How can I execute scripts in a code created powershell shell that has Host.Ui.prompt commands in it? - powershell

I have a Powershell Commandlet which prompts a user from a secure string based on a condition. Now I want to automate the testing of this commandlet for which I use a Powershell Remote Runspace to Invoke the commandlet. Currently it fails with this error.
Write-Host : A command that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command type does not support user interaction. Try a host program that supports user interaction, such as the Windows PowerShell Console or Windows PowerShell ISE, and remove prompt-related commands from command types that do not support user interaction, such as Windows PowerShell workflows.
How can I automate this?

It sounds like you are running powershell via c#. You can't prompt the user for input from the powershell script. You either need to pre-provide the necessary info in the script, or prompt for the info from your application and then pass the info to the powershell script.
As ojk mentioned the easiest way to accomplish this would probably be to use a powershell function then pass the necessary parameters to it via the code.


Auto Answer Powershell Prompts from Scripts

I have written a powershell script which uses a third party Cmdlet (
The script is working fine on my local enviroment, but i need to apply it to an Azure Function to generate a daily execution (since it process data into a Azure SQL Database).
On its first line (see script below), i have establish the connection parameters where a prompt / pop-up window appears, which is easy to anwser when via user interaction from a local enviromnt (Powershell ISE)
However, when i try to run the script on the azure function the following error appears:
ERROR: A command that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command type does not support user interaction. The host was attempting to request confirmation with the following message: Would you like to install a license now? (You may use "TRIAL" as the Product Key to activate a trial license.)
I need to adapt the script in order to auto-anwser the prompt / pop-up window, or find another solution.
Powershell Script:
Import-Module OdooCmdlets
$odoo = Connect-Odoo -User 'xxxxx' -Password 'xxxx' -URL 'xxxxx' -Database "xxxx"
I've never used the cmdlets before but inspecting the help files: it appears there is an -RTK parameter available.
Is it possible you have a key which you can pass as part of the connection which would suppress the prompt?
Failing that, the developer docs have examples for Python which you could either translate to PowerShell and not use the Cdata Odoo module or just use python in your Azure Functions

Configure Windows logon script with PowerShell

I want to make a powershell script that creates another powershell script that is always executed at userlogin from windows.
The purpose is that I would like to change the number of files taken at each user login.
My question how can I put a script via powershell and tell windows to run this script every time a user logs in.
I would appreciate an answer because I am really desperate.

How to only allow certain PowerShell commands to be run on PowerShell?

We want to give an user access to the Skype Powershell module to check some Skype for Business setting, but we only want to allow him to run certain specific PowerShell command and block other non-specified commands. For example, if we only want the user to run PowerShell command " Get-CsOnlineUser", the user can only run that command and could not use any other commands. Is there a way to do that?

MSTSC Return value in Powershell/ RDP Automation

I would like to know the values which are returned by invoking mstsc.exe in PowerShell. I am writing a PowerShell script to automate RDP check. However, I am unable to identify the servers for which the RDP is failing? I have tried using try-catch and if-else, however it is not helping.

Run specific commands in PowerShell under different credentials?

I am trying to run a specific command line function in my PowerShell script. The catch is the command needs elevated permissions to be able to execute.
Here is a condensed example:
# PowerShell code...
# More PowerShell code
The query command needs to be run under elevated permissions.
I have tried the following:
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
query session /server:"SERVERNAME"
} -Credential get-credential
But this doesn't work because the -ComputerName parameter needs to be present when using a -Credential parameter. I want to be able to run this without using a remote server.
I know I can get around it by having the users start up PowerShell under their elevated account credentials, but I'd rather just prompt for credentials while the script runs and just run that single command under their administrator account credentials. Everything else the script does is fine under normal credentials.
There are some add-ins for PowerShell, but I actually found the simplest way was to:
Sysinternals in regular command line
With the PSexec process, you can pass IP address, usermame, and password
Fiddle with it to a point you're happy
Create a batch file to then run from PowerShell if that is the desired deploy to environment
When creating the method, have it consume parameters if you want the call out to be dynamic and consume different usernames/passwords/IP addresses to log into
If the exec will always run on "computerA" using "loginA" and "pwA" then there is obviously no need to parameterize
*Sysinternals cannot be used to outright hack a terminal. The user of a remote exec must first have the same Sysinternals tools installed to the system that is to accept remote executables, that tool must be opened once and given GUI-based approval to allow run on said system must be physically addressed.
Note: Any remote PSexec's using credentials will execute with the same level of permissions that the provided username/password is granted on that system.
Here is the link: (PsExec v2.2). Although I recommend going a level or two up and downloading the entire toolbox.