How can I use ember-simple-auth with ember-cli? - ember-cli

I'm trying to adapt the instructions on for an app build using v0.0.28 of ember-cli. I am fairly new to ember-cli and use of AMD modules.
Can anyone help with the proper way/place to import ember-simple-auth rather than the global namespace as covered in the README?
The following initializer
import SimpleAuth from 'vendor/ember-simple-auth/amd/ember-simple-auth';
export default {
name: 'authentication',
initialize: function(container, application) {
SimpleAuth.setup(container, application);
Is compiled to
function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
"use strict";
var SimpleAuth = __dependency1__["default"];
__exports__["default"] = {
name: 'authentication',
initialize: function(container, application) {
SimpleAuth.setup(container, application);
});//# sourceURL=myapp/initializers/ember-simple-auth.js
And __dependency1__ is undefined.

Please see the installation instructions for ember-cli in the README: - unfortunately it's not yet possible to import individual parts of Ember.SimpleAuth though.


Magento 2 JS libraries sometimes don't load

We are currently running a Magento 2.2.6 instance. Sometimes the product gallery breaks with a JS error:
Uncaught TypeError: settings.$elementF.fotorama is not a function
This also happens to other js libraries on the homepage and catalog page. Sometimes we get an error
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).CustomMenu is not a function
IF you hard-refresh/clear your browser cache it works and all the errors disappear for that page, but if you browse the site it will throw the errors again after visiting a few pages.
I have already tried re-deploying the static assets, turning on and off static signing, disabling all extension, disabling all backend caches and changing my requirejs-config.js file to depend and shim jquery
var config = {
deps: ['jquery'],
map: {
'*' : {
'hello' : 'js/custom'
'fotorama/fotorama': {
deps: ['jquery']
This issue has been posted various times before, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately, the dependencies array is not guaranteed to load in order.
You can use a shim within requireJS that will let you define dependencies between libraries and export global variables that can be used with other libraries.
Essentially within the shim, you can use the deps property to define libraries that should be loaded before using the included library.
What you have now is close, but it's not within a shim
Try this:
var config = {
deps: ['jquery'],
map: {
'*' : {
'hello' : 'js/custom'
shim: {
// export the variable
jquery: {
exports: '$'
// fotorama depends on jquery
'fotorama/fotorama': {
deps: ['jquery']

How can I make a symfony 4 command to be registered only in dev environment and disabled in prod?

In my App I have a helper class App\Command\GenerateFixturesCommand that provides a command named my-nice-project:generate-fixtures.
This command consumes a service of my own project named App\Services\CatalogFixtureGenerator that generates 1000 random PDF documents for testing while developing the app.
To do so, this service uses the joshtronic\LoremIpsum class which is required in composer only in dev. LoremIpsum is a third-party library. I require it under composer's require-dev.
So the injection is:
I run my GenerateFixturesCommand.
Before that, the system transparently locates my CatalogFixtureGenerator and to inject it into the command.
Before that, the system transparently locates the LoremIpsum third party service to inject it into my fixture generator service.
All is autowired.
When I deploy to prod and do composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader of course the LoremIpsum class is not installed.
But when I clear the cache with APP_ENV=prod php bin/console cache:clear the framework finds the command and cannot inject the autowired dependencies.
[WARNING] Some commands could not be registered:
In CatalogsFixtureGenerator.php line 26:
Class 'joshtronic\LoremIpsum' not found
This my-nice-project:generate-fixtures command is never going to be used in the production server.
How can I "disable" the command in prod?
I mean: How can I tell the framework that the class GenerateFixturesCommand should not be loaded nor its autowired dependencies, and neither of them should be autowired in prod?
Use the isEnabled() method in Command.
For example
public function isEnabled(): bool
// disable on prod
if ($this->appKernel->getEnvironment() === 'prod') {
return false;
return true;
In my last project, I need some commands to work only in dev environment. You use getenv function to achieve this:
# src/Command/SomeCommand.php
public function __construct()
if (getenv("APP_ENV") !== "dev") {
exit('This command should work only "dev" environment.');
This will do the trick.
Code fun :)
The solution #gusDeCooL suggests doesn't work with lazy-loaded commands (at least not for me).
I ended up implementing the isEnabled() method anyway, but then I added a guard in execute():
namespace App\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
name: 'command:name',
description: 'Some description',
class CommandName extends Command
public function isEnabled(): bool
return 'dev' === getenv('APP_ENV');
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
if (!$this->isEnabled()) {
$io->error('This command is only available in `dev` environment.');
// the rest

Import 'cannot find module' when internal module has imports declared

I have this namespace
namespace Validation {
export function Func1() {
// code
export function Func2() {
// code
Which I can import in my app.ts:
import Validations = Validation;
But when I want to reference some modules in my Validation namespace
import {Request, Response} from 'express';
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var express = require('express');
import {Config} from './../config';
namespace Validation {
export function Func1() {
// code
export function Func2() {
// code
So then import Validations = Validation; in my app.ts giving me an error cannot find namespace Validation.
Why it is happened? Any thoughts how to fix?
UPDATE 1 : In case if I put imports after namespace I am getting an error Import declaration in a namespace cannot import a module:
namespace Validation {
import {Request, Response} from 'express'; //Error: Import declaration in a namespace cannot import a module
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var express = require('express');
import {Config} from './../config'; //Error: Import declaration in a namespace cannot import a module
export function Func1() {
// code
export function Func2() {
// code
my config.ts is just a simple class:
export class Config {
public static get Secret():string { return 'stuff'; }
public static get Database():string { return 'mongodb://'; }
And 'express' it is an npm package
I think I just fixed config by wrapping it in to namespace:
namespace Common {
export class Config { .. }
Also changed import statement from this import {Config} from './config'; to this: import Config = Common.Config; but haven't yet figure out how to fix 'express' thing
This happens because from the moment you put a top-level import or export statement into a file, that file is treated as an external module itself. If you are using internal modules (namespaces), I suggest importing inside namespaces, so that there are no top-level import or export statements.
namespace Validation {
import Request = ...;
import Response = ...;
export function Func1() {
// code
export function Func2() {
// code
The other approach would be to use external modules instead, but that requires a module loading system, which might be superfluous in many cases.
Right now, you are mixing internal and external modules, which is not recommended. Regarding complex structural cases like this, Typescript is still very far from being a mature language.
I assume that you have defined your validation functions in the separate (from app.ts) file. If this is the case then what you need to do is:
In your Validation.ts:
export function Func1() {
// code
export function Func2() {
// code
In your app.ts:
import * as Validation from './Validation';
Your problem is most likely in mixing together concepts of modules and namespaces in typescript. Have a look here: Namespaces and Modules, and be sure to look through Modules and Namespaces

(Actionscript 3/Facebook SDK) "Facebook not defined" Facebook.init() not working

When I call init() I get an error saying the class "Facebook" has not been declared. Every tutorial online has similar code and supposedly works so I'm guessing its a setting somewhere I haven't set because it does look like its getting imported.
My Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import com.facebook.graph.Facebook;
public class A_CLASS extends MovieClip {
protected var _appID:String = "164534125383085";
function A_CLASS():void {
Facebook.init(_appID, logIn);
function logIn(session:Object, fail:Object):void {
console.text = "Did Init()";
My Output:
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable com.facebook.graph::Facebook is not defined.
at ALPHA_CLASS()[C:\Users\DelphPC\Desktop\FlashProjects\A\]
at runtime::ContentPlayer/loadInitialContent()
at runtime::ContentPlayer/playRawContent()
at runtime::ContentPlayer/playContent()
at runtime::AppRunner/run()
at ADLAppEntry/run()
at global/runtime::ADLEntry()
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable com.facebook.graph::Facebook is not defined.
that means your program cannot see the reference class please check your Build Path SWC or ANE and build your project then retry

Grails: Integration testing the Mail Plugin

I'm trying to integration test a class that uses the Mail Plugin. When I run my test (grails test-app -integration EmailerIntegration) I get the error:
Could not locate mail body layouts/_email. Is it in a plugin? If so you must pass the plugin name in the [plugin] variable
Is there some initialization code I'm missing from the setUp method of my test case?
Here is the code for the test case:
package company
import grails.test.*
class EmailerIntegrationTests extends GrailsUnitTestCase {
protected void setUp() {
protected void tearDown() {
void testSomething() {
User owner = new User()
owner.displayName = "Bob" = ""
Emailer emailer = new Emailer()
Here is the code for the class being tested:
package company
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
class Emailer {
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
ApplicationContext ctx = (ApplicationContext)ApplicationHolder.getApplication().getMainContext();
def mailService = ctx.getBean("mailService");
def sendReadyEmail = { owner ->
mailService.sendMail {
subject "Ready to go"
body( view:"layouts/_email", model:[ownerInstance:owner])
After looking at the plugin author's own tests for the mail plugin at I realized that the paths in the values for the view parameter all begin with a '/'. I changed my method to
def sendReadyEmail = { owner ->
mailService.sendMail {
subject "Ready to go"
body( view:"/layouts/_email", model:[ownerInstance:owner])
And now it works in integration tests and normal program execution.
The body parameter in the sendMail(..) method is a map with the keys view, model, and plugin. A value for plugin is required, and points to some other, supporting, plugin, for instance, the name "email-confirmation" for that corresponding plugin.
Your error message is thrown in org.grails.mail.MailMessageBuilder.renderMailView(Object, Object, Object). You can find this class in your Grails project's plugin folder.
Unfortunately, I haven't found too much documentation on the Mail plugin. Thus, at the moment, I cannot easily tell about how to use the aforementioned supporting plugins. If you can't get forward, however, I might try to further investigate. Thanks