of them should be autowired in prod?
Use the isEnabled() method in Command.
For example
public function isEnabled(): bool
// disable on prod
if ($this->appKernel->getEnvironment() === 'prod') {
return false;
return true;
In my last project, I need some commands to work only in dev environment. You use getenv function to achieve this:
# src/Command/SomeCommand.php
public function __construct()
if (getenv("APP_ENV") !== "dev") {
exit('This command should work only "dev" environment.');
This will do the trick.
Code fun :)
The solution #gusDeCooL suggests doesn't work with lazy-loaded commands (at least not for me).
I ended up implementing the isEnabled() method anyway, but then I added a guard in execute():
namespace App\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
name: 'command:name',
description: 'Some description',
class CommandName extends Command
public function isEnabled(): bool
return 'dev' === getenv('APP_ENV');
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
if (!$this->isEnabled()) {
$io->error('This command is only available in `dev` environment.');
// the rest

Using my own service with Laravel4

In my app, I was testing Google Directions API with ajax, but since I was just testing all the logic was in the routes.php file. Now I want to do things the proper way and have three layers: route, controller and service.
So in the routes I tell Laravel which method should be executed:
Route::get('/search', 'DirectionsAPIController#search');
And the method just returns what the service is supposed to return:
class DirectionsAPIController extends BaseController {
public function search() {
$directionsSearchService = new DirectionsSearchService();
return $directionsSearchService->search(Input::all());
I created the service in app/libraries/Services/Directions and called it DirectionsSearchService.php and copied all the logic I developed in routes:
class DirectionsSearchService {
public function search($input = array()) {
$origin = $input['origin'];
$destination = $input['destination'];
$mode = $input['mode'];
// do stuf...
return $data;
I read the docs and some place else (and this too) and did what I was supposed to do to register a service:
class DirectionsAPIController extends BaseController {
public function search() {
$directionsSearchService = new DirectionsSearchService();
return $directionsSearchService->search(Input::all());
// app/libraries/Services/Directions/DirectionsSearchService.php
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class DirectionsSearchService extends ServiceProvider {
I also tried adding libraries\Services\Directions\DirectionsSearchService to the providers array in app/config/app.php.
However, I am getting this error:
HP Fatal error: Class
'libraries\Services\Directions\DirectionsSearchService' not found in
/home/user/www/my-app-laravel/bootstrap/compiled.php on line 549
What am I doing wrong? And what is the usual way to use your own services? I don't want to place all the logic in the controller...
2 main things that you are missing:
There is a difference between a ServiceProvider and your class. A service provider in Laravel tells Laravel where to go look for the service, but it does not contain the service logic itself. So DirectionsSearchService should not be both, imho.
You need to register your classes with composer.json so that autoloader knows that your class exists.
To keep it simple I'll go with Laravel IoC's automatic resolution and not using a service provider for now.
namespace Services\Directions;
class DirectionsSearchService
public function search($input = array())
// Your search logic
You might notice that DirectionsSearchService does not extend anything. Your service becomes very loosely coupled.
And in your DirectionsAPIController.php you do:
class DirectionsAPIController extends BaseController
protected $directionsSearchService;
public function __construct(Services\Directions\DirectionsSearchService $directionsSearchService)
$this->directionsSearchService = $directionsSearchService;
public function search()
return $this->directionsSearchService->search(Input::all());
With the code above, when Laravel tries to __construct() your controller, it will look for Services\Directions\DirectionsSearchService and injects into the controller for you automatically. In the constructor, we simply need to set it to an instance variable so your search() can use it when needed.
The second thing that you are missing is to register your classes with composer's autoload. Do this by adding to composer.json's autoload section:
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
... // Laravel's default classmap autoloads
"psr-4": {
"Services\\": "app/libraries/Services"
And do a composer dump-autoload after making changes to composer.json. And your code should be working again.
The suggestion above can also be better with a service provider and coding to the interface. It would make it easier to control what to inject into your controller, and hence easier to create and inject in a mock for testing.
It involves quite a few more steps so I won't mention that here, but you can read more in Exploring Laravel’s IoC container and Laravel 4 Controller Testing.

How can I use ember-simple-auth with ember-cli?

I'm trying to adapt the instructions on for an app build using v0.0.28 of ember-cli. I am fairly new to ember-cli and use of AMD modules.
Can anyone help with the proper way/place to import ember-simple-auth rather than the global namespace as covered in the README?
The following initializer
import SimpleAuth from 'vendor/ember-simple-auth/amd/ember-simple-auth';
export default {
name: 'authentication',
initialize: function(container, application) {
SimpleAuth.setup(container, application);
Is compiled to
function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
"use strict";
var SimpleAuth = __dependency1__["default"];
__exports__["default"] = {
name: 'authentication',
initialize: function(container, application) {
SimpleAuth.setup(container, application);
});//# sourceURL=myapp/initializers/ember-simple-auth.js
And __dependency1__ is undefined.
Please see the installation instructions for ember-cli in the README: - unfortunately it's not yet possible to import individual parts of Ember.SimpleAuth though.

NUnit my extension doesn't load

I wrote an extension for NUnit 2.6.2.
I install a listener like
namespace NUnit.EventExtension
[NUnitAddin(Type = ExtensionType.Core)]
public class NUnitExtension : IAddin
public bool Install(IExtensionHost host)
IExtensionPoint listeners = host.GetExtensionPoint("EventListeners");
listeners.Install(new AttrHooksEventListener());
return true;
The AttrHooksEventListener is a simple class when I output some text to the console.
The project is builded success. I copy my dll file to bin\addins path. But my extension isn't showed in list of extensions and doesn't work.
PS I tried to use some other sample extensions, anyone from them doesn't work.
I found a solution.
I olny changed the target .NET framework version from v4.0 to v3.5.