CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource - unreal-engine4

I am trying to build package in Unreal Engine for Windows 64 Bit but I am getting weird error.
LogPackageName: Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: '/SunPosition/SunSky' is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path does not start with a valid root. Path must begin with: '/Engine/', '/Game/', '/Paper2D/', '/AnimationSharing/', '/GeometryMode/', '/SpeedTreeImporter/', '/MagicLeap/', '/ChaosClothEditor/', '/ChaosNiagar
a/', '/ChaosSolverPlugin/', '/MagicLeapPassableWorld/', '/Niagara/', '/GeometryCollectionPlugin/', '/GeometryProcessing/', '/MotoSynth/', '/MediaCompositing/', '/PixelStreaming/', '/AudioSynesthesia/', '/PostSplashScreen/', '/Synthesis/', '/DatasmithContent/', '/OculusVR/', '/SteamVR/', '/PureWeb/', '/Config/', '/Script/', '/Extra/', '/Memory/', or '/Temp/'
I tried googling but the solution posted on UE forum didnt fix my issue. I am attaching log files here as well. Tried deleting blueprints, cache in AppData/Local/UnrealEngine, Intermediate Folder but nothing helps.


Relative Path (pathlib) name working on MAC OS but on Windows gives me a error

Currently I am working a project that has have been using the pathlib library so I can work on my Windows desktop when I need too and on my MacBook Pro. Essentially be able to work between both operating systems. I have not have any issues at all until right now. Here is the set up:
I have a pipeline set up to automatically save a .joblib and a whole lot of .png files that will go to a directory called
output_dir = Path('../Trained_Models/Differential_gene_analysis/A Kidney Cancer Transcriptome Molecular Signature Identifies Tumors with Tumor Thrombus/Models train on TCGA data and test on Rodriguez data/Oct-XX-20XX')
For example, if I want to save a .joblib file under the name RandomForest_TumorThrombus_104.joblib,I would use the command
joblib.dump(model ,output_dir / 'RandomForest_TumorThrombus_104.joblib')
On my MacBook Pro, I have no issues when this is ran, but on Windows it gives me the following error
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '..\\Trained_Models\\Differential_gene_analysis\\A Kidney Cancer Transcriptome Molecular Signature Identifies Tumors with Tumor Thrombus\\Models train on TCGA data and test on Rodriguez data\\Oct-17-2022\\RandomForest_TumorThrombus_104.joblib'
I have tried to use the .resolve() method to get the absolute path but still gives me the same error. I have tried to experiment to try to see what is goin on such as using os.path.exists(). When using the os.path.exists() method I get True for the follwoing command:
So it does indeed recognize that the directory exists. The next thing I tried was to rename the file to something like dddddd.joblib and that worked. But I find that only a few names for the file would allow me to save the files. During debug I found that the most recent Traceback occurs here:
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:```
I was wondering if anyone here had any idea what was going on here and how I can fix this issue? Please and Thank you.
The solution was to enable long paths on Windows.

info: Trying to load file 'OEMFMFileList.xml' as a FM file list ... fatal error : Error: Missing package - Creating basic IoT Core Image Powershell

I am just trying to create a basic IoT core image by following this guide.
But I am always getting the below errors, whenever I run buildimage <product name> Test after building the BSP (Import-IoTBSP RPi2 C:\Downloads\ (or) importbsp RPi2 C:\Downloads\
buildpkg RPi2)
info: Trying to load file 'C:\OEEWorkspace\Build\arm\InputFMs\OEMFMFileList.xml' as a FM file list ... fatal error : Error: Missing package: C:\OEEWorkspace\Build\arm\pkgs\
info: Trying to load file 'C:\OEEWorkspace\Build\arm\InputFMs\RPi2FMFileList.xml' as a FM file list ... fatal error : Error: Missing package:
I also followed this issue in GitHub, but couldn't find the exact issue. Have you ever faced any error something similar?
Huh!. It was a silly mistake. I didn't run the New-IoTCabPackage All (or) buildpkg all after building the BSP (Import-IoTBSP RPi2 C:\Downloads\ (or) importbsp RPi2 C:\Downloads\
buildpkg RPi2). Hence the cab files were not pushed into the Build\arm\pkgs folder.
After running the buildpkg all I am able to see all the required cab files in the pkgs folder, thus no error. You must do the commands in the below order.
PS C:\OEE>importbsp RPi2 "C:\Users\SibeeshVenu\Downloads\"
PS C:\OEE>buildpkg all
PS C:\OEE>newproduct OEEIoTCore RPi2
PS C:\OEE>buildimage OEEIoTCore Test
Once that is done, you should be able to see an output as below.

Cudafy chapter 3 example has path issue how to fix?

Using Cudafy version 1.29, which can be downloaded from here
I am executing the examples that are found in the install folder CudafyV1.29\CudafyByExample\
Specifically, "chapter 3" example that begins line 42 of program.cs calls the following:
which is this:
public static void Execute()
CudafyModule km = CudafyTranslator.Cudafy(); // <--exception thrown!
GPGPU gpu = CudafyHost.GetDevice(CudafyModes.Target, CudafyModes.DeviceId);
gpu.Launch().thekernel(); // or gpu.Launch(1, 1, "kernel");
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
The indicated line throws this exception:
Compilation error:
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. .
Which is immediately obvious that the path has spaces and the programmer did not double quote or use ~ to make it operational.
So, I did not write this code. And I cannot step through the sealed code contained within CudafyModule km = CudafyTranslator.Cudafy();In fact I don't even know the full path that is causing the exception, it is cut-off in the exception message.
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to fix this issue?
Update #1: I discovered where lives on my computer, here it is:
C:\Users\humphrt\Desktop\Active Projects\Visual Studio
...I'm still trying to determine what the program is looking for along the path to 'C:\Program~'.
I was able to apply a workaround to bypass this issue. The workaround is to reinstall all components of cudafy in to folders with paths with no ' ' (spaces). My setup looks like the below screenshot. Notice that I also installed the CUDA TOOLKIT from NVIDIA in the same folder - also with no spaces in folder names.
I created a folder named "C:\CUDA" and installed all components within it, here is the folder structure:

capistrano upload! thinks ~ referenced local directory is on remote server

So every example I've looked up indicates this is how one is supposed to do it but I think I may have found a bug unless there's another way to do this.
I'm using upload! to upload assets to a remote list of servers. The task looks like this:
desc "Upload grunt compiled css/js."
task :upload_assets do
on roles(:all) do
%w{/htdocs/css /htdocs/js}.each do |asset|
upload! "#{fetch(:local_path) + asset}", "#{release_path.to_s + '/' + asset}", recursive: true
If local_path is defined as an absolute path such as:
set :local_path:, '/home/dcmbrown/projects/ABC'
This works fine. However if I do the following:
set :local_path:, '~/projects/ABC'
I end up getting the error:
The deploy has failed with an error: Exception while executing on No such file or directory - ~/projects/ABC/htdocs/css
It's not a ' vs " issue as I've tried both (and I didn't think capistrano paid attention to that anyway).
Is this a bug? Is there a work around? Am I just doing it wrong?
I ended up discovering the best way to do this is to actually use path expansion! (headsmack)
irb> File.expand_path('~dcmbrown/projects/ABC')
=> "/home/dcmbrown/projects/ABC"
Of course what I'd like is to do automatic path expansion but you can't have everything. I think I was mostly dumbstruck that it didn't automatically; so much so I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out why it didn't work and ended up wasting time asking here. :(
I don't think the error is coming from the remote server, it just looks like it since it's running that upload command in the context of a deploy.
I just created a single cap task to just do an upload using the "~" character and it also fails with
cap aborted!
SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception while executing as deploy#XXX: No such file or directory # rb_file_s_stat - ~/Projects/testapp/public/404.html
It appears to be a Ruby issue not Capistrano as this also fails in a Ruby console
~/Projects/testapp $ irb
2.2.2 :003 > File.stat('~/Projects/testapp/public/404.html')
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory # rb_file_s_stat - ~/Projects/testapp/public/404.html
from (irb):3:in `stat'
from (irb):3
from /Users/supairish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.2/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'

Model Error: It appears that build process was unable to locate some Utility(e.g. make,compiler,linker, etc.)

I am new to S-Functions and Real TIme WorkShop. The S-Function has been created using an Embedded Matlab Function. The S-Function Works fine, but when i try to build the same, i get the following error report:
It appears that the build process was unable to locate some utility (e.g. make, compiler, linker, etc.). Please verify your path and tool environment variables are correct. You should be able to execute the make command: .\Radius_S_func2.bat at an MS DOS Command Prompt in the directory: C:\Users\skaushik\Desktop\Matlab Models\WIP\TESTs\Sfunc_2\Radius_S_func2_Source Currently, this generates the following error:
C:\Users\skaushik\Desktop\Matlab Models\WIP\TESTs\Sfunc_2\Radius_S_func2_Source>set MATLAB=C:\MATLAB\R2010b
PLease guide me how to understand the error, so i can take care of it myself.
Thank you!!
Solution: The build target was not specified therefore matlab gave the above mentioned error. To resolve this one should specify the build environment for a specific target.